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Everything posted by raptors892004

  1. I don't know how the company could say you can upgrade, she can upgrade your net without mentioning the incompatability of the higher net speeds with your hardware (modem) or with the equipment they have in your area and then someone else from the company saying that you cannot have that upgrade.. Either their company database software is messed up or they work with different ones
  2. Until it comes out, I am gonna say that this is a fake.. I don't think there is any processor today or one that will be made even in the not so near future that could be used for laptops.. Not to talk about 1TB of RAM and 2TB of hdd.. And its for laptops, not desktops.. I would say its impossible until I see it with my own eyes at BestBuy or some other store
  3. The original picture that you are talking about (I'm assuming it was in color) could have been deleted from its hosting server, because I could not find anything on google and yahoo that has not been posted in here yet.. User probably deleted it.. You should try to do as much as you can using the black and white ones.. Or print and color them by hand and then scan the color ones
  4. If it got hacked, then the site would've had to be hacked too in order to display those negative speed tests.. And why would they hack into someone's account on the site? Post in the forum or do speed tests for him/her?
  5. It was probably one of those trainees on the phone who were still not up to date with the company's policy on upgrades and stuff and probably entered a wrong address or something and told you that you qualify.. Maybe billing said you qualify cuz of your account funds and stuff, not because of your address and hardware configuration.. My ISP never did that..
  6. Windows XP does not show the manufacturer of the system and it doesn't say manufactured and supported by.. And the other thing even though its a comma still makes sense.. What does it say if its a comma instead of a period.. 6 comma 80Ghz.. What does the 80Ghz stand for then?
  7. Never heard of this brand.. Its either extremely expensive or very cheap.. Did you call the customer support?
  8. No record found.. Test is not in the database.. If you did not perform this test more than 2 months ago, then it should show up when you click on the validation link..
  9. All my friends have MSN, so I would go with that for the moment
  10. Google sometimes gets more stuff
  11. What about cooling for it? 3-4 interconnected connected heatsinks and dry ice?
  12. Hope you get it for the minimum bid
  13. who would pay for if i hear the brown note.. Maybe its disabled in one of the software programs
  14. The upgrade could come in the next days, as it takes some time for it to go in effect on the ISP's servers and stuff.. But its better to call and check than to be in the blind and don't know whether the net is slow or it is not upgraded yet.. Cable upgrades kick in immediately (my internet got upgraded 1-2 mins after i called the ISP)
  15. Who's gonna play a game on a 14 inch screen instead of a desktop screen? Lets not mention the cpu comparison and the mouse thingy on the laptops, which translates into harder gameplay.. It is good for trips (no doubt better than nothing), but still.. Its mainly for work and not games
  16. Still.. Its only one person.. Could've simply selected the wrong one
  17. You should call them just in case and ask if you are using the 3/768 internet.. Then post in here and tell us what they said.. Maybe its just that the new net did not kick in effect or it may be something with the modem/windows..
  18. What if something happens to Mac OS? Do the pc's come with any cd about the OS (e.g.: repair functions..)?
  19. Damn.. I just might move to the U.S. close to their main office only for this
  20. How long is the battery life on max cpu utilization or when playing video games..?
  21. Just out of curiosity, does Mac OS come with the PC or can you download it from the net.. I have never seen a Mac without the Mac OS and another pc with Mac OS, so I would assume that they come with the OS.. Am I right?
  22. Min bid was 2$ US i think ..
  23. Hope it gets fixed in the near future..
  24. Its 200 MHz cuz its for light and long-life battery laptops.. As long as it does the work, I'll go with it.. I found an AMD 64 processor notebook and it was so heavy.. I don't care how fast the cpu's fsb is as long as there is good battery life from the notebook and its lightweight.. Its not like I'll convert video files all day
  25. Here is a picture of one of the bottles of the ale stuff.. Maybe you could get a beer bottle and make a label like this one.. Custom made = caring for the person you give this to .. Google Images helped me find this.. The other drink's pic should not be too hard to find either
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