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Everything posted by Aggr3

  1. tommie gorman ...might sound stupid but clear your cache out . The tests here are a new test and it can tend to do strange things sometimes when your computer thinks it knows what it's doing instead of actually executing the code that's comming. Anyway give it a try. Sorry I don't use FF.....but I know other folks with a 6000 that do and their not having trouble.
  2. I have ....and when you erase it with a degausser there's really nothing left...lol
  3. OK ....here's mine...you can measure it with a sundial though.....or maybe a calander..
  4. Hey...see if he'll set that demo up for a few days...to include week days and you could test perhaps hourly and compare the two for us....I'd be interested in the results of that....my contract is up next month too...and I've looked at WB through my electric co-op.
  5. At the top of the page it shows who is on that page also.... Aggr3 and 0 Guests are viewing this topic. Also under Users on line you can see a snapshot of everybody...
  6. Well sorry then....I guess I missed the point of your first post then....I thought that the cables in the picture had something to do with the text in the post...
  7. Hi SkUG....welcome to the form.... First of all ....the cables pictured are BNC single wire shielded cable......with what appears to be a 50 ohm load...and a short on one end of the Tee..... They won't support any kind of network connection....one wire won't do it.. It would however run video nicely....to an old monitor...
  8. I don't know....but putting encryption on your wireless router might help...
  9. yeah...even I can beat that one.... :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 224 Kbps about 0.2 Mbps (tested with 1013 kB) Download Speed is:: 27 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (server2) Test Time:: Wed Jan 4 21:50:04 EST 2006 Bottom Line:: 4X faster than 56K 1MB download in 37.93 sec Diagnosis: May need help : running at only 24.45 % of your hosts average (direcpc.com) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-C0JBLG7K6 but I won't try an U/L....
  10. 53....is that good or bad..??
  11. Ummm.....because it's not a microsoft site ...so who knows what it really is..?????? But hey....it's your computer....
  12. I'm on a 6000...and my rate code is 1 seems like a big diffrence ...which one is better..??
  13. works fine...for today....dumping this thread..
  14. Merry Christmas to all...and to all a good night... I hope each and every has a good one...
  15. That one looks like this.....and a never ending loop...
  16. nope....that one looks like this....been there...and the ones after it...
  17. What...this
  18. So why won' t my computer load Macro mediaplayer....I need it to track Santa on NORADS site... It says I need it...I go to install it....and nothing....nada ....zippo....what gives here..???
  19. If you insist....locked
  20. Here's a link for FAP.... http://www.copperhead.cc/fap.htm average speeds depend on package and modem....you can check the stats for me for example ..I'm a 6000 basic package...other people list it in their sig also..
  21. reso...I really wouldn't look at Dway...unless ya get a use 4000 system off Ebay...the speeds really do suck...for $60.00 a month.... Look into wireless...see if it's available...
  22. For some odd reason...I think somebody is yanking my crank....19 Hughes DIRECWAY (satellite broadband) they don't qualify as top in anything....except complaints...
  23. That's what his first post said... Re: Post your speed and how much you pay monthly by colasa
  24. I don't think they have Fios in Pakistan ....do they???
  25. most diffnitly number 1...satelite has terrible lag times... and welcome to the forum..
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