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Everything posted by Roco

  1. It's just a gift we have , it's the old bulldog spirit , wag our tails to your face , then bite yer ass when your back is turned , , BTW, I did vote "yes, a tear " in the poll ,
  2. Hi Sequoia , yeah they count for me , . I puled up Sharp at the uni culture , The last ones I can think of was your native Americans and Adolph Hitlers Germany neither lasted very long , and I feel sure the early immigrants to America didn't assimilate for a hundred years or more , it is reckoned to take 3 generations before that happens , do you relly expect a immigrant to walk into the USA , and speak and love America from day one ? , and do you not think you can learn some from his integration process ? if you cannot you have a closed mind IMHO , and doomed to fall behind in this modern world , no one nation has the Know it all answer , fully close your door to all other folk , and you will interbreed and end up like the Roman empire , long gone , Just my personal thoughts , no insult intended etc. Roco ...Great Britain , the land of pomp and ceremony .( lol we do it for the tourists )
  3. I watched it once ,( I have a download limit ) but that was enough for me . whats all this Uni culture ? spoken by a clown in 17 century English drag , By English I mean British English , as spoken originally by the Anglo Saxons , who were what is now Germans , we are all F**king mongrels with blood lines from so many different tribes ,, there is no Uni culture , unless you wish to believe there is , The French ain't pure French , the Italian ain't pure Italian etc , America was born of a melting pot of nations , any nation that was Uni died out thousands of years ago , Romans etc. Just my view , BTW, nothing wrong with P A T R I O T I S M , be proud of your country , but don't ignore it's history .
  4. I kinda go along with this , But it is a deep issue ( ) is a child , and I feel the baby in the womb is a child , have not the right to live , and should we be making the decision ? , being we have already been born by the same way ? I guess it's down to the mother , I guess us guys should learn to keep it zipped , IMHO there is now such thing as free sex without responsibility ,
  5. 18-Aug-08 GB has the most Golds Since 1920 Games: Team GB won their 12th gold medal of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games on Monday
  6. lol Bro , you bikers top the list , I got a 6 month driving ban UK, for riding a race bike on the road , open exhaust and slicks, with no insurance , but then I was a wild young Turk , now I have learnt to do it it the right time and place , and learn't the words "sir " :2funny last time I got pulled on the freeway was by mr. nasty and mr. nice cop , lol what a team , mr.nasty said get your helmet off , soon as he saw the silver he said "sir " , mr nice said great bike tell me more about it , and we had a great chat about bikes , while mr. nasty beat his head against a road sign , Btw never been stopped in a car ,
  7. Haven't we all suffered that , especialy the overnight hit and run , over here in the UK a vehicle that requires more than 30% of it's relacement cost is seen as a total loss, at the moment my old Citroen 2cv is parked in the road , ( my workshop is full ) I have 2 larger vehicles parked back and front for protection , it's value is around
  8. enzobaby , good luck . please post up the result after the change to Globe , Regards Roco ...UK BTW, I was on 56K dial up for 3 years , now doing 5Mbps on Adsl , I had 1 Mbps for a while, and I was happy with that ,
  9. so where did you buy your slaves from , Right , good old Great Britain , we ain't pure on that , as John Lennon said , "Think on ,we are all F*@king slaves" , but think back ,where our great grandpareants slaves ? , so who do we blame for our misfortune's ? , I guess it is self inflicted greed , does having the latest must have item , fuel our problems and are we happy after we have acquired our hearts desire ? , aparently not acording to the sueveys I have read , LOL just my idle thoughts , For me, all I wish is for is a truly usefull Christmas present , no more socks please , is it to much to ask for Tdawnaz wraped up in a pink bow ..;...
  10. Thanks for the insight Sequoia , ( Btw GD =general discusion ) as it is the portal to the world for TMN ,and the stats are still dropping , my main concerne is the aim of terroism is to destablize the goverment of the attacked country , a form of sowing the seed of discontent , it is a proved, cost efective way of winning ,the only efective form of defence is to turn the other cheek , hard enough to do , but it then throws back the message that it didn't hurt , no reaction is the finish of the attacker , but throw a bomb back and kill one terorist and a dozen will spring up to take his place , just my thoughts I do some times forget your president is a queen , Our Prime Minister is just that , the number one minister , and could be fired at anytime , the military is under the comand of the Queen , the Queen could suspend parliment at any time it got out of hand , but then you could argue the Brits live under a herditary dictatorship , if push came to shove , LOL , most UK folk would stand by our Queen on that , Our Police are unarmed , we have a total of around 70 gun related deaths a year , mostly due to Drug gangs figthting over an area ,, well It saves the taxpayer footing the jail cost , and with a camera on very street corner ( one to every 14 Brits ) the police can put their feet up and have a coffee back at the yard ,
  11. My apologises , I read price as price , The Prince don't have the option if he wants to keep his job ,
  12. hmmm I would worry where I went wrong "even the boy want's to fight " I would rather mine looked at all the options first , back on topic , well as close as , I won't disrespect the Bible and it's interpretations , each to their own I guess , but what does puzzles me , is why is Jesus shown as being a White , blue eyed , blonde ,But in fact most probably the same colour as Obama , it's little details like that , that stops me beliving , and made me unpopular at the church schools as a kid ,
  13. So if as you say there is not hate in America , why am I reading so much in TMN forum , Terrorism is the perfect tool , and cannot be beat in a conventional war , it breeds faster than bombs , and LOL, on the Tea, don't get me started again , the USA still owes for the last lot that got dumped . and BTW , the Brits ain't coming knocking , you don't have enough ready oil ....
