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Everything posted by Dark06

  1. I wonder if any ISp monitor this board
  2. God they almost made vista sound better ALMOST
  3. I think so as well but nobody reads them and the internet is a necessity now a days My business is almost 90% digital
  4. I have found it too be perfect so far i love the protection imiage lol
  5. Any1 else has an opinion? I want to know if this is worth my time or not
  6. I Myself am loving it but i was already a hardcore FF fan
  7. So im interested in knowing if this is something worth fighting and if i stand a chance in case they try to do something and i need to take it to court To you think that it is worth it if i get some media coverage on it?
  8. I for one think the cost is to great
  9. http://www.testmy.net/t-23457 You need to read that and a lot of ISP are thinking about doing it Most Cable companies to have caps because you share bandwidth with the whole neighborhood when u dl to much u are in a way taking or at the very minimum interrupting others usage But the caps are suppose to be so high it is mostly imossible to reach but i want to just to see what would happen
  10. If your on Ie 6 u seriously need to look at firefox now this version is amazing very low memory needs
  11. I got vista on my laptop but i got 3 computers and the rest use xp and linux i can maybe get a hold of 3 more comps just to have running as bit torrent servers or something i want to max my connection to the max to get some media coverage on this or something im going to also need to read my TOS carefully their advertising says unlimited usage so if they stop me that would be false advertising which is a crime in texas It would be better to have it measured in the router or modem i would be willing to buy another router if any1 can find one that has something that can measure that or flash my lynksys router
  12. Ok so I keep reading a lot about cable companies putting a cap on the bandwidth so im wondering if there is a program to measure how much of my bathwith im using. If so i will try next month to dl stuff nonstop on all 3 of my computers and seed bit torrent (linux programs so it will be legal) to hell to see how long it takes for me until i get a notice or a knock on the door I want to maybe write a blog about it and maybe a documentary to see how long it takes and the benefits of unlimited vs caps and try to expose different sides of the story Any1 want to help? sent in the most bandwidth using sites or programs you know I want to hear your opinions on weather you think this is something worth doing or not
  13. This was interesting Edited for picture to show
  14. Where is that function at? as long as u dont use IE u alright
  15. God my brother you do not know what the internet is until u surf with FF or atlest stop using IE
  16. Yeah help set the World record for the most downloaded software Download it even if u wont install it PLZ http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/firefox/?p=downloadday It really is good anyway i Dl it like 5 times already on 5 diff comps i hate that my school its close otherwise i will dl it in like 200 computers
  17. Does your laptop even have a "g" capable adapter?
  18. wow both of those sucks i probably use 5 gigs in 48 hours
  19. He is getting 9 megs down without the router hey try restarting or setting the modem and the router
  20. Check the network cables for one if your router came with new ones I would say that u put those on instead Seriously guys when did i become the voice of reason here This guy needs some help here Feel free to put in your 2 cents anytime guys
  21. What is the speed on it wirelessly there is always some lost wirelessly mine is about 1 mb
  22. wow dlewis has a problem and just when i thought i seen it all
  23. cold fusion is the future trust me
  24. U will only see the 54 mbs increase when transferring files from one computer to the other internet will depend on your ISP speed not your routers
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