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Wal-Mart employee fired for Christmas email

. . .when the giant US big box retailer Wal-Mart recently changed a greeting from "Merry Christmas!" to "Happy Holidays!" it drew complaints.

And here the troubles began.

The emails duly arrived, and a customer-facing rep took it on herself to explain the change with this ill-advised exhibition of learning.

The employee, who we know only as Kirby, launched into a fantastically earnest historical explanation of what the Christmas Holiday Season

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You want to know something AWFUL about Wal-Mart?

My husband (now my husband) - it used to be at one time Aggr3 was my husband, but now he is my dearest friend instead... anyway *coughs and get's back on topic* It used to be that my husband worked there. About a year ago, as it was the only other place of employment besides the place that I worked in this little town of Dayton Tennessee....

Anyway. He came home one night - it was around the 15th of December, and he WOKE ME UP at 2am in order to tell me that Wal-Mart had and was continuing to have church groups singing in their store.... The speakers were right next to his cash register, and he could barely hear. They weren't singing X-Mas songs, oh no.... they were singing choir hymns and about the "wrath of god"...

He was offended, and went to his manager and cited freedom of religion in the workplace. (He was actually more upset about the level of the noise, and that it was hurting his ears.... but those aren't sufficient grounds to complain...) Nonetheless he was given a verbal warning that Wal-Mart was a Christian operation and that he had better curb his tongue quickly.

...oddly enough - two days later one of my employees was shopping there and she got accused of shoplifting (was VERY clear on the tape - I saw it) because she didn't catch her 3 YEAR old CHILD dropping a little toy in a bag.


"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing" -- Edmund Burke. "

You want to STOP injustice, sometime's you have to have a +9 flaming sword of power!


"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing" -- Edmund Burke. "

You want to STOP injustice, sometime's you have to have a +9 flaming sword of power!

You got it.  It takes individuals!  :brave:

I thought I would throw in a quote.

It is a worthy thing to fight for one's freedom; it is another sight finer to fight for another man's. -- Mark Twain

The Walmart employ was right many of the Christmas traditions are not of Christian origin.Or even from Judism.But try getting that across to a Baptist preacher.

but isn't it odd that many (and i know many) that claim they don't believe in anything religious...still celebrate Christmas or Hanukkah or whatever gift getting thing???...

what r they celebrating??...the season of gift getting?


i love giving gifts

but this aspect really boils my innards

oh...sorry that's the one grrrr i'll make about that this year...just have to get it off my chest once each year then i'm fine :)

ooooooooooh... good point!

There are more religions that have a significant holiday at xmas and Channukah than just Christianity and Hebrew.

And athiests and agnostics are most likely (if they are celebrating) doing it for the sense of family and giving, rather than the birth of Christ (which most scholars agree was in the spring, however that would have made it much more difficulty for the King to convert over the pagans from there heathenistic ways).

but isn't it odd that many (and i know many) that claim they don't believe in anything religious...still celebrate Christmas or Hanukkah or whatever gift getting thing???...

what r they celebrating??...the season of gift getting?


i love giving gifts

but this aspect really boils my innards

oh...sorry that's the one grrrr i'll make about that this year...just have to get it off my chest once each year then i'm fine :)

hey, let us nonbelievers here take advantage of all the fuss people make about some holiday declared by the church for their own reasons and turn it into a commercial frenzy. do you celebrate halloween? if so, why? to go trick or treating with the kids/give out candy or to honor the pagan origins?

hey, let us nonbelievers here take advantage of all the fuss people make about some holiday declared by the church for their own reasons and turn it into a commercial frenzy. do you celebrate halloween? if so, why? to go trick or treating with the kids/give out candy or to honor the pagan origins?

actually both...i honor the pagan origins...including the midnite rite of all hallows eve...hallowmas samhain christians call it all saints day...either way it's a celebration of beginnings and life and of good spirits...the fun part of trick or treating is part of tradition with deep roots...is for children and adults...i love that too...

what i was saying was in jest...the holidays...no matter what u call them or what ur beliefs r...they r about family and tradition...

i'm just always a little...okay more than a little put off by all the commercialism anymore that's all

actually both...i honor the pagan origins...including the midnite rite of all hallows eve...hallowmas samhain christians call it all saints day...either way it's a celebration of beginnings and life and of good spirits...the fun part of trick or treating is part of tradition with deep roots...is for children and adults...i love that too...

what i was saying was in jest...the holidays...no matter what u call them or what ur beliefs r...they r about family and tradition...

i'm just always a little...okay more than a little put off by all the commercialism anymore that's all

Very cool.  There is much coolness in many pagan beliefs and traditions.  I enjoy the lore and mysticism of Wicca especially, I know a few ppl that are really into it.  Blessed be!

ooooooooooh... good point!

There are more religions that have a significant holiday at xmas and Channukah than just Christianity and Hebrew.

And athiests and agnostics are most likely (if they are celebrating) doing it for the sense of family and giving, rather than the birth of Christ (which most scholars agree was in the spring, however that would have made it much more difficulty for the King to convert over the pagans from there heathenistic ways).

What do scholars have to do with the BIBLE.

What do scholars have to do with the BIBLE.  You either believe it or not,

there is no in between.

paladin...when she said "scholars" i read her to mean, those that study religion, or theorize about religion...

oooo i sure hope this doesn't turn into a big religious debate...all because of my yearly observation...

i say every..."that's it, i'm not doing christmas this year"...then family and the spirit of the season gets me...i love it...

I wont shop at walmart since they are too good to say Merry Christmas. You dont believe in Christ.. FINE.. Dont ruin it for everyone else. Sorry to say, this is America, and Christmas is our holiday. Screw a Wal Mart.

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