  14. For once I am lost for words , is there so much hate in America ? do you fear an invasion , ? so much so that individuals have to be armed and prepared ?, does all this S**T have to spill out in G/D for the world to see , if so terrorism is winning IMHO,
  15. Hmmm, I just use a SP3 slipstreamed into Xp pro bootable disk and choose what I need or don't need in XP , it works as as a upgrade without loosing files , and also as a clean install without sp1 or sp2 installed , OK it is not totaly unatended , but how often do you need to do a reinstall ?,
  16. ghostmaster , I can't disagree with your post , the UK government is not where the buck stops , that for us is the Queen or King , but they cannot be catholic , just makes me smile how religion has the last say on that , :evil2 :juvenile crime is slowing in the UK , at last the kids are saying whats the point , the new generation are facing hard times,harder than I have ever seen , and they are having fun never the less, so from me as an old boy to them enjoy , yeah,for me Christian school was brutal , all the canning ( birching ) because I would not confirm to their standards , my daughter and my grandchildren have the option in their own time to embrace religion , but they do have home spun respect for all folk , BTW, if you think being a Pagan means you shun Christianity , I just did a charity walk for a Christian org , it was 10 miles , and I came in 3 rd at 2.15 hours , it was a long hot day, but it was going for clean drinking water for Africa , a thing we take for granted , The Muslims have dug a irrigation canal deep into Africa for free,for crop irrigation , now that has not been mentioned in the western news , for me bombing don't help, practical help will win the day , just my thoughts , and feel free etc ,
  17. It seems a tough decesion to Drill for oil in a place of scenic beauty , but a nation has to survive , anyway it has happened back through the ages , America from what I have seen is truly a blessed country for scenery ( sad to say for me only in film and pictures ) we have an old saying back in the rural areas , "yeah it's a great view, shame is, you can't eat the scenery , " the great upside on the high oil prices , truly there is a upside , it has made us all aware of what we are doing to this planet and it's future , and our grandchildrens future and beyond , it needed to happen , there aint no such thing as a free lunch IMHO,
  18. I think both religions are close , both spew out hate to hold onto power , is Obama the Antichrist . well for me you have to be sure there is a Christ first , if you believe there is, the indoctrination has worked , as a child both my schools were church schools , and I left those as a born again Friendly Pagan , "Religion is like a wasps nest , you don't poke it with a stick unless you can run fast ", apart from all this religious stuff you are lucky to live in a land of opportunity ,that has a stable Democracy , your vote decides the leader , maybe it won't be your choice , but being part of a modern free society you concede to the majority decision , if not you are onto the slippery slope to a brute force dictatorship with it's thugs telling folk which way to vote , BTW , Mudmance4 , j/k , dogs aint the only ones that can sense future things , and if a dog pees on something ,he sees it a no threat to himself ,I never seen a dog pee on a gator , good topic though , I am getting interesest in the outcome ( as a European ) but I am amazed by the hustling and time it takes, BTW when is it ? , I think I read November , ours in the UK takes 2 weeks , and we have already chosen our next Gov. 1.1/2 years in advance , not that much will change , and I cant vote anyway ,
  19. me 2 , but I was not aware we had strayed that far off topic , you had asked for comments ,and I gave my view , so fully back on topic , WTF should america ( your view on Russia ) so why is america thinking of bombing Iran ? my vote was No , but maybe it don't count on a international forum ? ,
  20. good post again ghostmaster hell , there are days when I am glad I have no religion , just the true faith in the knowledge of human failure , and the need to improve , Hey, it's 2008 and time to stop the hate, ,for me, Ghostmaster for Prez,
  21. Hey Bro( madmanc4 , (what happened to the other 3 ) the normal "SIR Roco " I have noted that when we disagre , In my view , no doubt incorrect in you view , and as I have always said feel free to disagre, Not sure I follow your comment, are you saying if you disagre don't post ? "ONce more, if there is anyone that reads something that does not like it, or want to read it, or have anything do with it, then may I suggest don't." that is a red rag to a bull in the UK , maybe we think differently , so are my comments ain't acceptable , being I am a humble European , and not worthy to post on TMN ? Peace and regards Roco UK
  22. IMHO that is total crap ( as I said IMHO ) Russia ( BTW , Russia begins with a capital "R" same as the Usa ) , it's your best friend Israel; that is keeping the pressure up ,and the unstable midle East country with nuclear capability, I still can't figure out the American interest in the middle East , apart from cheap oil , Russia has enough of it's own , to care about the middle east , but I agree it does not wellcome the USA 's interference, BTW , Mudamce , Iran is a Muslim country , are you sure you want free trade,? Just my European view , and as always feel free to disagree , so I am asking what is the reason for thinking of bombing Iran ? , and why does it need a Poll ? , do you feel under threat from Iran ? , just asking , and curious ,
  23. well said , ghostmaster , and with respect , as dlewis said " We are not europe, we will never be europe.) thats ok with Europe ,but it leads to the question why are you in the middle East , ?
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