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Everything posted by resopalrabotnick

  1. from what i saw for live365 the good thing is that the premium listeners don't get ads. but then you're probably right. having ads at the end of a song for nonmembers and then no ads for members would mean that the announcements for songs etc. would have to be recorded and placed on the playlist. although i think there are stations with only high bandwidth and no ads that are only for premium listeners. but then catching any number of listeners out of the members sounds difficult and linking to the station would be next to impossible from a webpage... a flight of fancy took to the wing and was promptly sucked into the engine of a 747...
  2. good point, i need to check the batteries on mine...
  3. so if i set up a station on live365.com i still have to go through all this in addition to paying live365 to broadcast it? thanks water, there goes that idea right out the bleeding window.
  4. yes. the infrastructure is already in place. thousands of miles of unshielded unpaired antennae wires ready to broadcast carry the signal all over the place. (if you find sarcasm or irony you can keep it)
  5. this looks like you are due for a call to the isp. give them the values. they should be able to tell you how long it will take to straighten things out.
  6. :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:
  7. google broadband over powerlines (bpl) and radio interference, bpl is irresponsible to say the least.
  8. google broadband over powerlines (bpl) and radio interference, bpl is irresponsible to say the least.
  9. new one is better. add the shadow though.
  10. you're blocking icmp commands from insie and outside?
  11. i know. but he seems to be having trouble with his.
  12. first of all, usng wireless when you can use wires is a cardinal sin. it's slower, more prone to problems and unsafe compared to wired. if you can't get it to work with the 2 routers, have your aunt invest a few bucks and get a switch. 8 port or so shoud cost 20 to 30 bucks max. set up one router so that you can connect to the net with it, then connect the switch to the router and all the comps to the switch. done. edit: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16817130108
  13. hm. make the new average available only to regged users and have them fill out that info when they create the account. existing members need to enter it manually in their account to enable the feature?
  14. what programs and games? and is the error always in the same range? might be a bad ram stick. do you have your system overclocked? try juggling ram and/or restoring the default clock speeds. if that doesn't help it might be that you did permanent damage oc'ing if that is what you did.
  15. call again. ask to talk to a supervisor. explain the problem.
  16. lol. i only use their internet, not their cable service.
  17. with prtc you are just shit outta luck. try a larger test size. see what happens. have they begun giving all ports open again or do they still shut everything off? i moved from dsl to now onelink cable. they have connection issues often, but at least it stays up most of the time, if sometimes slow. and when it is up it is nice and fast. but you are getting only half of what you are paying for. call tyhem and make a stink. won't do any good, but maybe you will get lucky. threaten them with DACO. or any other paper tiger you can come up with.
  18. oh well. i read it as changing from ds l to cable. so what he meant is 28 bucks /more/ a month?
  19. i saw a 3rd party plugin on the microsoft download site to turn pdfs into .docs and the office 2007 beta can save to pdf natively. with active content.
  20. only you can prevent forest fires. i mean only you can tell if conquering your telephonophobia is worth it. but call your current isp first to see how long a cancellation period you have and then the cable provider to see if it is really available in your area etc.
  21. there are medications for incontinence you know. you can go from the adult diapers back to panties.
  22. if i understand you correctly you do not need the two apps starting up, but might want them. they are preloads of the actual app that put some of the files into memory already at startup to launch the actual apps faster than without. on the comp i am using office on i installed the 2007 beta and word and excel launch blindingly fast without any preload and outlook takes a bit because of the databases it opens.
  23. now why is it that people applaud illegal activity? if the scum that did this had damaged files on your system, would you be laughing about it?
  24. i was talking about the lan cable you would need to lay from where they can get dsl...
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