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dslr is ok but they are not very responsive to anything 56K.Just to get their tweak test to complete I have to put in ISDN instead of dial-up& 128 as the speed to get full results.It then gives as close to good information as its going to give if you use dial-up.I question the accuracy of the upload speed they report for my dial-up.

At testmy I can do any of the tests although I usually select the top 2 because of dial-up.I have done the largest one before though

So industry news? News about the internet in general?

I will repeat what CA3LE asked exactly what news?If you let him know what you want maybe he will add it.

This is there speed test on my dial-up

2005-04-21 18:47:11 EST: 32 / 68

Your download speed : 33739 bps, or 32 kbps.

A 4.1 KB/sec transfer rate.

Your upload speed is much faster than down.. have you tweaked?

Your upload speed : 70052 bps, or 68 kbps.

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Okay, I will get a new managment program in place first... then what I think would be cool is if I made it to where curtain members will log into news admin accounts and will have access to add news, with photos and URLs -- stuff like that.  I will try and get started on that soon, I will keep you guys posted

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Okay, I will get a new managment program in place first... then what I think would be cool is if I made it to where curtain members will log into news admin accounts and will have access to add news, with photos and URLs -- stuff like that. I will try and get started on that soon, I will keep you guys posted

Ah yes. I can deffinatly see this getting abused byond belief.

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Ah yes. I can deffinatly see this getting abused byond belief.

Nope... those who decide to abuse it will be removed from the program... and the list of Editors will be a small one ;-) ~~ only trusted users will be invited to post news.

What did you think I was going to make it a free for all..

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Nope... those who decide to abuse it will be removed from the program... and the list of Editors will be a small one ;-) ~~ only trusted users will be invited to post news.

What did you think I was going to make it a free for all..

Even still..people like.. well i wont go there in public, but *some people* who you may grant access to may turn immature quickly.

[me=.s1]sees the newest headline on Testmy.net[/me]

" TESTMY.NET IS GAY!!!11111one "

"  [ insert a gay sexual scene photo here ] "

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  • 2 weeks later...

one of the major reasons i go to dslreports is because of the news they have this site should have some thatd kick ass so i wouldnt have to go to 2 diff sites just to get what i want  :evil3:

By the way, this is currently in beta testing.  Public release should be fairly soon.  We are working on a modded version of webpress, and I will be making extensive additions overtime to make this weblog script better serve this sites news.  The sin0cide blog (sin0cides site.. a good friend of mine) http://www.sin0cide.com/ runs off wordpress.

I will update this thread when we are ready to release this.

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