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Everything posted by Roco

  1. never too sure myself. it depends where I wake in the morning ,.....................
  2. I spent the day beating the dents out of my daughters car guess thats the true meaning of fathers day , !!!!
  3. :2funny: , yeah I once lived that life , , or is it just a female excuse to bitch out loud ???? Grandpa give me a e-mail , as I seem to have lost your adddress, or has it changed ? edit to fix ur quote...
  4. no on pricec alone " Apple 2.4 GHz White MacBook This MacBook is perfectly designed for your mobile lifestyle, with a range of innovative features, including a powerful Intel Core 2 Duo Processor, 160 GB Hard Drive, 2 GB Memory & built-in iSight Video Camera. Price inc. VAT
  5. Had a odd problem with Sp-3 , I was running Xp pro (legit ) I did a ASR backup before running Sp3 , reinstalled XP pro+Sp3 from a slipstreamed disk , all went well, and I had Sp3 installed , then I ran my backup , all is working fine , but System properties tells me I am back on SP2 , although hard drive used space tells me I have Sp3 on , any one else seen that ? or have any sugestions how to check I have Sp-3 installed ?
  6. well done Bill , and good find Mudmanc, I kinda always admired Mr.Gates or anyone who does it the hard way , Rule 6: If you mess up, it's not your parents' fault, so don't whine about your mistakes, learn from them, LOL I must be eligble for the mess up olympic team , but IMHO you cant beat learning at the school of hard Knocks , Rule 11: Be nice to nerds. Chances are you'll end up working for one. lol or end up being one ,
  7. nice quote Reso, yeah keep em guessing !"Das Lied der Deutschen "
  8. No probs. with Sp3, just built a slipstreamed Xp/Sp3 disk, you don't need Sp1a or Sp2 working great , but still takes some real estate though , but I guess not as much as Vista , guess I will skip that one till 7 comes out ,
  9. the way things are going Reso , charm is all I got left these days ... :2funny:just been offline this evening (over here ) P/supply fan started screeming , fitted a s/h one now that is growling , causing my Cockatiel to join in , it aint a good week for me , so birds are out for the time being !!!!
  10. yes maam, I love a free for all, any chance ? , I promise not to submit too easy, long a you go easy on my knee Bro like me, I think you were at the back of the queue , I think the other choice was a free for all with Water , but I think it is only open to her relatives ,maybe I read it wrong but Water did say she gets her satisfaction with a relative , but I have heard there is a lot of that going on in the mountain areas,
  11. LOL Reso . I am just the humble apprentice ,you taught me all I know looks like "Re: A FORUM OR A CHAT BOX? " is turning into a runner ,
  12. absolutely agree with you Shugs , we got cars in the UK with electric windows and leather seats +full air con and full surround stereo , and the owners have none of this in their house
  13. so what withs the " so not true" , (it wasn't meant to be funny ) it has allways been known that the worlds oil would not last forever, but nobody did much about it just built bigger faster and heavier auto's , and buried their head in the sand hopping it would all go away , "The US government said Canada holds the world's second-largest oil reserves, taking into account Alberta oil sands previously considered too expensive to develop. http://www.gasandoil.com/goc/news/ntn32355.htm Country Reserves 1 Production 2 Reserve life 3 Saudi Arabia 260 8.8 81 Canada 179 2.7 182 Iraq 15 3.7 101 Iran 105 2.2 143 Kuwait 99 2.5 108 United Arab Emirates 97 2.5 107 Venezuela 80 2.4 91 Russia 60 9.5 17 Libya 41. 5 1.8 63 Nigeria 36.2 2.3 43 United States 21 4.9 2 Mexico 12 3.2 10 these figs are at todays consumption rates, and that is set to quadruple in the next 10 years Oil is now a world wide comodity , and there are some fast growing big economies who are willing to pay the inflated price , BTW there is one Chinese for one of every other race on this planet , and they all wan't to drive fine cars , like the rest of the folk ,
  14. lol the American term gas for petrol beats me , so what does your gas cooker burn ? The UK is heading for costly trouble with the 2012 Olympics comming up , we us kilograms for weight ,litres for liquids our road signs are in imperial miles , all cars now have dual read speedometers , apart from my old Citroen thats in Kilometres , or curency is in the
  15. 4.52 litres to the UK gallon , which I think is equal to about .85 USA gallon , although we don't use the gallon anymore it's iso metric all the way , the USA gallon is smaller due to back in the colonial days we sent liquids to America , in short messure and claimed it was due to leakage
  16. coolbuster , if you don't know the difference , your at the right place BTW, .s1 is right .so is Reso and also Shugs , thats what makes TMN forum special , P.s. so what is a message board ,?
