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Everything posted by Dark06

  1. I learn from expiriance format and reistall solves anything!!!!!!!
  2. Did it come with any recovery cds if so just format it this means you will deleate everything but since it is new i bet you dont have that much stuff in there
  3. go to and tell me what it says under connect at
  4. Two firefox and runing an antivirus & antispyware program in windows safe mode to get rid off all your shit or you could try to format it
  5. Installation try this link for instruction http://www.siliconguide.com/hardware/cdwriter/cdwriter.shtml
  6. just make sure to add a killer sound card
  7. Well i for one stole the whole engine out a one of those betle cars one time. on the older ones (at lest that i know of ) the engine is only suspended by 5 screws. You nusrew them and let the engine fall you move the body (there really light) and move it away between 8 guys we pick the engine up and put it in a truck . man i would have love to been there been that guy walked out from that club and saw his beatle upside down with no engine. I can imagine his face lol
  8. oh come on like you never put a mod chip in your ps2 or bought pirated games for it or any other system before
  9. Buy an ethernet card About $20 anywhere u go to Except waltmart they will charge u $30 for it
  10. Doesnt it all give you a nolstalgic feeling?
  11. ok so i forgot one zero picky picky picky
  12. 50MB Attachment Limit! That Sucks how r u going to fill a terabyte with 50 mb limits???????? that will take about 2000 emails
  13. Any1 notice that sbc is above road runner? I guess people finnally saw that they cant get all 10 mbs down with cable since you share your connection with to many users heck if i was able to get a 1.5 conecction with them it was a lucky day for the awosome price of $60 a month then i finnaly switch to sbc dsl at 3.0 for $25 now talk about a deal lol dsl will take over or the fiber
  14. 30gigs.com sucked i got an invite yesterday. i tried and try and i cant sent a message it seem like treir sent link is broken. i also found no way to use 30gigs.com as a storage locker only an e-mail locker unless you want to attach countless files to an e-mail. which 2 me that sucks. It only allows me to use all that space for e-mail. who needs all that space for e-mail? i need back up hard drive online,a storage locker, not 30 gigs for email i got 2 gigs with yahoo been using it for a year now and have never deleated a message and i still have about 65% free. Anyway if you need a EASY storage locker stick with streamloader u can upload up to 10 gigs but can only download 100 megs a month (yeah thats the part that sucks) but for free that aint bad they have other options at a very low price. Anyway http://streamload.com/ All the way down with 30 gigs unless some can tell me that they do offer a way to upload files without attaching them to e-mails
  15. Sbc is rock solid from the moment you are in to the moment you cancell you will get that speed 95% of the time . One thing for all you having trouble Reset your modem by sticking a pencil in the whole under it while restarting your computer you will actually see improvements for some reason the sbc installer is set up to enhance only the wireless router they sell you for $50+ if you get the free one with a $12 s&h you will need to reset it because the sbc software configures it all wroong Also keep it as far away from your pc and speakers as possible. Your pc can cause some interference to the modem. Also some phones can to Also i beg you dont stick a phone in to the same outlet as the modem unless you want only 50% of your speed. My friend was paying for 3.0 and only getting 1.7 untuil i unplug the phone from it while i was testing her connection well the connection magically went up to 2.8 and is been there ever since Oh one more thing when i carried the phone line to my room i used 500 yards of it and must of it was under the house wrap a round a spindel one time a critter bit on parts of it so i decided to replace it, this time with only 100 ft(big diffrence). well my connection went from 2.4 to 2.8 moral of the story use as less cable as you can dont be like me and have a huge spindel under your house . Hope this helps some of you
  16. Mine actually went into effect the moment i hanged up with them i made sure off that but a week later there was a storm and it cut mu service for a week and then the rest of the month at 1.5 all in all i got 2 mounths free now aint that a deal?
  17. I have sbc yahoo as soon as my contract is up in july im cancelling i don't trust AT&T i been rip off by them one to many times. When they had a monopoly on the phone lines (all of the 90's) they would over charge you for long distance and even add weird taxes and shit thank god for congress who split them appart creating sbc ,verizon and a few others. Also thanks to MCI for turning up as one of their first real competitors
  18. Best bet buy a new one they cost 10-20 at the most so what the hell
  19. by the way plz sent a 30 GB invite [snip for privacy] edit: please do not put email addys in ur posts
  20. Whats the advantage to having gmail as opposed to yahoo or hotmaiol or even a new @aim.com one?
  21. Trust me a lot of people dont Just a little joke whens the best time for a hacker to release a new virus well right after the holidays you wont believe the number of people who get a new pc run it with no protection (even advance users get caugght up in the rush you get from recieving something you wanted and forget all about the neccessry steps you need to do )and 3 months later are calling custumer support to ask why it is not working
  22. forget windows on a laptop go whit linux they use less resources so you ussally get more battery life but then again it depends on what you want to do all i did on my old one was surf the internet and type papers which linux can do nicely but if you want to play dvds cds or play games on it forget it basicly if you want to install anything that only runs on windows is a no .
  23. Best way to know is to take it out (make sure you touch a grounded piece of metal first so you can discharge static electricity) and take it to a store where they can tell you what it is they should be able to give you jut like it my advice dont put the old one back in mixing ram even if they say there completly compstible is never a good idea just buy a gig of ram in one stick and sell that one on ebay.
  24. Since you said you had two that did this it could also be a brown out situation meaning that that the electricity in your house is not very reliable because the current changes to much and is not at an exeptable rate causing it to restart in order to try to avoid a hardware problem. I have actually seen this a lot here in austin when we reach 100*+ weather since every1 has their ac on it causes it causes the electricity flow to jump all over the place and not be the 120 or 110 volts require. Anyway you might want to look into getting an uninterruptable power supply.
  25. Ares all the way espacially for movies i get an average of 350 kbs on ares an only about 150 kbs on lime wire you guys aso need to try mynapster google it
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