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Everything posted by raptors892004

  1. What exactly does the free membership to testmy.net mean? What does it do?
  2. I don't think chicks are surfing the net so much.. Not to talk about owning 100mb connections.. lol
  3. You guys should start a new post in general talk or a new subforum for binary talk only.. lol
  4. Why weren't you able to download SP2?
  5. Maybe he hates Southpark.. But don't take it up with him in the forum post please
  6. That started it.. I saw a similar fight in another post.. Its best if a thing like this doesn't happen again
  7. Lets see what we can come up with.. Something to do with the forum would be good, cuz it would be free
  8. Looks like a fight starting.. Don't fight in the post.. If you wanna continue that use PM or just STOP IT AT ONCE!!
  9. I'll go for Sept. 17 .. Any prize for the correct prediction?
  10. If you can't find the cd key sticker, either the cd is pirated or the sticker fell off
  11. Quite true.. Before, when I had it installed, It said some guy from Vietnam attempted to send me backdoor sub7 trojans every 5 mins or so..
  12. Try the Ultimate Boot CD.. Its got many utilities for rescue and stuff.. I haven't tried it myself (*knock on wood*) but I heard very good reviews of it.. I think all of the programs on it are free and it works from dos.. EDIT: One program that the cd above includes is Active@ KillDisk Free Edition which wipes out the drive (even washes with bleach (1 time overwrite))
  13. I know english and some other languages, but I didn't notice anything about binary language being thought at school..
  14. Nice one
  15. Even fdisk from the Windows boot diskette would wipe everything (even the filesystem).. Do you need something a bit more secure (that lives up to government standards)?
  16. Yea.. .. Where did you learn that binary stuff anyways?
  17. Every pc in my school has one of those stickers on its side.. One guy almost got caught trying to copy it.. But it was Win 2000 anyways..
  18. ill join in too 0101010000000000000010100000000000010101010010000000000000001100101 .. 0101000 .. 01000101001001001001
  19. On my first format I went with the full ntfs format, but it took me 1 hour for an 80gb hdd.. What is the difference between those 2 anyways?
  20. You guys never asked about a basement.. What about it? Can they move there VanBuren?
  21. Well, AMD's are useful for both.. They are more responsive and have higher fsb speeds, but are slower than most new Intel processors in 32bit mode, which would maybe be a disadvantage with 32 bit programs and games.. If you get a 64bit processor, you should also get the 64bit windows, but I would think you should go with the AMD processors, cuz many other ppl think so too(e.g.: 32 bit processors have max of 4GB mem for OS and programs; 64 bit ones have 16 billion GB available (in 64bit mode) .. I read it off some site about 32 and 64 bit cpu comparison).. But that's up to you, cuz you have to find a new video card if you want the AMD as you said
  22. I would guess that it has something to do with the router or its current firmware.. I visited some other sites about a Lynksis problem similar to this where the internet connection died randomly, but this is the only probable solution to this problem.. I don't think that this problem is caused from the number of peers connected or trying to connect to you, since you have a broadband connection (and one with good speeds too )
  23. No shame in asking for help.. Best thing is to reformat and reinstall Windows or use the option from the install setup to repair a current Windows installation.. I can't seem to find a reason for that hardware error, except maybe a power surge that damaged something in your pc, but that doesn't seem likely..
  24. I don't care that much about what browser I use, cuz I got protection anyways.. If any spyware gets through, I'm gonna destroy it!!
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