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Which one will will prove to be the best?  

36 members have voted

  1. 1. Which one will will prove to be the best?

    • Microsoft XBox 360
    • Sony Playstation 3
    • Nintendo Revolution

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xbox is totally down hill, the first xbox should of been around the same price as xbox 360 is now, 400 to 600 dollars. They are not gaining anything from the xbox, so I wouldn't trust them so much. The PS2 had a 4 dollar profit or so. (rofl.) And the gamecube was gaining 20 per sale.

I'd take these factors into mind right now, as that could be the deciding point whether you should be loyal to a console or not.

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I'n my mind Xbox is the clear winner. 

1) Microsoft ISN"T trying to make money on the boxes.  They freely admit that there intend to lose money on each 360 box sold.

2) If you think Xbox is about gaming your wrong.  Xbox is about home connectivity.  MS wins becuase they have the backbone to support an intigrated home,  NONE of it's competitors can begin to touch that.

3) The size of market now favors programers porting to multipule platforms.  The game community is now LARGER than the movie industry.  Most game developers will now have there games in multipule if not all platforms.  Each camp will have some exclusivity,  but with the huge dollars flowing into this industry it's going to be hard to have game suppliers line up with only one platform.  Does anyone remember when EA wasn't on Xbox.  It is now!!!!!

As far as PURE gaming goes,  I'm not sure what platform is best,  but having seen whats coming from Xbox Live I'd be hard pressed to bet against them.  At the end of the day,  we all get more games for less money..  :)  game on all


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well, going by that logic, one could also say that once PS3 comes out, people will forget all about XBOX 360 because PS3 will be just so much superior

indeed....sony really smart. They let their competitor release their product first, let games developer finish their project for ps3 and give little info about their product so by the time ps3 hit the market it will be a sold out just like ps2 aside ps3 will be much superior or not.

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The only way to settle this is to create battle bots out of the consoles and have them duke it out. :twisted:

I saw some kind of weird animated (Flash) thing online a few months ago, where 15 or so consoles were "battling" each other. I forgot the link  :angry2: , but I think the site was Japaneese based.

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xbox is totally down hill, the first xbox should of been around the same price as xbox 360 is now, 400 to 600 dollars. They are not gaining anything from the xbox, so I wouldn't trust them so much. The PS2 had a 4 dollar profit or so. (rofl.) And the gamecube was gaining 20 per sale.

I'd take these factors into mind right now, as that could be the deciding point whether you should be loyal to a console or not.

Nobody makes money off their consoles until the end of the lifespan, and that's only if they

re lucky. Check out the estimate of how much Sony will lose on the PS3: [link]

...but yea, the PS3 will be the best. At E3, it wasn't even performing at 75% and it still beat the 360 power-wise. Online, I assume Microsoft will win, but in terms of games and stuff, Sony all the way. You guys know how Bill Gates announced that Halo 3 will release the same time as the PS3 launch? Bungie denied it. Good for them. Work on Halo 3 as long as you need, Bungie, so it'll kick ass. [Just because I don't like the XBOX or Halo or even Microsoft doesn't mean that I don't want Halo 3 to be good, because it'll hopefully set a standard for other FPSs and progress gaming as a whole]

Start working overtime now, people, because the PS3 is likely to sport a $399 price tag. ;) It'll so be worth it though, just so you can go to someone's house with a 360 and complain about the graphics. :haha:

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XBOX 360 Will be the shiat!!!!! Sure PS3 will roxor, but a little to late Xbox 360 will have been out 5 or 6 months before ps3 hits the store shelves so to little to late for ps3 XBOX 360 will have everyone hooked before ps3 gets released!!!!!!    :flipa: :flipa: :twogun:

Ya Dreamcast had the same "advantage" last time round. I hope Nintendo will either pick up some market share this time round or just duck out and go software only that would rock. Either way I hope Nintendo does better. The PS3 will win but I think XBOX will do very well. All I care about is a new online Socom for PS3... WOOO HOOO.

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LOOOL Got to love the never say die Playsation Fans, but only time will really tell the story. I still say XBOX 360 will blow the hell out of ps3. What you saw graphics wise at E3 vs. what you will see with the final product are two different things. Bill gates should just buy Sony out, and shut everyone the hell up! LOOOOL  :protest:

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Ya Dreamcast had the same "advantage" last time round. I hope Nintendo will either pick up some market share this time round or just duck out and go software only that would rock. Either way I hope Nintendo does better. The PS3 will win but I think XBOX will do very well. All I care about is a new online Socom for PS3... WOOO HOOO.

The thing about Nintendo is, they don't make enough "adult" themed games. They seem to still appeal to the younger crowd. I hope the have more mature games realeased for the Revolution. I still want to know more about the beaing able to play 20 years worth of Nintendo stuff will be like, e.g.: cost, feel of the games.

LOOOL Got to love the never say die Playsation Fans, but only time will really tell the story. I still say XBOX 360 will blow the hell out of ps3. What you saw graphics wise at E3 vs. what you will see with the final product are two different things. Bill gates should just buy Sony out, and shut everyone the hell up! LOOOOL :protest:

Graphics don't make the game!

Hmmmm...i think that would be frowned upon.

That's for sure. I think M$ is pleanty big enough.

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