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  • Speed Test

    My Results

Everything posted by richcornucopia

  1. Right at the bottom of my text there should be a link. Try testing directly connected to the modem. This way you can be sure vonage isn't eating up any of the bandwidth.
  2. Try the attached file for cablenut, reboot, and test your speed. Run a tracert so we can see if you are still experiencing latency issues, start, run, cmd, tracert testmy.net. You said your connection is wireless to the modem, how about after that do you have a router, wired or wireless? And welcome to the forum .
  3. Is your pc spyware and virus free? If you running any firewall or anti virus scanners while running the test disable them to give you a more accurate result. Also post a traceroute to testmy.net : start, run, cmd, tracert testmy.net.
  4. Only way to find out for yourself is to try some tracerts
  5. What does it show when you click start, run, cmd, ipconfig? Type in ipconfig /release, then ipconfig /renew.
  6. Maybe there is a driver issue, have you tried updating your ethernet driver. If you tell me the model I can find you the driver.
  7. Have you tried renewing your ip, unplugging the cables making sure they are secure, rebooting your pc, modem ect?
  8. When the Internet was working what were you using, dial up?
  9. Well, I can't exactly tell what all those processes are but looks like there are too many running. Could you post a picture of what shows up when you click start, run, ms config, start up. This will show what programs are started when you boot up your computer, if you have never edited this before chances are a lot of unnecessary services are starting up with your computer and bogging it down.
  10. Have you tried going here? http://www.telenav.com/howto/started.do;jsessionid=030E1EE11B35554DFF30DAA6667E30A5
  11. You press the print screen key, then open paint and press control v then you can save the file wherever you want.
  12. Print screen, in the top row of keys to the right hand side.
  13. yes, port forwarding http://www.portforward.com/.
  14. Go to tools, internet options, advanced, scroll down to multi media, check show videos in webpages.
  15. lmao el ladies mature women look at the task bar in his screen shot
  16. Maybe you need to update something on it. Edit: Yep looks like they made a new firmware http://news.vzw.com/news/2005/09/pr2005-09-02i.html.
  17. Well my new power supply came today and it is damn near silent, in case anybody is looking for a quiet matx ps for a server or htpc heres the one I got http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16817104905 a quiet 270 watt ps for 30 bucks is a steal.
  18. Does the manual or whatever say your phone supports mp3, or wav, what formats make sure that you are putting on those formats on the minisd or the phone won't be able to play them.
  19. So you can only use the internet with this jap software installed, and when you uninstall it and disabling proxies in ie it doesnt work?
  20. Do have an isp like direcway where you are supposed to use a proxy? Or a cable/dsl connect?
  21. Should have bought them on ebay.
  22. Tools, internet options, connections, lan settings, and uncehck use a proxy server for...
  23. Have you seen the other seasons aswell?
  24. I assume you have changed your web key by now, maybe you should try something tougher like wpa. When you will be gone for a period of time, turn of your wireless on your router, like when you go away for the weekend or even when your at work. Try and contact your isp and tell them that someone "hacked" into your wireless network and downloaded a lot of stuff using your connection, maybe if they believe you they would upgrade you back to your normal package.
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