  17. well personally I often have something against the Russian , my G/F is , It's good we have all woken up at last to the oil problem and cost , it can only get worse IMHO, maybe now at last some workable alternatives may be fully investigated If you think oil prices are high at $40 a barrel then wait till they are four times that much. I found this dated june 2004 http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/business/3777413.stm now at $120a barrel 2008 ,
  18. LOL bro thanks for the head up on the Alaskan pipe line , I had never heard of it, sure is a interesting thought , the oil goes to Russia , the UK buys some of it's oil from Russia , , maybe we can let you have some back !!, just been checking some figs. in the United States, something like 178 million gallons of gasoline is consumed every day. http://wiki.answers.com/Q/How_much_oil_does_the_US_consume that pipeline has shifted enough oil to keep America in petrol for around 3 months I may be wrong on the math , I had to take my shoes off to come up with that calculation lol over here with the $10 USD a gallon , I use about 5 a week , works out at about 225 miles although this is falling ,as I get free bus and train in london, it's got to be the way to go ,if you don't need to carry much,
  19. fully agree Tdawnaz , it's a strange world but in about 10 years time China may well be thinking lets nuke America ? , just a thought ! , where you hidding your own oil , ? IMHO it is our fault for burning oil so fast and not seeing this comming , it's like having a jar of cookies, enough to last the week and then eating them all in one day , BTW just been reading this , "In recent months, Chinese state-owned oil companies have begun seeking ambitious oil deals in Canada - the top petroleum supplier to the U.S. - including the acquisition of Canadian energy companies. Sinopec, one of China's largest state-owned energy companies, is interested in buying stakes in the vast reserves of the Alberta oilsands. The Canadian giant Enbridge is pushing ahead with a plan to build a $2.5-billion pipeline to transport oil from Alberta to the coast of British Colombia from where it will be shipped across the Pacific to China." http://www.iags.org/n0118041.htm the Chinese must be taking it serious, as you can't get crude out of oilsands for less than around $200 a barel , more scary stuff here http://www.iags.org/china.htm
  20. I pay $18.95 a month, but I have a download cap of 2GB above that I pay another $10 up a total of 8Gb down , never been over 2Gb a month , it's a 8Mbps plan , but due to line lenght I dont normaly see above 5Mbps , ADSL long old line ,
  21. RTB , I always knew you lived in a smart country , and you are absolutely right , I buy some food from my local store , if I don't like it or it tastes funny I get my money back ,, even if I have eaten 1/2 of it , in a reasturant I can taste the wine , if I don't like the taste I can reject it at no cost , so why is software different ?
  22. hell a bad week indeed , and sod the personal injuries , they can get fixed well thats the way I see it in the UK, I droped a bike at 70 mph +, while sliding down the road I was totaling the cost of the repairs to the bike , seriously, hope you are OK , and is the Camaro repairable ? the frame don't look bent from the photo's , I have repaired worse , my 33y old Citroen is a composte of 3 cars ,and just passed a tight annual 1 hour Gov inspection , (all cars over 3 years old in the UK , ) and for a very resonable $120 USD , , what I am trying to say all cars can be rebuilt , it just depends how much you love or value the car ,
  23. for those unfortunatly on the 8Mb max Tiscali LLU plan in the UK , I have found getting the right router can make a big differance , for me theThompson speed touch 585v6 made all the differance , along with the tweeking tool "DMT " it's also good for checking line stats , my BT phone line is old and long (over 2 miles ) and the line, so I was told a few years back would not support over 1.5 Mbps , but now in the day I can get over 6Mbps , ( hell I spent years on 1.8Mbps ) OK in the evenings when it gets dark and the street lights kick in it drops to 4.5Mbps and I need to resync just the once , no big deaL , btw the test was direct to the Tiscali sever , expect less if testing onwards to that , I can easy loose 20% if testing on the exellent speed test here at TMN , it is 3000+ miles away and depends on the route taken , BTW the main controling info is the srn ratio , I normaly get 11.5 , below 7.5 and the internet reduces to a crawl , (evenings ) a resync normaly cures that , just pull the modem jack ,and reinsert (forcing a dslam resync ) no need to reboot the computer that way , as many tiscali folk do , but do that more than 3 times within 1 hour and the dslam at the exchange will down grade your speed for around 3-5 days , (line adaptive rate ) anyone on tiscali needing further info ,just post here ,
  24. lol I had photoshop 8 on my box , but I never used it , far to complicated for my limited use , lol we must be Bro's as I use all the free stuff also , just for scaning old 50 year old photos of late husbands etc , I have used photofiltre http://www.snapfiles.com/get/photofiltre.html and it seemed good , but I have been using adobe photodeluxe for more than 5 years so I fall back on that most of the time , old habits die hard I guess , but it won't run on Vista and one of the reasons I am staying with Xp
  25. Good move bro , as Mark Twain said all those years back ," land they ain't making it anymore " , already in my area, building land is fetching $5million an acre, my house built for $1500 USD back in 1937 . is now worth $750,000 USD , and more as a cleared site , the rent is valued at $29,000 per year , lol, if I could find a cave to move into I would, the cheapest apartment in the uk is now around $245,000 USD , and in a poor area, (crime or floods) some days I just think the world has gone crazy ,
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