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  1. Like
    CA3LE got a reaction from Pgoodwin1 in large up/down speed difference between laptop and phone?   
    Check this out...

    The iPhone 10s had 2x2 MIMO... It doubles the bands.
  2. Like
    CA3LE got a reaction from evo6066 in TY   
    Thank you too.
  3. Thanks
    CA3LE reacted to bp3 in large up/down speed difference between laptop and phone?   
    Its a new 2019 macbook - so it has no ethernet port - probably some dongle I could get... I did manage to get it up over 200 Mbps by moving from 10ft away to right over my wifi router so definitely something going on there. Maybe my router is 'intelligently' limiting it or something. Anyways thanks for the suggestion!
  4. Like
    CA3LE got a reaction from Vitorio in Difference Between Speed Test Sites?   
    Yeah, companies always get away with stuff in the fine print. The best we can really do is try to educate people on their practices and recommend ISPs with better practices. I just hope that the information here has and will continue to help make the internet a better (faster) place.

  5. Thanks
    CA3LE reacted to damole in 1.8MB upload fails   
    It was failing everytime but I just ran it twice now and got my combined results.  I will keep testing.  I don't think the code has a bug per se just that in India where my connection is so variable I think a more robust way of dealing with errors would be good.
  6. Thanks
    CA3LE reacted to evo6066 in TY   
  7. Like
    CA3LE got a reaction from evo6066 in Fast Very Very Fast   
    Here's what I imagined when I read that just now...

    (as he raises the X-Wing from the swamp)
  8. Sad
    CA3LE got a reaction from evo6066 in Who testmy.net is   
    ...not sure, never been there before.    ?
    Hi DJ, Welcome to testmy.net!
    Yes, that's all still accurate.  Millions of people still regularly use TMN, only a small percentage are members.  An even smaller percentage of members actually use the forums here.  Before facebook, these forums were much more popular.
    To legitimize any of my statements all you have to do is search the internet.  I feel that other people have scrutinized and legitimized what I'm doing over the years, my methodology and core principals never change.  Many have put TMN under a microscope.  In my development I put it under a microscope too.  Maybe I should post more of those findings but if I focused my time on that... it would have to come from somewhere.  I think it's better left said by other people.
    Funding comes from generous support from viewers like you... just kidding, PBS quote.  I have ads.  Maybe one day I won't have to.
    TestMy.net has always been developed and maintained by one person.
  9. Thanks
    CA3LE got a reaction from Arturo Duarte in Speed test doesn't complete   
    Looks like you've had results since you posted this.  Did you find the issue?
  10. Like
    CA3LE got a reaction from CFIT 21 in Middle Variance?   
    Those colors slide down the RGB scale.  Red being the worse and blue being better.  Although, sometimes little variance is bad... like sometimes if you encounter a bottleneck along your route.  So use your best judgment, don't always go off the color. 
    e.g. Say you have a 50 Mbps connection but you're scoring only 12 Mbps... BUT the TiP is showing only 5% variance.  It's going to show up blue.  Obviously you know that something isn't right because you're supposed to have 50 Mbps.  What the test saw however is a steady transfer...
    You can have a steady clean connection that is limited... just make sure to judge your result in its entirety, the color is only a hint to how steady the connection was... not an indication of if it was a good result or not.
    Here's one in red that I wouldn't consider bad... 67% middle variance

    ... it could have done better, here's a result taken at the same time on a different device. 25% middle variance

    Is either one of the above bad?  I personally don't think so.  But I think it's obvious which performed better.  Hint: Just like in a drag race, it's usually the one that accelerated the fastest.  As long as there aren't bumps in the road.
    Funny story, testing at the same time were a pair of identical LG G2's.  One was bogged down with programs running and the other was the better result above. 
    Here's the result from the bogged down phone.

    Now that's a rough ride... something she had running was ruining her connection.  Hint: pattern variance (like this example) is usually a major indication to an underlying issue. 
    She opened the task manager and closed all programs and retested...

