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Everything posted by coknuck

  1. No! Dallas is a default server. Now you can change the servers to check your speed almost anywhere in the world. Go to top right corner of Download page a select "Test Server" then pick the one you want. Hope this helps. Enjoy and check out the rest of the site. If you have questions don't be afraid to ask.
  2. Welcome to the site, Ask all the questions you want and feel free to give answers!
  3. Tweeking programs haven't work since XP. You used to be able to adjust the stack with Cablenut, and it worked well. The stack will adjust as needed for what ever your speed is.
  4. Tracing route to de.testmy.net [] over a maximum of 30 hops: 1 3 ms 8 ms 3 ms 2 19 ms 17 ms 27 ms cpe-74-132-0-1.kya.res.rr.com [] 3 27 ms 24 ms 17 ms 4 20 ms 28 ms 21 ms be24.lsvqkydb01r.midwest.rr.com [] 5 32 ms 32 ms 43 ms be24.clevohek01r.midwest.rr.com [] 6 43 ms 44 ms 38 ms bu-ether47.vinnva0510w-bcr00.tbone.rr.com [] 7 52 ms 65 ms 85 ms bu-ether11.asbnva1611w-bcr00.tbone.rr.com [] 8 47 ms 45 ms 38 ms 0.ae0.pr0.dca10.tbone.rr.com [] 9 38 ms 42 ms 38 ms be3021.ccr41.iad02.atlas.cogentco.com [] 10 118 ms 120 ms 118 ms be2268.ccr42.par01.atlas.cogentco.com [] 11 134 ms 130 ms 127 ms be2278.ccr42.fra03.atlas.cogentco.com [] 12 124 ms 133 ms 127 ms be2502.rcr21.b015749-1.fra03.atlas.cogentco.com [] 13 127 ms 125 ms 127 ms 14 129 ms 128 ms 126 ms 15 140 ms 126 ms 127 ms 16 178 ms 166 ms 271 ms li1428-112.members.linode.com [] Trace complete.
  5. Why do these say Dallas,TX when I tested the Denmark Server?
  6. If you read their terms as well as other internet providers, it will state "up to" 3X to 5X. the key words "up to". Believe me they try to use them to their advantage. There are topics here whit people using satellite internet and your story is very much in common with theirs. As stated above satellite is a last resort.
  7. I had problems with the Turbo. For the 3 months it was as advertised then I was lucky to get 12 Mbps. Bargained for a new Internet,phone and TV package because the prices went up $25 month.Got a better package with the Extreme Internet and now I get constant 35+Mbps no matter when I test. Food for thought. One of my Laptops uses standard installed WiFi and I only get 22-25. My other laptop using a Netgear WNA3100 Wireless Adapter gets constant 35+Mbps. Hard wired Desk top gets 35+Mbps. So I do think there can be a problem with wireless cards. This is the laptop with the Netgear WNA3100 Adapter This is an older Acer 5620z. https://testmy.net/quickstats/coknuck Hope this helps. By the way I'm in Northern Kentucky just below Cincinnati,OH Plus I'm saving $10 a month more than before the price change. You need to renegotiate every year. I took to netgear off the Acer and hooked it up to the HP. now it get around 35 Mbps. The 16Mps is the HP with its installed WiFi
  8. I don't see that you have tested. You should clear cache between test?
  9. Have you tried this: Check out the video at the bottom. , Looks like admin,admin http://frontier.com/helpcenter/internet/wireless-network-setup/how-do-i-configure-my-westell-7500-or-netgear-7550-modem-to-work-wirelessly-
  10. I feel for you. If didn't have cable I would be screwed.
  11. I have 3 computers. 2 of them i get 35-40 Mbps and one I'm lucky to get 27 Mbps. The wired and one of wireless get the 35-40 the other one is wireless and gets 27. I figure is in the wireless cards. I pay for TWC extreme 30-40 Mbps
  12. Go to the upload page and select test. You can test up to 33 meg.
  13. I always thought 3.0 was backward compatible, but I guess not..
  14. Happy 33 Birthday! Hope you have a great day!!
  15. Veterans Day is always observed officially on November 11, regardless of the day of the week on which it falls. The Veterans Day National Ceremony, like most ceremonies around the nation, is held on Veterans Day itself. However, when Veterans Day falls on a weekday, many communities choose to hold Veterans Day parades or other celebrations on the weekend before or after November 11 so that more people can participate. http://www.va.gov/opa/vetsday/vetday_faq.asp
  16. You don't know the Lander Family there in Sandy do you. Live on Jackson Hole. I used to live on Pine Hill Dr and 4800 South. I was a Sundowner Salt Lake City, Chapter In the '80's.
  17. What part of Utah you in? I used to live in Murray. All my Children graduated from Murray High School.
  18. I just reformatted the partition W10 was on and now every time I restart it wants to diagnosis trying to fix it and its not there my computer. What do I need to do the correct this. I made W8 the default system but it still shows W10 as a operating system how do I get rid of it? Figured it it out. Just went in to msconfig> boot and deleted it. also good in potsville!!
  19. Doing pretty good. Wish my lungs were better. Took all F'ing day to dig a 24" hole to put my mailbox in. If I go to Traverse City with my buddy this Summer I'll try too stop by and see the Old Man!!lol..
  20. Somethings never change.. How are your Mom and Dad doing? Tell them I said hi..
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