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thanks organ :)

yea i bought Half Life 2 collectors edition with my camera, but im a bummer :lol:

i ordered a dvd and dont have a dvd rom, so i guess i need to buy one :oops:

VanBuren :haha:

Awwww man, that sucks. At least standard dvd players are very cheap these days. You might even want to get a dvd burner instead as they are pretty cheap also.

Van likes Capri Sun..

Yeah, I saw the container in the trash too. Gotta admit, those little drinks hit the spot. I have to kill like three back to back to back to quench my thirst.  :haha:

my son drink them alot, dern kid filling up my trash can hehe

what dvd burner should i buy from these? http://www.overclockers.se/Category?categoryId=33652751

VanBuren :)

I'm not too sure about the price, but I'd go with the

Plextor PX-716A 16X DVD

Someone likes to build Bionicles too!(I know it is probably your sons). That's what you get for posting a high resolution picture! :) :)

:haha: yea, my son just loves those Bionicles

thanks organ, i think ill go for that Plextor one then  :)

yea CA3LE its a can of chew, i been using chew since i quit smoking about 4 years ago, so much better  ;)

shug u mofo  :lol: , you dont want to know  :haha: :haha: :haha:

VanBuren :)

I have the 708 plextor and it works just fine, would of liked to have bought the 716a but i didnt hane enough $$ to do it and I was in desperate need to burn family movies for the family so....


my employer has http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16830113123 that camera.... he is a professional photographer but still, that takes some kick ass pics

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