    ... almost mirrored the result of the other phone.  Both beat my i5s

    Note: In case you didn't know.  TiP is measured from 5% to 95% ... the middle of that (or 10% to 90%) is the middle.  The variance within that is the middle variance.  ... so a large burst or drop off at the beginning or end will not effect the middle variance.
    I hope this answers your questions and then some about TiP.  It's something I made up and never really explained.  I guess I'm always aiming to build something that doesn't need explaining.  ... I'll keep working at it. 
  11. Like
    CA3LE reacted to nanobot in Fake speed connection   
    You are seeing the real speed.
    Your 3Mbps is what speed you were able to achieve when downloading data from Testmy.net. The 1.2MB/sec you are seeing on the download in your screenshot is what you are able to achieve when downloading from that particular site, and is actually 9.6Mbps.
    You are seeing different units for the metric:
    MB/s = Mbps / 8
    Mbps = MB/s * 8
    If the Speedtest.net results were accurate, the 50Mbps would be about 6.25MB/sec for your downloads. You are seeing roughly 1/5 that.
    This may be an issue with your ISP peering, or it may be an issue of routes between you and where you are downloading your data from. I recommend you try switching TMN test servers and see how that affects your metrics.
  12. Thanks
    CA3LE reacted to nanobot in Fake speed connection   
    It's not "faked" so much as the server that Speedtest chooses is deliberately the closest and fastest server. In some cases, it might still be within your ISP's network, which means what you are testing is you -> ISP, not ISP -> world.
  13. Like
    CA3LE reacted to Canzy in cFos   
    Hi Cable
    i'm actually quite surprised. Its been around for many many years I thought you would have tried it for sure. I installed it yesterday, around noonish (not sure where you are, but I'm in EST) it feels to me like its slightly slower, but it seems a little more stable if that makes sense. So the overall is slower, I don't think its more then 30-50mbps but there is less moderation..
    And again, maybe its all in my freakin head LOL
    Its so hard to get accurate test results on such things just due to variances that exist regardless.
    So, I've been running it since yesterday, I'll uninstall it now and run it for about 24 hours and run regular speed tests/latency tests and post them here, I'll post my slowest, and my fastest and a couple of latency tests at different times to try and give some sort of baseline, then reinstall it and run it for 24 hours.
    The only problem is it has to be "calibrated" so the first few speed tests with it will be to calibrate, and I won't include those.

    EDIT: Actually since its already calibrated, I'll just leave it and run it for run a few tests with, uninstall run a few without. make it lots quicker and I can do that a few times over the next day or 2.

    Fastest WITH

    Slowest WITH
  14. Thanks
    CA3LE got a reaction from Gabe1972 in Skewed test results...   
    Hey Gabe, made a little update to that.  There's a copy button now.
    Before it was set to select the entire textarea when you clicked it.  Now you can make your own selection and copy like you normally do.  Or click 'copy' and it will copy the entire text area to your clipboard.

  15. Like
    CA3LE reacted to Gabe1972 in Skewed test results...   
    Well guys, it appears that Kaspersky may very well be the problem.  Though my speeds are pretty bad tonight, when I had Kaspersky disabled the issue wasn't there, and when I re-enabled it the issue was back.  So, now I know what's causing it.  
    Thanks for the help!  I certainly appreciate it.    
    BTW, CA3LE, an odd thing.  When you click on Copy URLs on a share results page, both URLs copy.  I can't copy just one or the other.  When I try to, both are included.  It's odd.  
    When I try to copy just one or the other, this happens automatically...

  16. Like
    CA3LE reacted to nanobot in iRacing, New Broadcasters LSRTV, More coverage   
    Given that the FIA and IMSA have postponed and rescheduled the seasons, I may have to start watching this to get my racing fix in.

    Granted, my team stands no chance in F1 this year, but I still want to watch them lose lol
  17. Like
    CA3LE reacted to spudler_t in iRacing, New Broadcasters LSRTV, More coverage   
    Ya I seen the way did not do a very good job of showing my car or the Logos on it, Though I guess I can expect that as I have missed some of the cup races , the truck though I have not missed any.
    I'm sorry I thought I posted my car is the #333
    I'm also the #333 in truck.
    It is kinda Ironic how I had to give up positions as to not wreck the #40 car 5-6 different times for his driving tactics then he ends up winning and I  get 7th.
    Thing is that kind of stuff is what i'll remember next time and maybe won't be so giving, It just takes a Minor bump at Corner entrance to cause the car in front to push wide allowing to to easily pass underneath without wrecking them.
    Ill work on getting some better pics, Just realized I usually save the replays and upload to you tube but rarely get a 360° set of pictures of car or truck sitting still.

