By the way, that progress bar is the oldest part of the entire TMN program. Original code.
I mean, just look at this comment.
this.setBar = resetBar; //doing this inline causes unexpected bugs in early NS4
haha, NS4 is referring to Netscape Navigator 4!
That old bit of code is EXTREMELY hard for me to wrap my head around today. I struggle to make edits to it. I attempted to obfuscate (and minify, before that was a thing) the code but then ended up just making it hard for myself to understand later. But that base progress bar code is so slim (very little code) and does the job perfectly in my opinion... so I made sure to carry it over.
There are two progress meters... but they're telling you different things. And I feel it's more than just % and MB downloaded. The original progress bar is so simple in its design that I think it gives a better feel for what's happening sometimes.
I'm still trying to work the date range selection into the My Results on mobile devices. Just need to make it look right. Trust me, I want it there too. For now, the only way to select date range on mobile is through the Connection Guide or Hourly Tool.
I'll definitely change the way the date displays so that it shows the month as "Jan" vs "01" --- I actually can make it display in your countries default format too I just need to connect some other logic that's already built into the site. I can make an array of countries that use "MM-DD-YYYY" and another for "DD-MM-YYYY" --- then have it format appropriately. I plan on making that part of the future My Settings page. This will change the date format to your preferred setting across the site... but will also automatically default to your countries preference.