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Everything posted by Dark06

  1. yeah is your hard drive space smaller?
  2. Might they just be hidden????? i rewmember a virus did that it just hid them but they were still there
  3. i pay 21 for 3.0 down 512 up it a very very good deal i woukd drop sbc in a heathbeat and gladly pay the termanation fee
  4. Cable like panic at the disco Im gonna c them on June the 18 cost me $50 a ticket on the underground but i got them thats a lot considering they were $18 dude u young and u got like a 5-7 yr old son whoever wants to know a bit about me hers my link http://www.myspace.com/sweetapple_juice edit: dark 06i suggest u read this http://www.testmy.net/forum/t-13204 before making any further posts
  5. A napkin Una cerbilleta my spelling sucks on both languges
  6. My friens has sbc or att whatever u wwant to call it he uploads an average og 5 gigs of music dvds and progs a day and doesnt get busted 4 it while dl like 3 gigs a day i dl like 5 gigs in a day for a week because i was trying out difrent linux distros and i get busted they told me i need to stop putting that much presure on their system or they would cancell my acount it sucks it aint fair now im hosting an ftp but its low level just between me and some friends
  7. yep u got it
  8. u r not a sys admin if you blockn port 80 u render your network useless most webpages use port 80 you would not be able to connect to them your the man trust me i play cat and mouse before there are always loopholes find them and exploit them thats my job without getting my ass caught
  9. run one from your house using port 80 u cant block port 80
  10. ok make yourself aN FTP WITH EXECUTABLE RIGHTS that will work
  11. Run it off a usb drive i did that just install it to f://
  12. we r gonna need the upload in order to run better games online plus to sent vids or run an ftp like me
  13. Welcome every1 I envy your upload more than anything running an ftp on a 3.0 /512 sux i can only upload so fast i really need 1 mb up at least
  14. Y u got vegeta and not yoda as your sig?????????
  15. So is there gonna b poren in there? if i remember correctly the aol chatrooms where very dirty a lot of porn links flying everywhere
  16. i got it it had damn small linux on it oh wait thats the one i got from the open source comunity for trying out their beta thing i wish MS put lil more into their os
  17. world dominance is 4 small thinkers Hugo The Great
  18. Great How old r u how old is your brother? He a cool guy look what he did 4 me? my sig
  19. Free ebooks have been available 4 some time but it nebver caught on I have read a few hole books from pds either way its a crazy idea to archive every piece of lititure ever composed there would be so much crap
  20. Does it happen 2 both computers?
  21. Btw guys check this out http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/end.php
  22. Heck Yeah that sux
  23. Thx Yeah im suppose 2 know this im Ic3 certified
  24. Hey does any1 know how 2 do a subscript it sux that im IC3 certified and i dont know this crap
  25. Yep but its not true 64 bit computing and it there are very few programs fore duel core
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