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Hello :) I would like some help and advise if possible. Thanks.

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Thequiltelf : The uninstaller below is supposed to remove Aurora.I don't have the Aurora in my OS so I don't know if it works.I would run this & your other Anti spware programs from safe mode this usually results in a removal that stays removed.While in safe mode run your anti virus too.I assume you also Firewall & spyware blocking program like SpywareBlaster.


On the running at only 43.94 % of your hosts average (btcentralplus.com) This average includes faster connections at the ISP .You should use a larger test they are more accurate.

Thequiltelf, It took me 35 seconds to down load your site. I have cable (4000/384). With virus scanner on I run about ;

:::.. Download Stats ..:::

Connection is:: 3789 Kbps about 3.8 Mbps (tested with 2992 kB)

Download Speed is:: 462 kB/s

Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (server1)

Test Time:: Thu Jun 2 21:54:27 EDT 2005

Bottom Line:: 68X faster than 56K 1MB download in 2.22 sec

Diagnosis: Looks Great : 13.04 % faster than the average for host (insightbb.com)

Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-AMEU1VQNS

The flash animation is waaay too big, and its so complex only high end systems are gonna be able to run it without a glitch.

You need to accept a much broader array of connection speeds and systems.

I have seen better looking flash interfaces at a fraction of the size.

Thanks for the feedback. :D

I will try the other test as you say... but will have to wait as my computer broke down and am having it fixed.

using my friends regular 56k modem at the moment.. and my site takes.. well lets say over an hour. is not good!!!

I guess webdesign needs to take a lot of other things into account, not just looks/ect...

I first did an HTML site but that still was slow for how i wanted it. And the only way to do what i wanted was using flash...

I will have to compromise and find a better way of doing it somehow as the majority people still have regular internet.

But to consider is that people looking to spend a whole lot of monet on a new bed ect..from my site are not going to be in a rush to fork out the cash over the internet.

I figure that people dont just type in "bed" and buy the first thing that comes up.

They will shely use speed to look around more shops for better prices or compare ect....

And i hope that people will spend more time and thought before spending..and also appreciate the work gone into the site and that it will reflect the quality and work gone into the products too....

rather than.. "hey can i take your money from you in 12 seconds?"

I dunno.

But it is true there are nicer looking and better flash sites at hlf the size of mine for shure...

There does need to be some optimizatio somewhere, or mabe cut out the animation.

(I didnt even add the animation to the buttons yet!)

So.. back to connection speeds... I'll test my speed again when i get my computer back... and see.

Then I can start looking around here and find out how/if I can "MAKE IT FASTER!"

I tried checking your isp but the website seems down? btcentralplus.com

Google searches showed up negative for the actual website, and I would guess your british from the results that did come up.

Is it possible that's not your isp's website?


Ive been doing some work on the site....

So thats why it was down.

Well.. im on Bt yes.. my site is hosted by a company called Telivo, who i registered the domain name with.

I dont know how fast telivo are for a host. or even where they are based... as im new to the whole hosting thing.

I just found them in a search.

You cant find much about my site yet as i havent even registered or put and focus on publicity yet.. as the site is not fully ready to trade yet.. ect.

I guess mabe i should have waited to get hosting after i knew my site would be flash..but as i say.. i was just making/putting it together as i progressed.

you think that host is slow?

as for my internet server

Bt are now upgrading the cheapest broadband deal to 1MB. so im happy with my download time now for that speed...

all the line upgrades will take a while but it began in april... my own line has not yet been upgraded though unfortunately...

So my only issue now is standard dial-up visitors.

I might build another site.. with less glamour for those visitors.. until a time when most people have broadband.

I need some help with my site though, as its not totaly finished.. so i might post in one of the other forums.

I would like to know besides download speeds..how the site runs on other peoples computers. the index page seems the worst as the animation and cursor slow things down a little and it can be unresponsive on some computers. The other pages seem ok.


Thanks for the feedback so far.


It took 12sec. two times & 14sec. two times vitus scaner on:

:::.. Download Stats ..:::

Connection is:: 3971 Kbps about 4 Mbps (tested with 2992 kB)

Download Speed is:: 485 kB/s

Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (server2)

Test Time:: Sat Jun 11 07:12:57 EDT 2005

Bottom Line:: 71X faster than 56K 1MB download in 2.11 sec

Diagnosis: Looks Great : 18.08 % faster than the average for host (insightbb.com)

Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-5K4CG8HBN

First, Flash is annoying !!!. So over done and yesterday. I avoid sites, especally "shopping sites" that use it.  :whaa: Sorry, My opinion. Huge download. I have 3000/768 DSL and with the routing to where ever your server is, the max speed was ~50 kbps. Way to slow and to long to down load. I'd be long gone before ever seeing your site. HTH & YMMV

Hey! thanks! :)

I tried to find this rayoflight place... Would have liked to see it...

Thanks for the negative feedback too. it helps.

I guess most of you are late 20's??

Middle age people and older arent so much in a rush in life...

And they are my target customers...not random surfers looking for a quick weebles flick.

(no dis-respect to weebles stuff)

or surfing for quick info or something like microchips.

a good

Thanks for the comments.

Just how do you suppose my pictures are gonna load up regular style?

not very well at all with regular browsing.

Tried it.

No good.

Maybe you think use smaller pictures, more optimized?


Too many sites like that.

People want to SEE the product.

as best they can.

as much info as they can before they part with their money.

This is no CD/DVD ordering/t-shirt, fly by

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