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lol dam , what are you hosting a site for and do you do any gameing servers.(What are ytour dedicated servers specs?)

the server that thoese stats are from is a

duel p4 2.6ghz

2gb ram

300gb hard drive

400gb of bandwidth

oc12 connection

red hat

my do everything server:

quad P4 3.4GHzw/HT

4GB ram

2x400GB HD's

unlimated bandwidth

Duel OC48 Connection Hosted by BFGTECH

running win 03 adv. server with plesk 7

and i host lots of game servers off this one.

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heres the update for this september.

I pay not that much, since they are my own servers that I paid for I'm just paying for that storage and connection cost. on the first server is $99 a month, for the other its $3000 a year, and i get 2 dedicated oc48 connections. :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha:

i do host sever game servers at once right now I'm hosting 2 battlefield 2 servers. i wont give them name because i don't want to violate any rules. but i can give you this month they each have 64 players max and they always have around 64 players, and the server ip starts with 24.x.x.x:16567

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heres the update for this september.

I pay not that much, since they are my own servers that I paid for I'm just paying for that storage and connection cost. on the first server is $99 a month, for the other its $3000 a year, and i get 2 dedicated oc48 connections. :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha:

i do host sever game servers at once right now I'm hosting 2 battlefield 2 servers. i wont give them name because i don't want to violate any rules. but i can give you this month they each have 64 players max and they always have around 64 players, and the server ip starts with 24.x.x.x:16567


are the two connections dedicated to YOUR server or to the DATACENTER?

we have talked about this and i think its not ONLY your server hooked up to those connections is it?

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the reason i can get 2 oc48 guys is because i grew up next to the guy that started the company were my server is. a avg 64man bf2 server uses about 10-12mb of bandwidth per second.

Sorry, but I will have to call ya on this one ;-)

I'm sorry dude, but nobody would dedicate that much bandwidth for just a couple of servers.  Maybe he told you that but I guarantee you that you are sharing that with many others... otherwise you would be paying thousands per month,  you may be on a dedicated switch but it's not like that connection is pumped right into the back of your box... you ARE sharing it with others.  I don't care if your friend is Bill gates, the money for a connection like that has to come from somewhere and at the price you've stated you pay.. it's not coming from you.  Last I checks an OC-48 costs 10,s of thousands of dollars... per month -- and you have two of them dedicated for two game servers... sorry but no.

Okay, let's pretend that you have two OC-48's dedicated for your use, which you are saying you use 10-12Mbps for that one server let's even times that use by 10 and times it by two to make an assumption for the other server.  An OC-48 maxs at 2.488Gbps of bandwidth -- times two ----- so if you do all the math you are only using 4% of the available bandwidth of the OC-48 ---- and that's with me being liberal and timing your use by 10.  Even if your boxes were on 1Gbps ethernet and you were running at the full load (which would never happen off two servers) you couldn't use an OC-48 to it's full potential. 

An OC-anything connection is intended to be used by whole networks of hundreds or thousands of computers... and I'm sorry, not even Bill Gates would have one in his home.  Why pay that much money when a T3 will do the same job ;-)  (OC-12 or 24 at the VERY most)

You don't have to lie to kick it...

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An OC-anything connection is intended to be used by whole networks of hundreds or thousands of computers... and I'm sorry, not even Bill Gates would have one in his home.  Why pay that much money when a T3 will do the same job ;-)  (OC-12 or 24 at the VERY most)

Speaking of T3, What are the speeds of T3? They are symetrical right?

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