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Ok, I havent played it yet AND I DONT THINK IT SUCKS, but saying that will get all Halo 2 lovers in here so I can ask an important question. :lol: So is it great, I bet it is huh. How is the online play, I love Socom 1&2 online and Halo 2 looks KILLER online. Is it worth getting it just for the online, I dont play offline much anymore.

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Its the best game ever i will reccomended to you shug. Bungie is already working on Halo 3. Get it and it will chance your life. :wink:

Yea I read that you wont wait NEAR as long for Halo 3 as you did for 2 and they said it will e for XBOX 2. YEAAAA. Im guessing launch game, they will need it to compete with Sony. So how is the online, worth the 50 bucks just for online? You came here to yell at me didnt you. :lol:

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Yup im here to yell at you' date=' you stupid BIT** :wink: . Its worth 50 bucks yearly, anyways if you dont like it you can cancel your subscription. XBOX 2 is going to rock :headbang::headbang::headbang::headbang:[/quote']

BITCH???? You want some of this.... :evil::lol: I meant 50 bucks for the game, I already have a Live subscript. I dont play offline much anymore so if I buy Halo 2 it will mainly be for online. I take it you think it is anyhow. :lol: Dont get so worked up you sound like Sgetti.. :haha:

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Yea I read that you wont wait NEAR as long for Halo 3 as you did for 2 and they said it will e for XBOX 2. YEAAAA. Im guessing launch game, they will need it to compete with Sony. So how is the online, worth the 50 bucks just for online? You came here to yell at me didnt you. :lol:

sony wont have a chance unless they release the next gta with the ps3.

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One game will never make a console in my opinion. If it did, XBOX would have sold much much much better with Halo (one of the best games ever). Plus Sony has Gran Tourismo, Jak, Metal Gear Final Fantasy and of course GTA. In my opinion Sony took the market from Nintendo by sellling a better console and being revolutionary (GASP games for ADULTS like Resident Evil GASP) while Nintendo was selling the same stuff over and over again. IMO, so I think for someone to take the market they must do something grand, nut just have a good console with a good game.

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u guys know where i can get halo 1 for pc? i downloaded it off suprnova.org but then the installer wanted the disc and it wouldnt continue with the install...
thats because you need the no-cd crack ;)

but i do not contribute nor condone any activities of this sort. :|

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dont even bother, i tried the cracked version once w/no-cd crack and it worked, but i couldnt join most of the servers. I could only join servers made by people who were also using cracked versions, and there were very few people who made cracked servers

so im just sticking with Halo Trial :D

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Halo 2 was incredibly dissapointing.. only about 7 hours of gameplay, and the *WORST* ending EVER. It wouldnt have been THAT hard for them to make one last level where your on earth, but no, they decided to make a THIRD game out of that..

Well, here comes another 2 years of "HALO III! HALO III!"

Then they will extend the wait another 2 years and Ill laugh my ass off.

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