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And this is why ubuntu was created, well for a couple reasons, none the less, having a clear and concise interface, ease of use and usability, so that people stuck on a windows machine had the chance to use their computer , without being tied to microsoft, and in fear of using something called linux.

Pretty much all flavors of linux gui these are reletively the same as far as navigation, so now that one has used ubuntu , can run almost any linux distro. Outside of sabayon xfce or the likes.

And ubuntu , is the best for general use on a laptop or local machine, the community is huge , so for the most part , specific (x the lexmark) wireless and printer software are available.

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i wouldn't really call myself a newbie...**humph** :shrug:

I'm not calling you a newbie

I am just saying it is what it caters to :/

Like example:

say you were to play counter strike 1.6

It is much harder then cs: source

BUT overall players can be much better and have more SKILL then the ones who play source due to the higher skill cap

Same with ubuntu vs others

It is a little too newbie friendly to be able to do nearly as much as others

Just an opinion I don't think of you as a newbie though :)

Edited by ybnrmalatall
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Maybe the gui is easier to get started with , is this what you are saying ybnra--- ?

As the base system differs very little from any other debian based unix system. Hell , I've seen very productive servers running on ubuntu.

All of the mirror servers here are Ubuntu... I run RHE on the main server but next time I upgrade the home server I may change that to Ubuntu also. Very stable... Those servers have what feels like infinite uptime... Hundreds of days without rebooting or restarting any services. It runs great for a server environment.

i wouldn't really call myself a newbie...**humph** :shrug:

You're not a newbie... Haven't been for many years.

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haha, deb is imo if not the best server OS. She's a buet ! I used centos for some time , wandering away from debian because the commands differ from what I knew, once I took the dive, in all honestly, debian and all it's children are exactly what windows could / should have been.

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