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Everything posted by Ryan314

  1. *snickers* I know what it is but i guess we will just have to keep tommie and everyone in suspense!
  2. Dlewis. And i agree with shug, HE JUST HAD A BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. I would say the drive is dead, but thats just my oppinion.
  4. Awesome, too bad that baby will be living without a mother tho.
  5. =), thanks for clearing things up for me tdawnaz. You should post a pic once your done training the bamboo. Im curious to see how it comes out.
  6. make one! hahaha
  7. haha thats awesome! Have you ever seen the bamboo "money tree's" they are like bamboo, but spiraled into different shapes and stuff. I read its actually a very long process to make them which involves spinning them in the sun.
  8. http://www.eatmyhamster.com/f/Incredible+Watermelon+Creations?rurl=%2Fitems%2Ffreshstuff AMAZING!
  9. The reason they sent you to the terms of use page is because hosting a server is not allowed on comcast unless you have the buisness plan. Also im pretty sure you need to forward some ports for the bf2 server client. www.portforward.com thats a good site for forwarding ports.. try that.
  10. Im guessing its my tv. but just to be sure im gonna try my 360 on another tv one day.
  11. Recently ive noticed that the screen kinda shakes when in the 360 dashboard, also in games when your looking at writing.. but its hard to notice in game. I dont know if this just started or if its been going on all along. My suspicions were. Me noticing the refresh rate of the screen which im not too sure about, or its just my shit tv thats doing it.
  12. *picks up phone* Yea, hi im looking to have a hit on someone named tommie gorman from an internet forum called Testmy.net, oh also if you would like to travel to the UK and hit another guy i would pay double.. his name is Roco and he is also from Testmy.net. Okay thanks. *puts down phone*
  13. O_O. imagine if she did the show dressed like that...
  14. I like watching the food network, when they have the shugar sculpture making contests, then they have to CARRY THEM to another table, and if it breaks your outta here. I FEEL SO BAD WHEN THEY BREAK THOUGH!!!
  15. <333 mythbusters <333 Its like an amazing show, it teaches you things while entertaining you alot !
  16. Yes m'am. I have a confession, I've been using you all along...
  17. HEY, thats not what you told me about those crotchless panties the other day you bitch.
  18. What image? *grabs teddy bear* ROFL
  19. Me and shug have formed an alliance. WE WILL WIN! Well split the TMN bucks 60/40.. of course i get the 60..
  20. Thats hilarious! Great job on EBAY'S part wouldn't you say so?
  21. wtf lol, shug started it.. he taught me all i know about stuffed animals ROFL
  23. Fine ill admit to the panda, but thats it. *insert ninja emotion here*
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