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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/06/2019 in all areas

  1. After two weeks of working on this, the final piece of the puzzle turned out to be the green box in my yard. This one sits between the sidewalk and the curb. As such it has taken several hits from the snow plows over the years. The entire box and its base was loose and able to rock back and forth. This apparently caused some sort of break in the connection. They dug the base up and replaced it. reinstalled the box and packed the soil in around it. Now I'm running at full speed 24/7. Good job by Mediacom in resolving this issue. Frank
    2 points
  2. Thanks for all this! I've got a bit more testing to do I REALLY do appreciate all your help and insights, you guys have been amazing!
    2 points
  3. I'm pretty sure dropbox is only keeping track of the files that the fresh start wouldn't be touching anyways. Before starting the process it will show you a list of programs that would need to be re-installed. Most of them should be available for download from the manufactures with a quick Google search... some of them you might realize you don't actually need. Search for "fresh start" in the start menu and start the process to see the list, then make sure you're able to get all of the programs that you actually need. Keep in mind, getting that information doesn't start the process. You still have to confirm that you're ready to start. But hey, you might not even need it. Maybe it's just the connection you're on. Yeah he is, that's why he has a special title here. That's a great suggestion, I'll get that worked into the guide. A quick comparison like this in this case tells us a lot. -- the idea to try it the other way, using your phone's hotspot to the laptop will also tell us a lot. Especially if your mobile internet is able to achieve a higher upload speed. Sign in to your account on your phone, make sure you're on the same wifi as your computer and run a few more tests so we can see your results. Then disconnect from the wifi and run upload tests using your mobile plan. Yes. I think it's been the connections you're connecting to recently. You can prove it by putting your laptop on a KNOWN better connection. Best if it's one that you've proven performance on using other devices or computers. So if your mobile device scores much higher, do Sean's hotspot idea. If you don't see any limiting affect on the hotspot you can be pretty sure the other connection is just running poorly.
    1 point
  4. Thanks CA3LE, I'll look into that after the summit. Just curious - any chance you run Dropbox? I keep 99% of everything in Dropbox so backing up really shouldn't be too bad but if I have to reload any programs that aren't Windows, re-syncing this program could take a while and I'll have to factor that in... However, Sean is a genius. I can't believe I didn't try my mobile upload speeds! Turns out...that's not doing to hot either! Only 688 kbps, whereas my host average shows up as 23.9 Mbps. The city average is only 2.5 Mbps, which is still way better than what I'm getting, but is "host" the internet provider that I'm connected to? I'm feeling like I'm back at square one BUT slightly relieved that maybe it's not my laptop afterall? GAH, thank you guys so much for your patience and all your ideas!
    1 point
  5. Sean, Called Mediacom and got a tech in NY. Looked at my account and took less than a minute to see that it was a hardware issue on their side. Cable guy came and tested the outdoor tap, checked my equipment and confirmed it was outside issue. Now to see if they can locate and repair. Thanks
    1 point
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