Guest helloimtim Posted June 7, 2005 CID Share Posted June 7, 2005 If the link does not work in general it says they will bust people for smoking marijuana for medical reasons. Medical Pot for what I understand does not have the kick that street stuff has. What bites my crank is this. They want to take it away from people that could really use it and need it. Its cheap and has helped countless. Instead lets put oxycontin out there. That crap is one hair away from being pure herion. Or even put garbage out there that later is found out to kill more than it helps. So in short lets take the pot away from those that need it......make something 20 times as strong.......charge them enough so they have to choose between food and medicine........Excuse my french.........But F@#% me. What happend to common sense. edit: spelling Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CA3LE Posted June 7, 2005 CID Share Posted June 7, 2005 Yep... that's America... Oxycontin is actually only like heroin when it's abused. Only when it's crushed (and snorted), chewed or injected is Oxycontin bad... Oxycontin is a very useful drug in the fight of cronic pain, 12 hours of constant and safe relief in one pill... It's just got a bad name lately because of people abusing it. Now Dilaudid... that's more than heroin, that's why Elvis loved it... haha. There are still a couple of people on the federal marijuana program, they get supplied to them 40 marijuana ciggarettes/day for the rest of their life. On Pen and Teller's BS they showed one of the guys that was on that program and he was smoking a joint in front of the white house... and it was legal. I can't see how there are still people out there that don't understand the medical properties that marijuana has. ehhhhh Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
just- Posted June 7, 2005 CID Share Posted June 7, 2005 thank you for the news helloimtim you can now view the full story at: What a joke i bet all they want is to make more money out of that Oxycontin with one or two companies who are lobbying the government compared to whatever money they make from pot which i don't think its much Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
peepnklown Posted June 7, 2005 CID Share Posted June 7, 2005 Oxycontin will make the corporations more money. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
just- Posted June 7, 2005 CID Share Posted June 7, 2005 i thought so i mean this days its all about money Iraq in my view was about money greedy bastards Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FallowEarth Posted June 7, 2005 CID Share Posted June 7, 2005 i thought so i mean this days its all about money Iraq in my view was about money greedy bastards I absolutely agree with you just- It's like if they can't control it, then they can't tax it, and that just doesn't fit into the government budget. Nevermind they nasty side effects of denying people with illnesses who depend on the substance. meh... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cholla Posted June 7, 2005 CID Share Posted June 7, 2005 Hey all:I am going back to the marijuana topic.I quit over 20 years ago but I smoked it before that.I believe it does cause the problem of apathy in the user so I wouldn't recommend it for healthy people to start.I do think it should be totally legalized for a couple of reasons.One it wasn't illegal until 1936(I think thats correct) before that anyone that wanted to smoke it.grow it.make rope out of it could.I have expressed my opinion on Constitutional law & I think the law against violates the 9th amendment.For another reason. It is said it is an entry level drug thats true in part.If it was legal then the price would be lower & it could be purchased in something like a liquor store.That would mean there would be no need for contact with a drug dealer to purchase marijuana.Then the entry level drug would be a harder drug with some greater penalty for dealing so it would take the buffer that marijuana is away from drug dealers. (The second part is sort of off topic) Of course we all know that the government doesn't really go after the top dealers .Drugs are brought into this country by the truck & ship load thats the only way the whole country can be supplied.So the small dealer they bust with even a 1000 lbs isn't a drop in the bucket.The money financing this is at a much higher level & not just the mafia.Then the money that it generates in third world countries makes the government look the other way for diplomacy.It will never be stopped from the bottom up only from the top down which is not going to happen. I thought I would add this link to an article on the 9th Amendment : Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FallowEarth Posted June 7, 2005 CID Share Posted June 7, 2005 Having been a dope-smoker at a previous, more rebellious, stage in my life, I have to agree with you about the apathy of pot use. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
paladin Posted June 8, 2005 CID Share Posted June 8, 2005 As the Father of an ex pot smoker, It can make you do goofy stuff. I believe it should be used for medicinal purposes, but come on folks look who is screwing it up, our fine Fed. Gov. WACKO'S. They just have to flex their muscles. :angry5: Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jypagan Posted June 8, 2005 CID Share Posted June 8, 2005 The GOV is mad because they can't smoke it Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
