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I play UT2k4 and Half-Life2 Deathmatch sometimes... I like other types of games though too.... Starcraft/Broodwar, Empire Earth, Rome - Total War, Desert Combat and DCX(BF1942)... stuff like that

As far as World of Warcraft, I plan on getting that one.... But keeping in mind how I am about games, I know that if I buy it I won't ever get anything done because I will be playing, so I've opted not to get it yet. I've literally lost 2 friends to that game, haven't heard from either one of them in like a month and a half. They try to pressure me into getting it all the time (the ONLY time I hear from them)...

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I am currently in the Rainbow Six 3 mode.. That is one kick ass game on line!  I thought I saw some one else with RS listed.. pm me if you want to play..

i got rainbow six 3 But it is on XBOX (modded). cant play xbox live with modded xbox. but the good thing is i only rent new games ($5.00 each) and save them to my xbox (200 GB)

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Yup my friend does the same with his PS2 :haha:

I was thinking of doing it,but I also like playing online,so never did :lol:

i got ps2 also (not modded). i got medal of honor, burnout 3 , need for speed 2, mortal kombat, mvp 04,, madden 05. those i played online(for ps2) i've been playing burnout 3 (favorite racing game),

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XLink Kai is a global gaming network - bringing together XBox, Playstation 2,  Gamecube and PSP users, in one integrated community. It is software running on your PC or Macintosh that allows you to play system-link enabled games online for free. Kai is the only service that is not console specific, and boasts one of the friendliest communites available.

LAN Party (online play)  http://www.teamxlink.co.uk/

i just download the sofware its pretty tight. now i gotta get me grand turismo 4 for ps2to play online (LAN)  and i can also  play online with my modded xbox  :D

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