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Hey Cobra, if you wouldn't mind, could ya make me one too? I dont really care what its on as long as its funny or cool like yours lol. And if you do decide to make it, you can put the URL to your site on it too :)


all right, cool. ive stopped updating my site because im waaaay too busy, so u wont see something like that on it. :wink: also, ive never been too good with requests where the person doesnt really mind what the sig is about, so u should probably give me an idea of what u want on it.

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all right, cool. ive stopped updating my site because im waaaay too busy, so u wont see something like that on it. :wink: also, ive never been too good with requests where the person doesnt really mind what the sig is about, so u should probably give me an idea of what u want on it.

Something Final Fantasy like

Final Fantasy 9 preferably

What i could like is these three images fused together somehow




and if possible : http://psi-square.sinfree.net/ff9/images/zidane02.jpg in there too

I dont know if its possible though..

Thanks again

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wow, dude, thats pretty sweet! after a bit more work, thatd move up to pretty awesome! :D

also, i made a sig for a sotw contest, i just posted it for suggestions on the gfx forum, but here it is now, in case anyone wants it. note: ur name will replace mine, dont think i want my tag that big :lol:


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Sorry, it was cached and you cant access them other than from that site itself

I zipped them for you, #'s 1-3 are the ones i want in there and #4 is the optional one. You can resize them since they are way too big lol. Thanks again Cobra, wish i knew how to operate Photoshop as good as you :cry: .

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lol np, but what are the names of these ppl, because i need to find the original pics if i can because if i try to cut the text out, im gonna have to do some serious blending and idk how well thatll turn out. i could probably restore the little short dude with no face an just eyes without losing too much quality, but losing quality sucks. :wink:

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http://psi-square.sinfree.net/ff9gal2.html - you can find them there. Also' date=' i want the text to be there, if possible.[/quote'] i had planned to rewrite it cuz resizing text usually makes for a bad effect but ill try. wow, that site has a lot of cool renders on it! :shock:

k, actually resizing these will make them look better because the original size is too big and made them blurry. go figure lol, i didnt realize til i maximized the window! :lol:

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lol thx. :D k, im putting the final touches on ur sig marcin, then ill get started on lornes sig later today (id start on it right after this but i dont feel too well so im probably gonna eat after this then go take a nap or something... :( )

k, ive finished it, lemme just get some suggestions on it from the gfx forum i go to so itll be even better. :)

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k, here it is, sorry for the large filesize, the animation took a lot of frames even tho its simple. i didnt want to squeeze the pics in so i made it animated if u dont mind. im also not entirely happy with it, just seems like i could better it but i dont know how... anyways, if u want anything changed, anything at all, (even redoing the sig cuz im not all that pleased with it as i already said :wink: ) just ask :D


lol also thx to luwigie cuz im using his server to host it for now :D

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