xenophobe Posted June 8, 2005 CID Share Posted June 8, 2005 Medical Pot for what I understand does not have the kick that street stuff has. edit: spelling Medicinal MJ is some of the strongest and best stuff you can buy. There are various grades, just like on the street. Medicinal=great stuff. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest helloimtim Posted June 8, 2005 CID Share Posted June 8, 2005 For me what it boils down to is this. They want to release drugs that are allot more dangerous than pot. Never heard about anyone od on it. I Pray it never hapens but I do wonder this. If thoes that make these choices had to see or go through the after affects of kemo, Would they change there minds then? What about all the other medical issues that this stuff can help with. What if they first hand found out what a diffrence it really made. Personally I have no ideas. Pray I never do. Pray no one ever has to. Everything I have see and such those poor people that deal with the kemo and all the other stuff and can only find relief through this drug and how much there lives would be without it. In quick responce to oxycontin You really dont think the makers of this drug did not know that crushing it would have that affect? Sure they did. Its all about the money. edit:spelling Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
xyther4523 Posted June 8, 2005 CID Share Posted June 8, 2005 i would rather have people smoking weed for medical reasons than taking oxycontin. i used to take oxycontin all day everyday. ive had drug conseling for it and it was hard to get off. o OD'd once when i took 22 all in one day, that was the worst part of my life. yah, ive had some prob's with drugs : Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tdawnaz Posted June 8, 2005 CID Share Posted June 8, 2005 there are so many medicinal properties to mj...we all have heard about the side effects of chemo it helps with...but it's also an analgesic, and an anti-inflammatory...those two alone would have the gov step in and say NO!!! when you have milions of people with chronic pain and inflammatory diseases taking billions of dollars of narcotics and other pain meds and nsaids (non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs) and the gov ties to the drug companies...well...take a look this it's 2005...and it's still illegal...yet cigarettes and alcohol are legal and kill millions every year...when have u ever heard of mj killing anyone...and it doesn't HAVE to be smoked to get the medicinal effects. someone said that it was weaker than the street not true...medical mj is powerful stuff...pharmaceutical grade...concentrated. nuff said's just stupid...shouldn't even be an issue when it could help so many...but that's our gov for ya Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cholla Posted June 8, 2005 CID Share Posted June 8, 2005 tdawnaz:I am for medical marijuana as I already said.As for the bad effects of smoking it some are the same as tobacco at least Tar & just because it doesn't have nicotine it doesn't mean other compounds in it are not just as harmful & possibly carcinagenic.So it is not without risk .This is sometimes the only way a person on chemo can handle getting marijuana one of the reason they smoke it is to give them appitite so eating it is not an option. They may not be able to keep it down.I beleive it takes 5 to 10 time as much to get the effects from eatting it. On the potency of medical marijuana its THC level may be higher but they really don't know that this is the only compound in marijuana that is helping.It should be grown in a tropical climate(like Central America or South America the closer to the equator the better).Then air cured.This would produce the best & most potent.That is what they should by supplying for the medical marijuana & I beleive what they are supplying is greenhouse grown. I am goin to give some information on air curing as it applies to tobacco..If properly air curred it is much less carcinagenic this is done more in Europe & the middle east.The have less tobacco related cancer because of this.In America most tobacco is quick cured with forced air instead of natural ventilation & some sunlight.Then we add various flavoring & sugars.This is what increases the carcinagens in tobacco burnt flavoring & sugar.Thats why European cigarettes don't taste good to Americans.The point is they need to apply the slow air cure method to the medical marajuana they supply to sick people to at least make it less harmful. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FallowEarth Posted June 8, 2005 CID Share Posted June 8, 2005 I live in Canada and I know that 3 times since the current Liberal government has been in power it has tried to push the decriminalization of marijuana; in fact it was decriminalized for a period of a few months. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
