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Actually I work 80 hours a week now because my job is in Administration. I deal with the state and have to watch all the nurses working for me, so its not a money issue just necessary. Praise the lord I make a good living now. To me if you aren't disabled you should be working, and in order to be a REAL man you must treat your wife (all women really, but my wife is my life) like a queen, you must NEVER hit a woman, spend allot of time with your kids teaching them right from wrong and last but not least provide for your family. If that means working 3 jobs do it, if there aren't enough in New Orleans then you move or find work or whatever it takes without breaking the law or taking from others. Every person born in the USA, no matter how poor or what color or what religion has the chance for greatness. If they are not willing to sacrifice like I did to better themselves then I have no pitty. And people cant play the whole poor people start out in bad schools which just snowballs crap on me. I was raised poor white trash, alcoholic abusive family, just about as bad as it gets. But yet I bettered myself and anyone else can do the same. In case you didn't notice I don't agree with welfare either. I just don't tolerate excuses. Everything you have or don't have in life you have yourself to thank/blame. Besides being poor is no excuse for crime.  :D If you don't wanna work here go to Canada I hear they have great socialized welfare. :haha:

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Actually I work 80 hours a week now because my job is in Administration. I deal with the state and have to watch all the nurses working for me, so its not a money issue just necessary. Praise the lord I make a good living now. To me if you aren't disabled you should be working, and in order to be a REAL man you must treat your wife (all women really, but my wife is my life) like a queen, you must NEVER hit a woman, spend allot of time with your kids teaching them right from wrong and last but not least provide for your family. If that means working 3 jobs do it, if there aren't enough in New Orleans then you move or find work or whatever it takes without breaking the law or taking from others. Every person born in the USA, no matter how poor or what color or what religion has the chance for greatness. If they are not willing to sacrifice like I did to better themselves then I have no pitty. And people cant play the whole poor people start out in bad schools which just snowballs crap on me. I was raised poor white trash, alcoholic abusive family, just about as bad as it gets. But yet I bettered myself and anyone else can do the same. In case you didn't notice I don't agree with welfare either. I just don't tolerate excuses. Everything you have or don't have in life you have yourself to thank/blame. Besides being poor is no excuse for crime. :D If you don't wanna work here go to Canada I hear they have great socialized welfare. :haha:

Hey Shug,  I've got a reason, at least, for medicaid and medicare.  My wife had a V-Fib arrest at home just under 3 years ago.  I wound up doing CPR  on her and just luckily a paramedic was in the area with a defibrillator.  He stopped her heart altogether then we got her into the ambulance and he gave her a dose of epinephrine.  Her heart just started up again after the epi.  From what I know now, thats rare and she falls into the 5% survival rate for her arrest and subsequent down time without proper blood flow/oxygenation (between 7-9 minutes).  She has been left with a severe brain injury which impedes both her quality of life and her capacity to work.  She, in essence, has no short term memory and/or transference of memory between short and long term.  Her memory issues are Alzheimer's 'ish in that respect.  She is continuing her rehab and has had gains over the past few years.  Without Medicaid, we would have had huge hospital bills which we would never have been able to pay even if I worked 5 jobs and further she would not be able to receive the rehabilitation that she so desperately needs without it.


Maybe you're just talking about TANF, but Medicaid is a part of the "welfare system" and goes hand in hand with TANF, of which she does not receive, so I thought that it might help to put a true story with one of the programs involved in the welfare system of the United States.  I'm not flaming you but would rather like to think I'm giving you information on one case where it is actually helping a person.  I agree to a certain degree regarding TANF.  There are some women who get pregnant every 2 years just to stay on the roles.  Thats just wrong, but I believe that welfare assistance should be there for those in desperate need.

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I work with the medicaid system all day. The problem you are talking about is a genuine need and of course she should get the assistance. But that goes back to the need for better health care/insurance in the us, not the medicaid system though. I watch people work the system that I pay into all day everyday. But in genuine need cases like the one you spoke of I support fully. Like I said should be covered by the health care system in the us. IMO.  :D When I say welfare I mean the people that sit at home and wait for that check every month. You know the 75% of lazy ass people that leech off me and make it hard for me to provide for my family. The other 25% I would gladly pay in MORE than I do now for.  :D

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the stories of some of these people are heartwretching/heartwarming...stories of why they couldn't get out...watching my local news the people that have come here and are being housed in our vets memorial coliseum...they are families...just like urs and mine...some have already gone out and gotten apartments and jobs...some are teachers, doctors, lawyers, nurses...etc...not on welfare of any kind...just couldn't get out in time because of various reasons...

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I think people that live in hurricane areas become desensitized & this one was worse than usual by a lot.I live in a tornado area & I don't head for a basement as soon a the warning alarms sound.That probably explains why some stayed.Some just didn't want to leave their homes no matter what.Some may have been working poor just not enough money to leave but not on welfare.I know Shug is a type A personality who would have been working 2 or 3 jobs to make sure he had enough money.But everyone doesn't fit into this mold.& its a little late to look for that second job when the hurricane is already there.Even the ones on welfare needed to have been evacuated sooner by military or some means.Then if they needed to work & pay for their ride out that could have been done latter.

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I am reentering the thread because I need to know:

Are we talking about 3 FULL TIME jobs or just full and part time together?

3 full time= 120+ Hours a week= for people who live to work, not work to live.

Most people who need to work multiple full time jobs are almost always living above there means (got nice things that got there a$$ in big debt).

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