  18. Like
    CA3LE reacted to spudler_t in iRacing, New Broadcasters LSRTV, More coverage   
    So some know I run 2 cars in a League and have TMN Logos on them as what a better place to spread the word then some place where your internet speed and latency is equal if not more important to success.
    Our league Broadcasted our races last year on a smaller company which this year purchased the rites and merged with two huge broadcasting companies so now on Mondays and Thursdays were on on LSRTV which is livesimracing.com.
    I do not get anything from this but  a cool truck and cup looking car and just thought I would remind everyone in case anyone is interested in watching Sim racing some time.
    I will update this post prior to the Monday race and Thursday race at Milwaukie Speedway with the links
    One last sort a off topic question?? I see I started using TMN back in 2009 ( I thought it was earlier could be wrong) When did TMN officially start anyway  For some reason I was thinking 2001-2003 possibly no idea where I came up with that year just was in my head.
  19. Like
    CA3LE reacted to spudler_t in Internet Speed drop since Stay at home ordered?   
    But still... you're getting 50% of that.  Over the years I've stated in general that you should get at least 80% before complaining.  Which is 20/2.4 Mbps... right about where your speed was before.
    Interesting how much I have forgotten over the years I remember this you said oMG back when I started using Testmy.net.
    SO even when I was at my best connections (pre Pandemic) I was just hovering around the 78-80% range.
    What IRKS me most is the blatant way Xfinity, and im sure others to push their speed tests and recommend you test to the closest server to your location (Then try to blame  the suns position, the Ethernet cable, my Gaming desktop with mega RAM, best NIC must be the problem I was so mad on time I asked the tech if next he was going to say since my cat was orangish colored that was the problem)as network traffic over distance will degrade or (Turn SLUG-ISH) When we all know every thing we search for download, stream, etc.  is always located as close to your location as possible correct?
    I mean I must of been insane thinking I needed good speed and low latency to the servers in Boston since they are far from me
    I am being super sarcastic BTW to those who may not realize this
  20. Like
    CA3LE got a reaction from Pgoodwin1 in Incredibly low download speeds, intermittent for years, becoming constant   
    ... well, looks like you kinda did tell them that.
    How did they respond to that?  I don't see a response yet... continuing down the topic now.
  21. Like
    CA3LE got a reaction from Pgoodwin1 in Incredibly low download speeds, intermittent for years, becoming constant   
    No problem, this is going to take a little time to fully catch up on all that's written.  You have quite the case here.
    Right now (after cleaning out the responses that hughesnet people posted on this topic for some reason) I'm reading into your communication logs with your ISP.
    At this part,
    Uhhhhhh... that person is a moron.  35GB, over 24 hours... off the top of my head, you don't need very much to do that.  Let's do some basic math (a subject apparently unknown to that rep) for fun.
    35 * 1024 = 35840 MB
    35840 / 24 = 1493 MB per hour
    1493 / 60 = 25 MB per minute (rounding up)
    25 / 60 = 0.42 MB per second
    0.42 * 8 = 3.36 Mbps consistently is all it takes to push 35 GB per day in bandwidth.  So early on I'm getting an idea of who you're dealing with on the other end.  Frustrating.
    ... getting back to it.
  22. Like
    CA3LE got a reaction from Pgoodwin1 in "My Results" are not mine   
    Thank you @Pgoodwin1 for the heads up
    @dnjSerran I changed your username.  The issue was with the "&" symbol in your username.  This character is actually disallowed in registration... not sure how it got through so I'm going to have to do a check up on that part of the registration process.
    Sorry my response took longer than normal.
    If you'd like a different username please let me know what you'd like me to change it to.  I'm happy to help.
    What was happening is when you were visiting your stats it was encountering that illegal character... it looks like it was using what it could up to the point of that illegal character.  So you were pulling stats for the member "David" instead of "David & J...".
    For your own privacy this username is better anyways.  When I notice usernames that have real people's names I usually contact the member to ask if they'd like it changed.
    A reminder for anyone who needs a username change.  Simply send me a private message saying "I'd like to change my username." with the new username.  These requests are usually fulfilled within 24H.
  23. Like
    CA3LE got a reaction from spudler_t in Who testmy.net is   
    I'll work on a page that cites examples for you.  They're here, just not compiled nicely for you.
    I just go off of what many people tell me.  There are hundreds of stories (just that I've heard) of people who test perfectly fine using other speed tests and testmy.net reports the correct... much lower number.  They email me, often by starting out BLAMING testmy.net.  I tell them to trust the results and they usually email me back later, "testmy.net was right."  I get blamed whenever someone is slow. The other speed tests misrepresent the numbers so people think I'M the one who's wrong because I'm the outlier.  Just because the majority comes to the same answer doesn't mean they do it right.  --- testmy.net is often an outlier because it's a real test.  And instead of focusing on what they're not doing right... how about we all just use TestMy.net and call it a day?!?!  ?
    I just posted one from the other day to a topic with some other examples I've shared in the past.
    There are some in other topics in the FAQ / Ask TMN forum
    When you're having issues and REALLY need testmy.net... that's when it works best and shows how it's truly proprietary.  Why anyone uses anything other than TMN with evidence that the others fail when needed the most... makes no sense.  Fact is, people just don't know.
    I try not to be all in your face with the ads.  Large portions of the site are purposely ad free (like the forum) and I'm also showing no ads to mobile users. 
  24. Like
    CA3LE reacted to MvH in Time discrepancy of 1 hour   
    Thank you very much for your help.   The date-time-stamp in the exported spreadsheet now match the date and time shown in the test results.  I will work with graphs tomorrow.  Good night!  Marcel VH
  25. Thanks
    CA3LE reacted to MvH in Time discrepancy of 1 hour   
    I notice that the time shown in My Results shows the correct time (for my location) of the individual tests.  When I export the result (to .CSV and then as .xlsx) the generated timestamp in Column A shows the time as one hour later.   This must be some bug to do with daylight saving?  I do not need to know the reason, but I would like you to fix it.  I have attached relevant screen shots.  Thank you.  MarcelVH.
    2020-05-07-Time-Discrepancy-in TestMyNet.docx
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