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tommie gorman

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Everything posted by tommie gorman

  1. Bad thing about satelite, it is effected by storms that you aren't aware of.
  2. MYRIAGON that quote is from the Dway thread. And that was for truckinslim.
  3. Yeah about 2 weeks ago. I was wondering when every one said it would pick up during the summer. Probably from school starting.
  4. It's all right. It gets dead sometimes in here. But not bad lately.
  5. Man he is all over the place with those speeds. Wow. Still would not mind seeing a dual smart test.
  6. Yeah, I had a couple of classes like that. Sub's never do the same job. Or get the same respect.(not me)
  7. That has to be the most elegant post I have read in quite a while FallowEarth.
  8. Yeah, one day she asked why I was reading to her? I asked why, and she proceeded to read wiith very little difficulty. I had to call everybody I knew! Actually I loved Algebra. Chemistry . But in their defense I accidently took Chem. before taking biology first. So I pretty much just passed.
  9. I think he is on the 7000. And he should be getting a little over 1100 on his D/L, and around 200 U/L. But he is getting 600 up and down. Maybe not fake, just weird.
  10. Aw crap amc11890, that would bite. But I guess they have accelerated school over the years. I remember being a very good reader when I was young by the age of 6 or 7. My six year old was reading at the age of 4 1/2, (Sally Dick and Jane)and is already reading rather well. What is in the milk these days?
  11. I thought I read that when you gain too much U/L that you actually dropped in the D/L department. Well something is definately weird here. Would still like to see a dual test, just curious.
  12. Actually I am a pretty good shot, that was supposed to be with a 12 guage double barrel shotgun wasn't it?
  13. Actually I was pointing partly at me, ....but yeah, you too!
  14. I thought you had a rope start on that thing Roco.
  15. Truckinslim are you using cable-nut? Is it possible he switched some of his D/L for his U/L some how through cable-nut settings. I use TCP Op. but I thought I read that somewhere. That would make some sense. Would you mind posting a dual test for U/L and D/L combo?
  16. I personally feel that we are no where near that presumed statement peepnklown. Dictatorship: 1)A government in which political power is exercised by a single individual whose rule is considered illegitimate. 2)A state ruled by a dictator holding absolute power and authority. 3)A system of government in which a country is ruled by a single person with absolute power. http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&defl=en&q=define:Dictatorship&sa=X&oi=glossary_definition&ct=title
  17. As long as everybody walks away with at least one good laugh from at least one post. "It has been a very good day". Even if it was something stupid.
  18. Actually justinlay, you can do a partial test yourself, just fill up a bottle with soapy water (like an empty window cleaner bottle)and spray it on the soldered joints on the line. It will foam up if you do have leaks. But this will not tell you if you have any leaks in the A coil inside the furnace.
  19. They usually start a week before labor day here. And get out about the first week of June.
  20. I am not sure if this has been addressed, but you might have your freon checked. If it is low, have them fix the leaks. Even though it is fairly new, there are bad installs.
  21. Very nice php, I also AGREE ! is never free. And I remember this as my children get ready for yet another school year to start. And they are allowed to do so without fear.
  22. Not really dlewis23. I install 2.5 ton's in all of my 900sq. ft. rental houses with basements And have no trouble, except maintenence. "Change your furnace filters tenants, please!" 99% of the problems. "No airflow, no A/C!" And then I have to make sure the condensors are also clean.
  23. justinlay, do you also have a basement?
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