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Everything posted by CA3LE

  1. Clonezilla's supposed to be good... but you don't have to pay for Carbon Copy Cloner either. You can if you want to but it's done the job for me before without having to pay.
  2. Agreed... I've used Carbon Copy Cloner a few times and it works great, it's for Mac. In Windows there's Norton Ghost and PC Disk Clone X.
  3. Alright Chris, I've got an EU server for you now. http://eu.testmy.net -- visiting that link will change your default server to Amsterdam, Netherlands. You can also change the server at the top of the page... (on the speed test side of the site, not the forums) ...and on the testing pages. ... If you spread the word I'll be as grateful as you are.
  4. No problem. I appreciate your patronage. It's almost online...
  5. Update: It's provisioning... west coast will be down during the transaction because it's copying off that server. ... I should have probably done it off the DC server because it's closer and would have been faster. But more people use that server so I didn't want to inconvenience them.
  6. Hey Chris, I had a server in Amsterdam for a little while but I had to back it off and focus on the US at the time. ... having said that... it's time to reopen that avenue. I'm configuring a server in Amsterdam as we speak. Should be ready for testing in a couple of hours. I'll update this topic when I'm finished. - Damon
  7. CA3LE

    What's up!

    First, I wanted to give you a warm welcome. Pgoodwin1's reply means a lot more coming from him that it does me. Obviously I'm going to tell you that I'm the best out there... Just know this much, I've been testing Internet speed for nearly 17 years now. Nobody has dedicated as much time to this subject as I have. TestMy.net itself has been around since 2002 and hundreds of millions of tests have been ran here. ...I don't advertise the service, it's spread by word of mouth. People use this tool, keep using it and tell their friends for a reason. In addition to the text on the homepage please also look into Speed Test Legitimacy and Angola Speed Test ... those links will provide additional information on the methods used here and what sets this site appart from the rest... as well as information pertaining to international tests. Thank you for your patronage.
  8. Welcome! Let us know if there is anything we can help with.
  9. First, sorry for the delay... I've been out of town since Thursday. I'm still on the site all during the day but I've been taking a few days off for once so I've really just been killing the spammers and making sure things are running correctly. I needed a break after my last round of development... I was drained. If the computer you were on didn't have flash installed those buttons won't show. The method that I use to gain access to your clipboard uses flash. I'll soon implement something into the design for people not using flash so that they can also use those functions. iOS doesn't allow for flash so those functions are missing on iPad, iPhone and iPod... I'll be improving that in the near future. I'm still thinking about how I should do it... it will come to me.
  10. First, are you asking if TMN will be able to help you pick the best speed test server or game server? If you're talking about the speed test server... the reason that I don't have you automatically assigned to the server closest to you is because I feel that the central server is always best. Regardless of distance, it's a good benchmark because it's located where a huge number of the United States servers are hosted. Most online games don't have huge bandwidth requirements. Looking at your results you're getting ~1500 kB/s average ... which is about 100X more than almost any game would ever use. Your 2Mbps (~243 kB/s) upload should also be more than enough. Your latency (aka ping) to the host server is what's going to make the difference. Most likely your higher ping to that server is due to distance... which you won't be able to do anything about. Is this a computer game? If yes, what OS? 110ms isn't bad but 250ms is getting pretty laggy. Is that server your only choice?
  11. I've seen your username for a while... finally decided to post huh? Welcome! Fios is awesome. Nice speeds!
  12. Looks to be localized to your route. Pulling recent results for the DC server shows that others are getting decent speeds. Pulling samples of users within those results shows that they're getting speeds in line with what they normally get. It could very well be a fiber cut, with traffic being routed more heavily across the network that's picking up the slack for the route that was cut. It's really hard to tell. I sometimes experience slower speeds to the DC server as well... but then after more research into other peoples results I find that I'm the only one with the issue... I also test from one or more of my remote desktops and get perfect results and it further drives home the point. Routing issues happen. I think they happen more on the east coast though because of the aging infrastructure that's always being upgraded, maintained and replaced. Eventually the bandwidth will become so great that rerouting shouldn't congest the lines like it does today. At least that's what I imagine for the future.
  13. Welcome to TMN pyykto79!
  14. Hey SirLauncelot, actually if you were set to test on anything but the default server then that option was being removed. I've turned it back on. Right now it's only logging one or the other, I'll have it to were it logs both the extraID and the test server soon... for now if you select the extraID you won't be able to also see that you tested from the DC server (or west.. but I see that you were using DC). thanks
  15. I can do that.. I just need to work it into the design. Look for this in the future.
  16. Sorry to hear about that. Welcome to TMN by the way!
  17. So was most of my response... -- but it did get me thinking about some of those rules
  18. Nice to see you... it's been a while. Yeah, people need to put down the damn phones while they're driving. Seriously people... can't it wait for a stop light or better yet once the car is in park. It only takes a second to accidentally kill someone just because you had to update your effen facebook status to "Driving to Mc Donal...." SMASH! -- Many states are starting to subpoena phone records if they suspect that a cell phone was the cause of the accident. I think here in AZ it's become standard procedure for all major accidents. GOOD! And if someone dies.. and the state has a law against texting/talking on the phone while driving... I think that the person responsible should be treated the same as if they were DUI. Prison time. It's common sense that you can't pay attention to the road while typing... or reading. The people doing this, causing fatalities, need to be made an example of. Plus, even if you don't kill someone, you look like a jackass on the road. I see someone swerving all over and I go, "CELLPHONE." drive up next to them and 8 times out of 10 it's a lady on a cell phone... the 9th time it's a guy... and the 10th time it's a drunk person. It's a big problem everywhere right now.
  19. I meant his last post... I didn't bump it. Muddy did... those rules need to be revised anyways. That rule was in place because people were bumping topics just to keep them alive... in some cases typing "ping" or "bump" --- if you truly reply then that rule doesn't apply. If we didn't want replies, then the topics would get locked.... what we don't want is people purposely pinging a topic to keep it active. If it adds no value to the conversation then it's against the rules. --- plus, do you really think any of those rules apply to me. HAHAHA j/k --- I need to remove and revise some of those rules when I get time. Condense them into what matters TODAY. ... by yeah, I was only looking at the bottom of the thread... I should have scrolled up to see my previous reply. D'OH!
  20. By default on your results page it won't show the date and time in the graph. You have to click the upload only or download only links below the graph. Even if the page is showing all download results... so go to your results page, click one of those links and then it will show that information within the graph like you want.
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