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I'm lurkin' too. Reconfiguring my server cluster for high availability. Some pretty killer backend upgrades. Pretty sweet, all coming together nicely.


You may be able to notice when the site has migrated to the new setup. Some really heavy database queries in testing are returning at least twice as fast as they currently do. In the latest configuration I'm running directly off 100% Optane memory. I swear, it's alien technology.


It's not about how fast it is, there's faster (on paper, if only scratching the surface -- totally different story in the real-world) -- but it's at what queue depth that matters. And there are NAND drives out there that perform amazing. But what none of them have compared to Optane...


  • Optane can write directly to memory without the need for DRAM cache, it's THAT fast
  • Optane doesn't need to first erase the cell before writing
  • Optane has nearly unlimited write endurance
  • Optane loses no performance as the drive fills up
  • Optane does not require trim
  • (goes on and on really)
  • -- it's in between RAM and NAND


For my workload it feels the same as going from HDD to solid state. Or from solid state to raid-10 solid state. It's that big of a difference, mind blowing really. Over just a few days of testing I thrashed it with about 60 TB of data and it never broke a sweat -- literally, the drive didn't fluctuate in temp.


SMART/Health Information (NVMe Log 0x02)
Critical Warning:                   0x00
Temperature:                        40 Celsius
Available Spare:                    100%
Available Spare Threshold:          0%
Percentage Used:                    0%
Data Units Read:                    48,816,551 [24.9 TB]
Data Units Written:                 105,693,840 [54.1 TB]
Host Read Commands:                 937,508,694
Host Write Commands:                1,177,333,140


It just sits there at 40°C like, "Is that really all you've got? Do you realize who I am? HIT ME! I DARE YOU! This is my idle temp FOO!"


:laughing7: -- in other words, it's bad ass. It's a different kind of memory entirely.


Old but relevant video describing 3D XPoint (cross point)



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That would be lovely.


Is it difficult to get the word out about testmy.net? My hunch is that 99% of internet users don't perceive and won't understand the problem testmy.net addresses in addition to many who just assume testmy.net is wrong. But then again people often surprise me and one won't get anywhere assuming 99% of people wont like a product. Or maybe some of it may be SEO related? On google, testmy.net comes up in the middle of the second page. On duckduckgo, its the first result revealed after one clicks "see more results". I myself found testmy randomly through an LTE equipment forum post. I'm super grateful I did, and look forward to what new things come out. To the casual internet user one test tool may seem as good as any other, I would think. But there I go getting myself in trouble thinking again...

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Definitely need to work on SEO.


Best thing people can do is spread the word. 


And you're right, to the casual user -- they have no idea what makes TMN unique. Unfortunately the majority just follows where the rest of the crowd goes. A vicious cycle, feeding into itself.      -- implications far deeper than just speed tests.  lol


One of these days I hope to get my message across better, where more people want to engage. Until then, all I can do is keep developing. At the end of the day, I'm happy just serving those who already understand the difference.


Forums everywhere in general, died. The Internet changes and you have to change with it. I may eventually push the forums off into an archive in favor of a more modern method of communication.

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On 9/28/2021 at 4:03 AM, CA3LE said:

I'm lurkin' too. Reconfiguring my server cluster for high availability. Some pretty killer backend upgrades. Pretty sweet, all coming together nicely.


You may be able to notice when the site has migrated to the new setup. Some really heavy database queries in testing are returning at least twice as fast as they currently do. In the latest configuration I'm running directly off 100% Optane memory. I swear, it's alien technology.


It's not about how fast it is, there's faster (on paper, if only scratching the surface -- totally different story in the real-world) -- but it's at what queue depth that matters. And there are NAND drives out there that perform amazing. But what none of them have compared to Optane...


  • Optane can write directly to memory without the need for DRAM cache, it's THAT fast
  • Optane doesn't need to first erase the cell before writing
  • Optane has nearly unlimited write endurance
  • Optane loses no performance as the drive fills up
  • Optane does not require trim
  • (goes on and on really)
  • -- it's in between RAM and NAND


For my workload it feels the same as going from HDD to solid state. Or from solid state to raid-10 solid state. It's that big of a difference, mind blowing really. Over just a few days of testing I thrashed it with about 60 TB of data and it never broke a sweat -- literally, the drive didn't fluctuate in temp.


SMART/Health Information (NVMe Log 0x02)
Critical Warning:                   0x00
Temperature:                        40 Celsius
Available Spare:                    100%
Available Spare Threshold:          0%
Percentage Used:                    0%
Data Units Read:                    48,816,551 [24.9 TB]
Data Units Written:                 105,693,840 [54.1 TB]
Host Read Commands:                 937,508,694
Host Write Commands:                1,177,333,140


It just sits there at 40°C like, "Is that really all you've got? Do you realize who I am? HIT ME! I DARE YOU! This is my idle temp FOO!"


:laughing7: -- in other words, it's bad ass. It's a different kind of memory entirely.


Old but relevant video describing 3D XPoint (cross point)



That's awesome


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On 9/28/2021 at 9:51 PM, CA3LE said:

Forums everywhere in general, died. The Internet changes and you have to change with it. I may eventually push the forums off into an archive in favor of a more modern method of communication.


I'm not now nor have I ever been a member of Facebook,Twitter,etc.

I have no plans to ever be.

They have their own political agenda.

One that is usually opposite to mine.

So I like forums.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Got my attention.


More modern methods of communication

I would not ask this of just anybody --but I believe it is in your interest to maintain hyper-awareness of web evolution. So, I will ask you.

Where is it going CA3LE? What is the new "modern?" Without revealing any trade secrets, what sort of ideas and directions are you considering?


Forums died

They did? Again, you are in the web business. I am not. Thus, your opinion on that is interesting to me.

Since I don't know that forums died, in fact, I consider them very useful, I suspect we are looking at it from opposite ends. Myself, as a consumer, and you, as a forum provider.

Forums are still prolific. Can I assume your message, as a provider, is the return on your investment has faded ?

Or you are getting the band back together and no longer have time for this stuff?


These are positively motivated serious questions. I genuinely would like to know how you see business evolving/.







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  • 2 weeks later...

Forums are kind of dated, I'll agree.  Back in the day I used to be part of 5 or 6 forums religiously... Now a days no-one posts anymore. Maybe a live chat may be more beneficial? Multi-room live chat like the old AOL chat rooms back in the day lol.  :shrug:    Social media has really become the #1 "outlet" for all forms of media really.. News, gossip, entertainment, retail.. Cant really re-invent the wheel, just have to go with the (current) flow to stay relevant. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

   Some forums do pretty well.  For example, cloudynights.com, although largely directed to astronomy, has a bunch of sub-forums which range from gardening to science jokes and 3D printing.  It is moderated though to keep, for example, the red guys and blue guys from going at it.   They also have a buying/selling section.  Unlike computer equipment, there is always a market for  second hand astronomy gear.

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