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Blunted 2

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  • Speed Test

    My Results

Everything posted by Blunted 2

  1. i dont get great results from it but with my adsl it says i am 1 mile from the server with a 70 ping which is weird but heh its probably hard to set that test up. just like i said the 1 thing that got me was how cool it looks.
  2. this test is more accurate and consistent and i get better speeds on speakeasy then to them for some odd reason but i just like the way it looks. :D
  3. i wanted that 1 first cause what the hell we gonna do with 50 mb except say i have 50 mb. they have a 10/50 too you know
  4. i posted this a while ago man , you didnt see it? http://www.testmy.net/forum/t-15189
  5. cool man you gonna try the faster speeds with verizon? they have a 10 up and 35 down for $170 with dynamic ip and $210 for static. you dont need 50 mb its a waste cause you will never use it but the 10/35 is perfect. read this http://biz.yahoo.com/prnews/060717/nym149.html?.v=53
  6. yea 4 times more money :shock: i also just realized who you are how are you doin voltageman? hows your hand?
  7. yea i can make my downloads look fast too and no matter what you say its cached
  8. i still think any of them that high over is cached but alot of people get the correct results and post them not like some just post fake ones and wont stop posting them then another person gets a cached result and thinks hey if he has it then i must have it. fix your firewalls !!!!!!!!!!!!! it is cached
  9. thats why you are getting more then everyone else with comcast by alot and there is alot of things you can use to make it seem faster. also what do i care if your isp gets closer to my isp's speeds i could care less but i think its fake
  10. too many damn people here in nyc
  11. i was close the max is 1280 x 1024 and 1360 x 768 for widescreen
  12. well if it was a 1 to 10 rating it gets a 10 from all the nice and honest people here
  13. i was gonna look in the 360 menu and i am pretty sure its 1366 X 768 widescreen and 1280 X 1024 standard max resolution
  14. well you have to also remember the power companies are cutting back on power cause people are using too much so your AC's dont work as well as they should. thats whats happening in NYC
  15. i just threw that up there cause i didnt feel like checking into it now cause i am in pain with 2 teeth pulled out.
  16. xbox cant do 1080 I or P cause its max resolution is 1366x 768 i believe or 1280 X 1024 i have to check later
  17. sorry dude that is cached no matter what you say its supposed to be 16 mb and i can understand if you somehow got 18 maybe pushin 20 max but 30 yea right your not gonna get that much. not trying to bash on you at all but i think its fake
  18. my game room has alot of eletronics in there and in the winter the room doesnt need heat so yea it can do alot depending on what you have.
  19. /happy_bday.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':bday:' />:' />
  20. /happy_bday.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':bday:' />:' />
  21. Damon please check your PM's i sent you a few
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