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Everything posted by raptors892004

  1. Heh.. Ppl should go on its partyline, cuz when they leave the bot is still there
  2. I'm still going with the small flash players that were on the market long before this product.. They're a lot cheaper and can have a longer life.. Plus when the battery runs out, you can just pop a fresh one in unline apple's products, which you have to recharge every 8-10 hrs.. And when the battery cannot be charged anymore, Apple charges 65$ US (tax incl.) for battery replacement.. That price is if you do not have the coverage.. So then you gotta pay either way
  3. From the previous posts in the topic, I guessed that Outpost was a free firewall.. But when I tried to search for it, I only saw the paid version which has a free trial.. Anyone have a webpage for the free version (if there is any)?
  4. I used IE for many years, but then FF came along
  5. Electric bill probably ..
  6. Cholla, do you use Outpost for firewall?
  7. If you think about it this way, then every free program could POTENTIALLY transmit your data to its author.. If you are so concerned about that, block it from accessing the net and see what connections it makes
  8. yea but the best free browser for internet users which know what they want it to do is ff because its got a lot of extensions and themes which are spyware free
  9. Hope all the probz are fixed in this version because its really a very good if not the best browser
  10. Once you use Sygate for a lot of time, it is going to take up more and more system resources because of all the rules.. I had ZA before and I was fairly satisfied.. Never tried Outpost.. Anyone here know if Outpost is any good and if it takes up little system resources, and if its effective, etc..? (from their own experience with it)
  11. Take a look here. The program is called proxyway (free version) and it checks proxies off of given websites to see if they are active, what their speed is.. Then you can apply them to your system
  12. Here are my stats: Downstream Status Operational Channel ID 0 Downstream Frequency 615000000 Hz Modulation ??? Bit Rate 42884296 bps Power Level -12.8 dBmV Signal to Noise Ratio 33.1 dB -- Upstream Status Operational Channel ID 2 Upstream Frequency 32496000 Hz Bit Rate 10240000 bps Power Level 46.0 dBmV Any replies would be appreciated
  13. http://www.tomshardware.com/cpu/20031230/5ghz-03.html .. there are 2 donwload locations for the video
  14. I played it before and it was a good game
  15. VDSL also has same speed for download and upload..
  16. I had a line quality problem some months ago.. The splitter for the cable was messed up and i got disconnected every couple of minutes, but they fixed it.. I'll see what happens in the next days.. If something does happen, I'll post stats then because I gotta give the hardware a break from time to time (including the router)
  17. Those are nice speeds now
  18. Who wouldn't?
  19. Its kinda like some other topic on another forum I saw.. A number count topic (now its up to 3500 or maybe 4000 I think).. Just spam posting.. Do whatever you feel is necessary
  20. ??? :haha: That kinda looks cool when the haha's go all at once
  21. Its not quite the same way, because its over-exaggerated to the extreme.. 2TB of hdd could be achieved with a couple internal and external hdds (a couple of dozen probably ) and 6.8 GHz cpu with a couple of overclocked cpus, but 1tb of ram (500 DIMM slots with 2GB each???).. That's just crazy talk for our (human) current progress in computer hardware development
  22. I don't think he'll agree to loan the money cuz that's all he owns.. And it still may not be enough.. And who's gonna pay him off after that.. Why am I discussing that? lol :haha: .. Nothing even mentions that he'll loan the money
  23. Since it wasn't a real problem, i think the topic should be closed..
  24. Someone else (not the person that reported him to ebay) could ask that guy to sell only the bottles, but I don't know if he'll sell them to the person that reported him anyway.. What is the penalty for that bad item anyways? Delete of account? Ban?
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