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Everything posted by CA3LE

  1. I was thinking that if we did come out with a GUI anytime soon that it would be a connection tweaking GUI not a speed test GUI - like speedguide has done... but more detailed. Problem is that I am not the master at making GUI's - I would need to polish up those skills, I haven't played in C++ for about 5 years -- I bet it's all easy now
  2. CA3LE

    florida fios

    Check it out ... https://testmy.net/u-CASSHERN I wish .... I wish ....
  3. CA3LE

    florida fios

    No, they need to hurry up and get it here in Phoenix first
  4. haha, nice boobs... both of your avatars are cool.
  5. CA3LE

    Taris's speed

    Looks like FIOS .. very nice.... VERY VERY nice........ and you know it
  6. ehhh.. I don't know, it works in all the other themes except this one :-/
  7. you know what.. I'm going to fix this right now... lol ~~ it has to do with the css I bet... one minute.
  8. If I was the one writing an email address scouring bot... I would TOTALLY write into the source to specifically look for addresses like someone [at] hotmail [dot] com someone AT hotmail DOT com and so on... that would be a very easy addition to an evil script. Your best bet is to not post your email address anywhere it is shown publically. Here at testmy.net for instance everyones email address is safe. Guests can't see anyones email address only registered members... now if a bot got EXTREMELY smart and registered and account here.. verified the activation email my server sends then logs in and spiders that's another story, but that would be an insane spambot... (and for any of you that are scared of that happening you can hide your email from everyone but administrators and moderators in your profile) season, what you need to do is get another email address and use it ONLY for stuff that's important... use it only for friends and family and for websites you trust not to give out your information (such as testmy.net http://www.testmy.net/legal/privacy.html) - then use either your spammed direcway email address or setup another email address for websites you don't trust and also use that email address for anything you think may turn into junk mail. If direcway doesn't offer you another email address you may want to check the following Hotmail / MSN email >> http://www.hotmail.com/ Yahoo email >> http://mail.yahoo.com/ Lycos email >> http://mail.lycos.com/ mail.com >> http://www.mail.com/ There are many others, but I some will actually give your email address out (they usually tell you in the terms of service.. fine print) If all else fails, PM me and I will set you up with a testmy.net email address... I really don't mind doing this for anyone who requests it. I even have a webmail server so you can check your email even if your not at home, I also run a couple spam filtering programs live on the server that catch anything that may get through. Myself though... I will always have spam because I own the domain... bots will email [email protected] ~ [email protected] ~ [email protected] and so on. I seriously myself get about 5 emails with virus attachments per day -- but I have to live with it or ignore all but my personal mailbox... that's life I guess. Good luck, let me know if you need that mailbox.
  9. CA3LE


    I love all those games... just been too busy to play lately
  10. Sorry but I have canceled my order with allmanaged.com - I put a request to order a new server with them over 5 days ago and they have yet to get the server online. I even placed my order again 3 days ago and still no server. I called 4-5 times and nobody answers the phone so I have decided I don't want to do business with them. Currently looking for an alternative. I will keep this thread updated.
  11. well that script always compares to whatever you query, whether it be your own host or another host... maybe I'm not understanding your question.
  12. Well, sometimes I don't know what I do to fix a problem... but it's now fixed. I dropped about 15 days of entries (old entries) about 180,000 scores. Optimized the database to clear overhead... then made some changed to /etc/my.cnf (the mySQL config file) restarted mySQL and it works fine for me now... lemme know. database queries on the scores DB are now faster also..... Thanks for the support.
  13. Damn I hate problems like this, shows up perfect for me but not for you... hummmm under host stats I pull attbi.com and got the same error, all other host pull fine. This one may take me a while to figure out.
  14. If you guys have noticed I have changed the threashold online time of the forum to 5 minutes... there must have been a huge amount of people here sometime today (I missed it) but with-in 5 minutes there was 291 people in the fourm alone. It is possible though that these were search engine bots reading my forum, I have seen it many times where Inktomi Slurp will unleash a few hundred bots on my site.. bang it out and get their indexing done in a few minutes. But this might have just been a huge rtaffic spike... who knows.
  15. Sorry for the late reply.. I fixed this a while back .. hehe
  16. Yeah, it's getting outta hand... I'm not going to complain though You guys and your word of mouth is what makes this site popular, thank you. Should be over 5000 members by the end of March
  17. Are you guys still getting this? And is it all the time?
  18. How are you running those tests to your server? Because unless you speak directly to me the upload portion can-not work and that's why you get 80000+ on that one. The download test can be done by anyone with enough knowlegde though.
  19. that is the oposite..... hummm, is it the same file. That might now be related to the firewall, that guy on IRC might have just had a few people drop off their downloads.
  20. NO WAY.. Microsoft is playing a joke, lol.
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