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Everything posted by ghostmaster

  1. click on system info then tell us what satellite you're on and what frequency...
  2. just a thought...you could use free upload sites like www.yousendit.com or turboupload.com ( I recommend yousendit ) they are time limited so you might want to tell your friends and fam to go ahead and download it after you send it... and to keep your files safe...I would ZIP the files with a simple password..then just tell whoever you send it to the PW...
  3. Are you using DirecWay's smtp server?
  4. Did you set the routers IP address as 1 number above the DW7000 address? Ex. If the DW7000 address was set to, the IP you set on the router should be, subnet mask of and gateway of
  5. I don't think so. DWay WILL allow a file larger than 10MB to be uploaded. I just uploaded a 20MB file to my site using FTP. No problem. I'll try a 50MB file later. I hope you aren't using DWAYS email for anything. They do have 10 MB limit on that period. Quite rediculous.
  6. 1 higher than the DW7000 IP...and the mask should be the gateway will be the DW7000 IP...then just setup port forwarding on the router to whatever computer u need...then you'll be home free...
  7. The DW7000 doesn't really do either of those, it forwards all ports when a static IP is used. To forward ports, you will NEED a router. Linksys WRT54G works great for me. You will also have to manually enter the static IP information on the router. The DW7000 doesn't hand out the static IP, it hands out a NAT IP to the LAN.
  8. The real test would be during the work day 8:00am to 6:00pm.
  9. I dont know how it recovers, most likely they throttle you down to 128Kbps, like they used to for a while...and then the next day it speeds back up...You would have to call Wild Blue to find that out. I think the Select Pack comes with 20Gigs/30 days...that might be an option..
  10. DW7000 on Pro plan without static IP I can download 350MB in a 4hour period. :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 1063 Kbps about 1.1 Mbps (tested with 2992 kB) Download Speed is:: 130 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (server2) Test Time:: Thu Dec 22 21:08:23 EST 2005 Bottom Line:: 19X faster than 56K 1MB download in 7.88 sec Diagnosis: Looks Great : 15.67 % faster than the average for host (direcpc.com) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-AYSPOCBMG :::.. Upload Stats ..::: Connection is:: 193 Kbps about 0.2 Mbps (tested with 579 kB) Upload Speed is:: 24 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (server2) Test Time:: Thu Dec 22 21:10:47 EST 2005 Bottom Line:: 3X faster than 56K 1MB upload in 42.67 sec Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 179.71 % faster than the average for host (direcpc.com) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-2Z7JS5M68 My advertised speeds are 1Mb down and 200Kbp up. **Note** I am on AMC9 and what I guess would be a new transponder 1370. I suspect my speeds will slow some when the transponder fills... However, Although I am one of the few people satisfied with Dway, I would go with Wild Blue if it is available. Their FAP is a bit more generous, depending on what package. Basic gets I think 10GB per 30 days. **Note** this doesn't reset every 30 days, it just calculates over a 30 day period, while Dway calculates over a 4 hour period. You can argue either way, but I tend to think the Wild Blue approach seems better. Also, Wild Blue isn't as affected by rain, because it's transmitter will increase to 2 watts to punch through when needed. (i think) I would go with the select pack from WB. But if Dway is their only choice, do the Pro plan with dynamic IP, make sure they have a good installer, and pray they put you on AMC9 1370.....which they should since its the new default..... Good Luck....
  11. yeah they did 192.169.*.* the first time lol..I was like huh?.... Yeah that looks fine....I still say it's something at Dway's end, not at your site..your high rate code indicates that your site is setup fine. I don't know what to think anymore, they have something totally screwed up there....You are definately not the only one having this problem though... Have you called the installer to get them to come back out and check everything? (grounding, etc)
  12. your welcome.... reso is right though, next time, go ahead and post the brand and model router so we can better help you....
  13. I use site licensed version of Symantec Corporate.
  14. Yeah, SatMex is definately having issues. I read something about the company that owns that satellite is going under, and can't afford to fix it. Would be nice if Skyterra would buy it from them so that they could maintain it, but I doubt that would happen.
  15. Yep...The only crime they really committed was preloading the pirated games on the hard drives and distributing them....
  16. I use hyperterminal..it worked just fine for me... We used a serial port to ethernet converter with a straight through cable to connect to the console port on the router.
  17. What site are you pinging there? You don't need to force range at this point, because you have the highest rate you can get. (256k 4/5) Those pings don't look right, they should be around 600-800ms for the 7000. (at that rate code anyways) Lets wee what happens tonight after peak hours are over....
  18. The new firmware came out this morning...I hope it helps you all who are having problems!!!!!
  19. I don't think its that your satellite is overloaded, but that there is a problem with the firmware on the modems connected to it. But yes, it will help if they move people off of it. My speed will probably slow down when more and more people get on it, but since I only use this system at night and on weekends, it shouldn't get too bad...
  20. I Decade...I just upgraded to the DW7000 and satellite AMC9.... THIS IS THE POTENTIAL YOU HAVE WHEN THEY GET IA8 FIXED!! :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 1127 Kbps about 1.1 Mbps (tested with 2992 kB) Download Speed is:: 138 kB/s Tested From::
  21. DWAY has just been bought out by Skyterra. The deal to be finalized in Q1 next year. Skyterra already owned 50% of Dway but now owns the whole company. I hope that with this change of management, things will improve considerably. I think a lot of the problems are caused by the fact that the satellites being used by Dway right now, were never meant for Broadband data communication. Wildblue's bird is. (I think). The SpaceWay 3 bird, which is due to launch early 2007 is designed for this purpose. They seriously need to rebuild their customer support system from the ground up. As far as the DW7000 being a gimmick. I think not. Like most companies do, they did release it too early. One of those bad decisions that I hope they don't repeat. My attitude will surely change when mine comes in and it doesn't work. But because I've never had a problem with Dway, i'll give them the benefit of the doubt.....for now...
  22. NEWS... Over at the dslreports.com forum...a member said that Engineering told him that there was a firmware problem on a lot of the DW7000 modems, and that they are going to rollout new firmware starting Tuesday. Don't expect to get it right away, those firmware updates usually take a few days to go out to everybody. I'm willing to bet that everyone on IA8 (decade) will get it first, and then satmex.... Just hang in there a few more days, I think they'll get it fixed...just wish it didn't take them so darn long...
  23. clear out your temporary internet files on the machine it messes up on, and try again......
  24. They didn't scan your computer for anything, you just got a really bad tech support guy.
  25. I don't know the actual number, but if you call the standard support number, they can hook you up...
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