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I ordered a laptop and it should be coming in soon.  I have heard a lot of stuff about Avast! Antivirus, but i would like some reviews from people who actually have avast.  Currently on my desktop, im using Symantec Antivirus Corporate.  Is Avast Better than S.A.C.?  What does Avast! have to offer? 

If u use(d) Avast!, plz reply


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I use Avast on all my computers... personally, I think its way better than S.A.C... its quite a bit lighter and has multiple on-access shields... the free version is good, the pro version is even better... if you want more detail, I can provide it later, but its 12:43am and i have to get up early tomorrow :icon_salut:

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i realy like avast. My sisiters compute had Mcafee  and i scanned and showed no viruses then i DL avast and as soon as it was active alerts came up saying there were viruses. Avast was good at finding viruses in the memory and start up files as well that mcafee did not find. IT is easy to use and i dont even notice it is running in the background.

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use AVG free antivirus, its the best antivirus ever. Ive used it for about a year and Ive never gotten a virus, ever. The best thing about it is its the only antivirus software that doesn't slow down your computer. I used norton and avast on 2 different computers, then switched toAVG Free edition and what a difference in speed. Everything runs faster. Go with AVG free edition.


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I use Avast Free Version, I never know that its running on the backround. i have SAC on my office computer and so many time my computer goes slow as SAC is running a check. Well, i would recommend Avast,even the free version, but if you are buying then nothings better than Avast.

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Guest philp

I tried AVG about 6 months or so ago, but it would never let me update so i had to manually download them off the website and install them...it was a pain in the a$$

You too?! It would always try to update for me but would never finish. Turned out to be more hassle than it was worth (even if it was free) so I went back to using Norton.

I use PC-Cillin now. Best $5 I've ever spent.

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