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tommie gorman

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Everything posted by tommie gorman

  1. Hilarious video ROM-DOS. Now I have to wake up to reality.
  2. What type of connection do you have duanep? DSL,cable,satelite,etc...
  3. Everyone tells me that 2 or more Anti Virus's is not good. Can you turn off Norton and test sometime when you know there will be some e-mail. That will let you know if it is Norton.
  4. I hate saying this, but you may need to contact Hughes,net. Sounds a little like an e-mail problem. Unless you know more about setting up an e-mail. And I am not sure you want to post that number. It might link you, I am not sure. Mine has always had that box in the lower corner.
  5. That was just a short cut to control center. Just open up AVG and click on control center. I have the same version. I think you need a fresh install. I have had to do this before. Mine got corrupted somehow.
  6. Like how long, for how many e-mails? Have you checked for updates.? Click on your toolbar AVG logo, and see if it says anything in red.
  7. Nice sig's S7R1D3R. Man I00 posts, let's see, that was back in...hmm. Just kidding. Welcome aboard, and many more. We thought we would throw you a party. The gangs all here.
  8. Nah, just 22 minutes, and done with the post. resopalrabotnick was just fooling mostly.
  9. And that refers to this in what way p100q?
  10. I would probably use mirror film, like used in cars. You can see out, but they cannot see in. Except at night. Then it is a tinted look still. And then maybe paste some pictures of someone that resembles the mayors wife, doing something she shouldn't.
  11. In my opinion, in short. It is because of the marriage failures. The father leaves and the kids have little rules, since the father is the only one that could inforce them. And maybe a little deeper. But just in short form.
  12. What Liberties? If you lived in the inner city, and you had to put up with drug traffic next door. And needed more evidence to have police do something, it would help. But I think it should only be executed in high crime rate areas. I know that I would want one if I lived there, having to work there every day. They truly would want and need it, if they could. That way you have the liscence plate number, face, and a recorded action to go with it. Plus the criminal never knows who did it. To go back on. Old saying: You don't have to live ghetto, to live in the ghetto. Maybe that could change some. If that does not work, try a good rubber. By the way ROM-DOS, where do you live with such nice looking neighbors?
  13. mike5026 enjoy the speeds, they will probably not last long.
  14. It sounds cool, for inner city use. They need it. Civil liberties groups are concerned, with Mark Crossman of Liberty predicting the emergence of vigilante groups and an epidemic of old ladies crying wolf over young people in hoodies. Civil liberties are protections from the power of governments. Examples include the right to life, freedom from torture, freedom from slavery and forced labour, the right to privacy, the right to a fair trial, freedom of speech and freedom of assembly, and the right to marry and have a family. These are usually guaranteed and protected by a constitution or by adherence to an international treaty. I suppose when you are in public, you are not in public.
  15. Real nice pic's guy's. Nice. You know that this thread was started because someone told me they did not see any Patriotism here anyway.
  16. Appreciate the appreciation Roco. Nice pic.
  17. Welcome to the forum duanep. What a sweet boost. Nice speeds.
  18. tdawnaz, so this one of the few places a guy gets a word in then. Maybe that is why I like it so much. Maybe I should not have said that on Mothers Day.
  19. Not sure if I want to live in them worlds.
  20. Welcome to the forum cleef. The edwido is his only AV, the others are anti spywares. Which it is necessary to have a few of those. S7R1D3R how many unnecessary services are running in the background? That you only need when you want them. Example, Quicktime only needs to run when you want it, not all the time. Is there a messenger service like MSN running?
  21. I am not saying stop the services, just stop them on start up. They should still start when you want them. Do they need to run all the time, or just when you need them. Example, when I reformat, the first thing I do is turn off all services. Strip the ones I do not need. Then the only ones running on start, are my AV and Antispyware, and for some reason my printer. Another example is Quicktime, I can start using it whenever I want, but it only runs if I click on it, not all the time. Me personally, I also kill MSN messenger, big resource hog, runs all the time. I use e-mail. By the way I am running an AMD 3500 with 2GB ram myself. And it still makes a difference. dlewis23, I think he is trying to hit his cap, not necessarily go over it.
  22. Happy Mothers Day To All You Mothers Out There!
  23. You are running a clean comp, right? Have you tweaked it yet? Are you on a router? Have you defragged or cleaned out your registry lately? Are you cleaning out your cache before each test?
  24. Have you checked to see if any unnecesary services are running in the background? Start*Run*type in "msconfig"*ok*start up tab. To see if any are not supposed to be running?
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