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Hello from Indiana out near the cows

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Hi all.

I'm out in the land of cows in Indiana.  The ONLY (Hughsnet don't count... for anything) internet access I can get is from a 900Mhz wireless provider called SurfAir.  It seems a little unstable, so I am trying to verify.  At 1.5Mb/s I feel like I'm using dialup. My students (I'm a Cisco CCNA instructor) think it's hysterical that I have the slowest access in the class.

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Hi and welcome fro SW Ohio

Amazingly, your results look like what my Time Warner Cincinnati speeds were about a year ago on a 10 Mbps down and 1 Mbps up plan I was on during the hours of about 9 AM to midnight. I have a 50/5 plan now and TWC has cleaned up their act.





CCNA you say.  What a coincidence https://testmy.net/ipb/topic/32186-secret-manta-things/- 7 hours prior to your post. :razz:


Your students, "You gotta lead by example, teach. That's like... rule number one of being a teacher."  (oh yeah, your supposed to read that in a stereotypical surfer voice... and flip your hair after the first sentence.  :laughing7: I know your in Indiana and it doesn't make sense, just play along!)   

Welcome from NE Ohio. I am also a new member. I know about slowww. When I started out, if you had a 28 Kbps connection, you were a GOD! The sound of a dial-up tone trying over and over to find it's path haunts me to this day.

Welcome from NE Ohio. I am also a new member. I know about slowww. When I started out, if you had a 28 Kbps connection, you were a GOD! The sound of a dial-up tone trying over and over to find it's path haunts me to this day.

Many of us have those sounds embedded in the skull. In fact though I've been talking about it for a while, I plan to grab a dialup service connecting it to a modem (the modems before they muted the sounds). The ISP I have offers free dialup connectivity with the plan I have. Though no land line connected here :(


Before the 56k's were out, and after, we bonded two lines. a god you say, getting people to believe your connection speed was another entirely different challenge.


BTW, another Ohioan here NW, so we have three of the four corners covered in this thread.

Welcome from NE Ohio. I am also a new member. I know about slowww. When I started out, if you had a 28 Kbps connection, you were a GOD! The sound of a dial-up tone trying over and over to find it's path haunts me to this day.

This is my first month off of dial-up. I was getting 24kbps! I am also in the rural zone, using a mobil hotspot now. Seems like lightening speed to me, but apparently I am still 97 percent slower than most!

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