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Everything posted by Ryan314

  1. No that must have been another TMN member, i was hiding away in my jungle fort.
  2. dlewis dont make me tell them what you said about shug and that teddy bear the other day....
  3. :2funny: my fort is open for all tmn members *besides shug* ROFL jp shug.
  4. Knowing shug thats probably a time and date he saw on family guy or something for me 1/20/07 @ 3:47 pm
  5. If he doesnt have a warranty or nothing it would be kinda hard to replace it, no?
  6. It wasnt a bush, it was my fort in the middle of the woods.
  7. Im confused. Congrats on 223 messages Aggr3?? Edit :OR IS IT THE 69 DAYS?!?!?! rofl...
  8. Oh okay, awesome. Thanks man.
  9. Cant you buy HDMI cables for the 360?
  10. Also, the 360 has 1080p if im not mistaken. As well as the PS3.
  11. I think it was called www.surftohere.com or something.
  12. Thats fine and all, but on a pc its not too hard to make a backup of the hard drive, on the 360.. im not even sure if you can transfer game saves from the hdd to an external device you buy for the 360.ESPECIALLY, if the person downloaded things from microsoft for the 360 such as themes mini arcade games full games which are available for like 60 bucks, i doubt they are on the hard drive and are able to transfer out. All of my games that are on there NOW i want and need. Ill look into it more.
  13. I TOTALLY FORGOT BOUT THE USB SLOT IN THE 360!! im gonna plug my flash drive in tomorrow that would be amazing i f i could save games on there, tho it doesnt help downloaded material from xbl in some other cases, personally i dont download themes and games etc.
  14. Ya i know its one year, they changed that a week or two ago i guess as a christmas present but if it breaks within that year it still doesnt solve my problem about the hard drive.
  16. Happy birthday!!!
  17. I think i like the second one better.
  18. person with the least chance of getting an award Ryan314 0% chance
  19. Maybe you changed your personal settings and didnt know it, or maybe they changed themselves for some reason O_o
  20. Your set to get emails when someone sends you pm's, and replys to your posts i think.
  21. Didnt cox just get power boost? That may be why your speeds are wacky.
  22. lol yours says 9 IS new. heres mine Hey, Ryan314, you have 98 messages, 0 are new.
  23. I didnt dish out 400 dollars for the system nor 60 for games, everything was a gift. I do not intend on buying games anytime soon either as i am low on cash. My mom was the one who got it and i had asked for the premium just for the hard drive.
  24. Well on the xbox theres two versions, the core and the premium. The core of course is less expensive and comes with less features. The premium comes with a headset, hard drive, wireless controller, and i think something else. The main reason i wante dthe premium was for the hard drive and so i could save my games, media, and other things on it. If they know the systems are known the break in 6 months they should let you keep the hard drive. ESPECIALLY because you can buy full games which can cost 60 bucks and download them to the hard drive. I CALL SHENANIGANS ! lol
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