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I recently talked to CA3LE about setting up a official IRC room for TMN. He agreed it would be a good idea so I have went ahead and started setting it up. IRC is old school chat but still used by a huge amount of people. It is a great way to hangout and talk in real time and very easy to idle in. I have many fun things planned for the channel such as some games, quotes system, F@H tracking, poker, and more just take a little time to get it going.

How can I join?

For those of you that know IRC the information is:

Server: irc.dal.net

Channel: #TMN

There are many different options but for now I am going to list just 2 of the easiest and most popular, mIRC and Mibbit.


By far the better choice of the two. You can download it here http://www.mirc.com/ Install it and open it and you will be greeted with a screen something like this:


Now you need to choose/add the server you want to connect to. In this case it is irc.dal.net So click "server" and choose Dalnet than Random Server (it will automatically connect you to the server closest to you) than click "select. Now where it says nickname enter your desired nickname and hit "connect".

A window will come up asking you which channel you will join. Enter #TMN and enter. You will now be in TMN IRC channel :thumbsup:

If you plan on spending some time with us on IRC you should register your nickname so it is reserved for you it is also required to get +v on the channel. To register your nickname type /nickserv register <password> <e-mail> and follow the instructions. Than whenever you connect you will need to identify with nickserv so it knows you are the owner of the name. To identify yourself with nickserv type /nickserv identify <password>


As far as I know everything above works in Mibbit or at least it should as the protocol is the same. You can get Mibbit here http://mibbit.com/ If you use Firefox mibbit already comes bundled with it.

Auto Join: If you have mIRC installed or are using firefox you can click this link http://irc://irc.dal.net/tmn and it will connect you to #TMN automatically.

I just picked up a shell for the eggdrop bot (TMN) and got it running and I will slowly start adding tcl scripts to add to the channel. For now feel free to join us and lol at me breaking stuff! I plan to get a bit more in depth on this guide soon and cover basic commands as well as how to use our local bot TMN.

Using TMN (The Bot)

Unlike many TMN does not mind feeling used. As I add modules and scripts to him I will post here about each one and how to use it.


This module records and stores all types of user and channel stats on a internal database. The fact that this is a module and compiled into the bot itself makes it much faster than a .tcl script. Here is a list of commands you can use with this mod.

Public commands:


!top10 [ordering]

lists the top10 users in the channel

!top20 [ordering]

same as !top10, but lists the top20 (surprise!)

!stat [user]

shows the statistics for the user

!place [user/ordering]

shows on which place the user is


same as above, but only uses the statistics of today

!wordstats [user]

lists the most used words of the user


lists the most used words in the channel

!top10 word <word>

lists the top10 people who used <word>

Msg commands:


All public commands are also accessible via /msg.

("/msg <TMN> top10 #chan", for example)



Public commands:


!seen <nick>

I think this command doesn't need an explanation. ^_^

!seen <mask>

Searches the database for entries that match <mask>

for example "!seen *!user@dialin-*.isp.com"

!seennick <nick>

!seen also checks if a user was online later with a

different nick. !seennick only seens for <nick>


just a little report on how many nicks are tracked

All commands are also accessible via /msg.

("/msg <TMN> seen <nick>", for example)

Google Script

Public Commands




Quotes System (For now only admins can add quotes)

!quote <number>





More to come soon!

Hope some of you will come hangout :evil:


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windows XP! :P that's still around? i joined i'll be here and there sorry if i don't respond right away

Can't teach a old dog new tricks :P I tried 7 and Vista don't like either. Actually I prefer Linux but I always keep a XP box for convenience :tard: Welcome to the channel btw :thumbsup:

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Can't teach a old dog new tricks :P I tried 7 and Vista don't like either. Actually I prefer Linux but I always keep a XP box for convenience :tard: Welcome to the channel btw :thumbsup:

only reason i use 7 is because i want to be able to use more then 3.2GB of ram and i don't use linux as my daily driver because it's a lot harder to game on linux

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why is it that mirc is asking me to register...i used to have it and after 30 days it would tell me i need to register but i could click continue without registration. i read up somewhere that you have to register it now after the 30 day period. is that true? either way i have mibbit running so it isnt that crucial. just curious.

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With this server you can register your name permanently. Things have changed a little bit since I have used IRC as well.

The command for registering your nick is as follows:

/nickserv register password email address
User gets back a notice from NickServ with the question.
/nickserv register password email address answer 
/nickserv register PeanuttyButteryPass12 [email protected]
-NickServ- Before you can register the nick PeanutButterLover, you need to answer this question: -NickServ- Mark's name is? -NickServ- To answer, type: /msg [email protected] REGISTER PeanuttyButteryPass12 [email protected] answer_here -NickServ- For more information, please visit http://www.dal.net/kb/view.php?kb=188 or join the DALnet Official Help Channel #DALnetHelp, #IRCHelp and #Help
/nickserv register PeanuttyButteryPass12 [email protected] Mark


Iv'e registered with success using these instructions. Just check your VALID email soon after you register , it expires within three hours if not acted upon.

I believe this is a permanent register on this server. May be different on this server ,none the less i believe you must use your nick, after 30 days it goes dormant, but you can still reclaim it. I'll have a poke around and see if i cannot find the info.

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why is it that mirc is asking me to register...i used to have it and after 30 days it would tell me i need to register but i could click continue without registration. i read up somewhere that you have to register it now after the 30 day period. is that true? either way i have mibbit running so it isnt that crucial. just curious.

You don't need to register mIRC they just made it seem like you need to. Mine is 600 days past and works fine they have made the continue button so it stays greyed out longer. If you wait a little the button will become active and you can continue. Occasionally it will not let you but this is rare and you just need to restart mIRC and it will let you continue.

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Once you get connected to irc.dal.net , before trying to get into any rooms , type the following ( with your new password and the email you wish to use, and do NOT pay anything ! There are free clients out there all over the place. I do not know how the server itself is being handled at this time.

/nickserv register password email address

and you should get a verification message from the server , then an email

I can register a new nick w/ shots if needed

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Download and install http://www.silverex.org/download/

Select DALnet as the network


Select testmy.net channel #TMN


Register your nickname , placing your new password and email


Verify yourself by text captcha


Go check your email for the verification code and follow the instructions ( I have not received the verification email as of yet, I will update w/ screenshot when i do ). After the verification process , it is all but completed. I will update post when I get the email.

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