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Everything posted by justinlay

  1. Have you tried to see there are any WiFi service around you??. I had vonage on my wifi and it work with no problems
  2. Welcome to the forum Bamellis I can tell you right now Vonage isnt ever going to run right on Wildblue due to lantecy. Is your firewall on, and git rid of that aol browser
  3. I agree with both of yall. To me if the price looks right ill buy it
  4. I say Sep. 11
  5. Well I could if i hoped over the fence while im at it maybe run a line to the house. They wont notice
  6. Today while i was driving to work I passed my tower by my house. i was like 30 feet from it and the best i could get was a -80, and even went out alittle ways it stayed there for about 3 miles then started to go up. So i need to do some research on this phone and see the best signal strength i could get out of it
  7. yah my WiFi is like that it feels like im geting bursts, but it hates high winds
  8. You must be really close to the tower. I think that damn hill is hurting me
  9. Cool i get -82 outside, inside the lowest ive seen is -84 which is right now seting next to the laptop
  10. Thanks granpa ill haft to check it out. I live less than a mile from the tower, but there is a damn hill in the between. Sence ampd went bankrupt i got a blackberry world edition with verizon but to bad smartphone/pda dont have rev. A im stuck with rev 0, but i get pretty decent speeds i guess. I have a question on the dbm is -81 better than lets say -97?
  11. Hey granpa could you post some pics of your setup?? Im thinking of geting rid of my wifi and going with that from verizon.
  12. justinlay

    Power supply

    Yah you will be fine, a min for it is a 300
  13. Well heres a copy of Windows XP SP3 But its only a RC2. From some where i read it wont offically come out till the first quarter of 2008 http://www.softpedia.com/get/System/OS-Enhancements/Windows-XP-Service-Pack-3-Preview.shtml
  14. :2funny: :2funny:
  15. YAY Happy Birthday To Me!!!!!!!! LOL :occasion14:
  16. pretty much the same one i have posted but with a different video card, but that a pretty good price
  17. Well are still on a contract? I know when i canceled my service i got 30 some odd dollars back from them. What suppriced me the most was they didnt give me any hassel in canceling, no questions or anything. Maybe they noticed i was on the 4000 hehe
  18. Them speeds are awsome! Your probuly on your EVDO more than you Sat. LOL.. I just got to find a place to get my moto Q flashed, verizon is give me hell
  19. I was wondering if a barebone will be a good idea? I look at thies from time to time. here's a PD not that bad of price http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=3247591&Sku=M450-2314%20A All Barebones: http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/category/category_tlc.asp?CatId=31
  20. I wasnt able to get on it either. I like the new server to me it feels more responsive
  21. I noticed thats for sprint users. I have a Amp'd/Verizon Service
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