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Everything posted by raptors892004

  1. so that's a post created from nothing.. :haha:
  2. can i get sept 17, 18, 19, 20, 22, 23, 24, 25? 17 is my primary choice for now if i can't get em all which will be probably what will happen
  3. Hi. I currently have an SMC 7004VBR router and a Webstar DPX2100 cable modem. Sometimes (not every day or every week), my internet goes down in speed and eventually down.. I solved the problem by unplugging my router and modem for a couple of minutes and all the cables out of them (1st unplug and reconnect didn't work the last time this happened (i unplugged some cables and power cables of router and modem for a minute or so), but 2nd time in which I left all the cables out and for longer, it worked afterwards).. I don't usually restart (unplug and reconnect) my router, but I do that to my modem every couple of nights.. Do you think that could be the problem (not resetting my router regularly)..? Any help would be appreciated
  4. What about Linux? If you have wine installed, you could still run IE6.. Right? .. But still, many lawsuits will follow
  5. Make the bottles and the stuff yourself unless you can buy it off someplace else.. Thats my advice
  6. And that's a server.. Many ppl thought 4x the specs of the server you mentioned could be put in a laptop users can carry arouind.. I'm thinking they sell a cart with the laptop .. And why doesn't the government come up with it, but some company which noone knows does that? The creator of the hoax over-exaggerated a bit on the specs
  7. But still.. It starts with 5-6 times my cap speed.. IE never did that.. Donwload managers never did that
  8. Heh.. The picture with the car issue is so funny.. :haha: ..
  9. Its not me for sure.. I don't even have an ebay account
  10. my tests work.. guess it was a one time glitch or something
  11. Maybe its something to do with the OS.. What version of FF do you have (1.0.6)?
  12. Wait until 1-2 hrs are left in the bidding and then see what the highest bid is.. Or even better yet, less than 5 mins before bidding closes (preferably within the last minute or 2), if the current bid is not too high, outbid the other user
  13. Well, I downloaded a 4mb file in 2-3 secs with FF when it would've taken me 12 - 15 secs with IE.. GO FF!!
  14. I just compared my download speeds with FF and IE. IE starts with my internet cap and keeps up that speed if the server it downloads from is fast.. FF starts from 4 or 5 times my internet cap speed and then drops to the actual cap speed, but still.. For small files it would make a big difference (e.g.: FF - 2 secs, IE - 10 secs) .. Anyone else get this 'super-boost' while downloading files with FF?
  15. Who's avatar? Mine? What is a spray btw?
  16. It'd be better in color
  17. I was so happy to see the topic subject, but then it turned out to be a hoax
  18. Apple is pretty good, but Creative Zen Players are pretty good too (and they can recharge via USB)
  19. If you have configured your settings in Local Area Connections for Primary DNS Server (e.g.: - router), Local IP Network Adress (e.g.: - 1st network pc, - 2nd pc, etc..), then everything should be fine without configuring. I also have a router and my IE and FF work without any configuring of proxy - just the config in the Local Area Network settings for the Ethernet card, which goes to the router..
  20. If the police stop you, get to a pc and post a note in the forum saying they arrested you.. I'll come a testify to your intention for driving that fast.. Good luck
  21. I heard that you cannot change the battery on the Ipod mini's by yourself, but you have to send them back to the factory and pay 100$ for the change with a new battery.. Is that right, or is it just a false rumor?
  22. Elite.Pete , what software do you use for the different themes applied to Windows on your pc?
  23. I believe that the picture that rayray909 attached is color and you could resize it with any picture editing program (e.g.: Paint Shop Pro 7,8...).. Quality may not be just as good as the small one, but it will be big enough to fit on your desktop
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