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Everything posted by CA3LE

  1. Alright, there are a bunch of new INSANE connections that are becoming more popular so I will be adding a couple of new test sizes to accommodate the demand.... a 12MB test is not even close to the size that would be perfectly accurate for these monsters. I think the new sizes will be 28MB --- for the connections around 30Mbps, this will sustain a 7 second test. Basically a 30 Mbps connection transfers 3.66 MB/s, times that by 7 seconds and you get a little over 25MB... I round up to 28MB for the guys who are running a tad over 30Mbps so they don't have to go to the next test size. 45MB --- for the connections around 50Mbps, again.. this let these guys sustain a 7 second download so they get a nice accurate test. unfortunately direct linking to these test will be completely unavailable (even if you know the little linking tricks, hehe). These test must be called on by testmy.net and will only be requested for connections that really need it (if i did it any other way my bandwidth could be sucked dry). Although there will be a key available for those of you that want to try it (play with it)... the key will be automatically changed daily and you'll need to PM me for the key of that day. I'm sure the restriction will be removed in the following years as bandwidth becomes more available (in the past year testmy.net's host has given us 1 terabyte of extra bandwidth per month... and I'm sure as bandwidth becomes cheaper they will continue adding bandwidth to my package) That's it... I will post more info when this feature actually becomes availible -- should be within the next week or two. -Damon
  2. Just to let you guys know... posting those links don't show anyone else your personal score compared to the host... it only shows the hosts score compared to the person who is pulling the query --- basically, for instance if I were to click the link that Blunted supplied, I will see Optonline compared to ME not Blunted -- see the screenshot below. one thing you can do however is select the text -- copy and paste it to the thread.... Mine for instance....... Overall Diagnosis compared to :cox.net
  3. This is a little early... but I would like to wish everyone a happy 4th of July! Note: If you are using the default theme ("Original Feel") you will notice a little change to the theme - if you're not using that theme, [url="javascript:setTheme("]change you're theme[/url] to see what I'm talking about... (you may have to hit F5 after clicking that link to see the theme) --- and ON the 4th of July you might see theme based Google Ads (but I think these only show up if you live in the USA) Please make it a safe 4th of July... be responsible, don't drink and drive (I know sometimes it's easier said than done, but really... how hard is it to call a cab or pass out at a friends house... come on!). I expect to see everyone back here on Wednesday testing! (with a nice fat hangover) Everyone... have an AWESOME holiday. Make sure that you take the day to appreciate all that we have and all who have fought for our freedom that we sometimes take for granted. Also, drink a beer for testmy.net! Have a great weekend everyone! And again, have an even greater Independence Day! - Damon
  4. 5' 11" 165lbs -- I'm as average as it get's
  5. I still haven't seen any errors... can you please post screenshots?
  6. she's a good friend of mine by the way... we were testing at her house. She has qwest dsl 1.5/768 --- she gets 1.3 most of the time no matter what size she downloads
  7. I'll look into this tonight... in the eve.. thanks
  8. I will look into the quick post deal... I personally get this very rarely, but I have heard this from a couple of people. but as for the images.. I just tested and I don't see anything, please post screenshots and let me know what browser your using.... if possible please also view source, copy the text... save it as a txt file and attach it to your post, it will help me figure out whats going on.
  9. Yeah, it's always been a good idea... but I don't think trillian has ever really pulled it off right.... it just feels lacking for some reason.
  10. Yeah, i've been using it.... I like the new sounds
  11. wow, check out the guys site... the guy that was harassed on the phone call http://insignificantthoughts.com/ He's been very busy with all of this... looking at his site score on alexa it looks like his server is being hit pretty hard too
  12. Wow, that's rediculus. I hope that guy actually got fired for that. And I hope he's now realized what a jackass he is. lol
  13. Post some pics of the heatpipe deal.
  14. right on.. so it's only your mobo holding you back from overclocking? Is your memory good enough? What's wrong with your mobo?
  15. it may run cooler... but have you overclocked 20%? What CPU do you have by the way?
  16. pimp... does it run that cool? Post some pics. Hell, everyone post pics and specs. Lets turn this into a bragging thread!
  17. Oh, I love my 740B. Beautiful picture, killer contrast... awesome for high framerate games. I've never seen a hint of ghosting or bleed. A++++ monitor. Picture is extreamly crisp with DVI, I could never go back to CRT. Like the past 10 computers I've built for people have all had Samsung monitors (mostly the 740n though.. 17"). Not a single dead pixel in any of them and all the people I built them for have been 100% happy with them. Samsung all the way for LCDs.
  18. I should have Artic Silver 5 on the video card and CPU right now, but when I made the change I found out that my tube was empty, I need to buy more and wipe off the stock paste... it will go down a few more degrees for sure -- AS5 is magical.
  19. Thanks man, (I'm going to edit my original post and add my specs)
  20. Thanks.. I gotta keep up-to-date... it's how I make my money
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