paladin Posted June 9, 2005 CID Share Posted June 9, 2005 i would rather have people smoking weed for medical reasons than taking oxycontin. i used to take oxycontin all day everyday. ive had drug conseling for it and it was hard to get off. o OD'd once when i took 22 all in one day, that was the worst part of my life. yah, ive had some prob's with drugs : Congrats on getting off oxy. I know it was very hard to do. Since you are off that, please make sure you stay off all the junk, its the only way to have a good life. Good luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!. I quit smoking cigs after 50yrs and that was tough but not as tough as your deal. there are so many medicinal properties to mj...we all have heard about the side effects of chemo it helps with...but it's also an analgesic, and an anti-inflammatory...those two alone would have the gov step in and say NO!!! when you have milions of people with chronic pain and inflammatory diseases taking billions of dollars of narcotics and other pain meds and nsaids (non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs) and the gov ties to the drug companies...well...take a look this it's 2005...and it's still illegal...yet cigarettes and alcohol are legal and kill millions every year...when have u ever heard of mj killing anyone...and it doesn't HAVE to be smoked to get the medicinal effects. someone said that it was weaker than the street not true...medical mj is powerful stuff...pharmaceutical grade...concentrated. nuff said's just stupid...shouldn't even be an issue when it could help so many...but that's our gov for ya I agree with you, especially on the drug co. and the feds. I guess you can deduce that I don't trust the Gov. GO CHOLLA GO!!!!!!!!!!!!! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
peepnklown Posted June 9, 2005 CID Share Posted June 9, 2005 I think this subject goes beyond constitutional law. Every human being has universal human rights that supersede any governmental law. The right to do whatever you wants to your own body. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
paladin Posted June 9, 2005 CID Share Posted June 9, 2005 I think this subject goes beyond constitutional law. Every human being has universal human rights that supersede any governmental law. The right to do whatever you wants to your own body. That is not the way it works in the real world as you will find as you travel down Life's road, however that would be profound in a suppositional world. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cholla Posted June 9, 2005 CID Share Posted June 9, 2005 Hi paladin ;Thanks for the cheer .Being as peepnklown is waxing philisophic I will do a little of the same. Marajuana grows from a seed therefore God intended for it to grow & be used by mankind.No different than wheat or cotton put here for us to use as we need to.To make rope or use as medicine.Therefore when the government makes laws against it they go against the will of God. peepnklown: If you think it goes beyond Constitutional law you should read the 9th amendment not the interpretation by the Supreme Court.It basically says we are free to do anything that doesn't interfere with anothers right to do the same.Did you read the link I put in about the ninth amendment? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest helloimtim Posted June 9, 2005 CID Share Posted June 9, 2005 To me it also seems like our own goverment is makeing our choices for us. I would think and hope that even though the goverment says no most law enforcement would just simply look the other way. I mean If they find someone with a major sickness that can be proved they would simply walk away. Generally speaking most do get away with it. As long as its in there own home and not done while driving. If they get busted driving while high yea they need to get busted. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cholla Posted June 9, 2005 CID Share Posted June 9, 2005 helloimtim: Thats probably one of the problems there isn't a quick test for marijuana like alcohol maybe if there was they would make it legal.I will state this I do not intend to start smoking it again even if it becomes legal.Unless heaven forbid I get a terminal illness that it will help.I beleive it causes apathy in a regular marijuana smoker . I will ask you did you read the link on the ninth amendment?The government is getting by with making choices for us but it is unConstitutional. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
peepnklown Posted June 9, 2005 CID Share Posted June 9, 2005 cholla - Human rights supersede Constitutional law because Human rights should be universal no matter which country you are from. The Ninth Amendment should have been a bit clearer, it should say that it identifies that such Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cak46 Posted June 9, 2005 CID Share Posted June 9, 2005 I think this subject goes beyond constitutional law. Every human being has universal human rights that supersede any governmental law. The right to do whatever you wants to your own body. Yeah, I agree in principal, but one could argue validly that an increase in robbery, theft and murder could occur due to the need to have money to buy more drugs. Not so much Mary Jane, but other, harder stuff. I think they consider MJ a gateway drug because it has a propensity to lead to harder drugs. I don't necessarily believe this, but I think this is the general belief: of it being a gateway to harder drugs. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cholla Posted June 9, 2005 CID Share Posted June 9, 2005 The reason that marijuana is called a gateway drug is the drug dealer one is buying the marijuana from is selling other drugs.So it is a gateway connection to the harder drugs. If selling it was legalized then it would be purchased in a store like a liquor store & the gateway would be gone.That would be for complete legalization.If it was just for medical I assume it would be bought from a pharmacy & people would grow their own. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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