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  • Speed Test

    My Results

Everything posted by raptors892004

  1. IE has lots of plugins which are required to make it work properly too, so don't say its got everything.. Everything comes with nothing when u install it
  2. And you are missing FF as your security browser.. It also has lots of great features such as tabbed browsing.. I donno why ppl don't like it
  3. Thats is sadly true ..
  4. i ping photobucket at 50ms .. seems to work fine
  5. how do u make the tab toolbar go to the bottom? there is no such option to make it do that
  6. u see what that verizon guy does to the operators.. he makes 'em cry
  7. maybe it just got misplaced as many things do in IE
  8. so thats the operator over at verizon that says yes .. lol
  9. I just wondered if this is fixable.. I have FF 1.0.7 and whenever i open a new tab, ff switches automatically to it.. How do i make it open the new tab, but also stay in the current one (keep the focus on the current one)? Thanks for any replies
  10. i help ppl too, but i kinda enjoy it each time some problem resolves cuz of my help, even if they ask simple questions like "What's Windows?" .. j/k
  11. i wonder how much money it costed to put those lines underwater..
  12. its the first game i played on my pc.. everyone who used pcs knows starcraft i would like to think
  13. Use IE.. 1 user can't be wrong.. 100 porn companies can't be wrong.. lol
  14. year.. i haven't played starcraft in 3 yrs
  15. If your cap is 5.1, you cannot go higher than 5.1 combined speed.. If you both test at the same time, your provider records u r using 5.1 mbits/sec, cuz both ur pcs use 2.55 each
  16. You're using all the power of your internet connection when you both do the test at the same time.. Routers just share your connection.. If both computers browse the net or download at the same time, the conection speed is going to go down for sure..
  17. Those are the fastest for me, so I bet they would be fast for u too if u use them anyways EDIT: now i saw ur ping test results for those ones.. pretty small ping times
  18. Still .. 1500mhz fsb with 6ghz processor speed.. For today's pcs, that would be a 10 on power scale
  19. as far as i know, bit comet downloads only while the tracker is up.. it was like that before.. anyone can verify that?
  20. and think of the noise from the fans (if it uses fans)
  21. no real ISP would say that thing .. Its either that the company is fake or very small or the guy wasn't a service representative.. Anyways, I don't think Google would allow u to connect to their DNS servers just like that .. Just use ur ISPs and if they're not very good, switch ISPs.. That's my suggestion
  22. that'd be sweet for folding@home
  23. unless you have azureus, which saves all the peers that are on this torrent, you cannot continue to download until the tracker comes up.. If the tracker is down in Azureus and u have Distributed Database turned on, other peers not on the tracker could download off of you, but when the tracked is down you could still download off the ppl that were on the tracked before, because you had Azureus remember them.. Something like that..
  24. If you have cable internet, it just may be fluctuation in speed.. I got cable and sometimes my results drop by 200-300k.. It could be because of peak times or something with the cable line (probably peak times)
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