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Everything posted by Roco

  1. oh hell we are talkin car audio's , I got in late , I thought we was buying Milk wholesale ! , Why do you need a car audio , with the price of gas ,you sure of keeping the car ? just wondering :2funny: good news there tdawnaz , medical science is amazing , but why is there so much PMT around , and will tommie develop that as well ,? Tommie bro , carefull when jogging, a little cotton wool pad taped in place help to prevent any soreness , ( so I have been told, I hasten to add ) as I don't do jogging , well not vertical jogging anyway , wyantm06 , what sort of payment do they take , is it secure , and do you have any payment protection ? is there a forum for about this company ? personaly if I get the "not sure gut feeling , I don't , " and as you have, ask around first , : looks OK to me http://www.onlinecarstereo.com/Help/HelpContact.aspx and again here http://forums.corvetteforum.com/showthread.php?p=1565729505
  2. Re: Where do you live? well "where ever I lay my hat thats my home" ..... at the moment , yeah Roco maybe on the move ........again , having a boat built in Droitwich UK ,and my house is up for sale , I can't fight off the feeling to be back on the road again ,I guess it has always been there , I will post some pics soon , BTW, wellcome Jamesa from Malta, the UK will never forget the price Malta paid in WW2 faith, hope and charity , if you say WTF ask your grandad , best regards Roco ...UK
  3. has anyone looked back to win 95-98 etc so do we need all these mega Gb hard drives just to keep ahead of the threats, , ? is the latest O/s better for those that just need e-mail etc,
  4. It's so , it's in the online dictionary ,BTW, I tend to read history , as what goes around comes back soon enough ,
  5. , best wishes for a speedy recovery Roco ....UK
  6. :2funny: now that explanation I can follow F**K my puny complaint to my ISP was wasted then ! Duh,
  7. now know as Tommie(speedy) Gonzales , BTW bro you wife asked me to relay this message , http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WD4f28OECjA
  8. , how did "post your mug get" this far off topic , could someone remind me ,
  9. "they bite with a sawing motion , bleeding laceration ", it gets worse by the minute , this sounds like a call to the RAF for a nuclear strike , Honey, the engagement is off :." but iggy doesn't usually...only if startled, " F/Hell ,Even cats spit at me , give me a dog as a pet anytime , , back on the topic "Post your mug shot " mine is now about 8 (hard) years out of date. ( post # 4,) but as I get older my brain gets younger , so it is staying, .another 10 years, and I will be back in diapers I guess , and will be on breast feeding , hey,dont knock it guys there are advantages in getting older ...................
  10. , , Oops I never said a word miss , but I will say I havent seem many pregnant UK gals all happy and beaming , glowing yes , .......... mostly in rage ,
  11. thats a pet ? ,if I met one of them in the UK, I would call out the army
  12. Hmmm , I guess you know me too well Tdawnaz
  13. Yes indeed it is a nickname , and is used now off the net , I nearly changed my full name by deedpoll , but I have never got around to doing it , in my past business life was also known as Roco Cheval ,when working on my beloved 2 CV Citroens (2 Cheval vapour ) in English "2 steam horses ) , in France a unit of power output and taxation , and also in honour of http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ferdinand_Cheval , as I have been trying to build a better world for nearly as long LOL Tdawnaz , bet you wished you had never asked ,
  14. it's part of my name , it was going to be Loco , but folk may have thought I was a train spotter
  15. , the real scary bit is having to wake up and remember names, honney seems a fit all names to me ,
  16. Blackbirds are protected in the UK ,.fast disapearing , I am hand rearing a family , for the past 5 years , but strange enough the have disapered now , they do that every year in mid June then come back in October for the winter , you must have some good corn over there , LOL grandpa you feed them for free ??? it costs me $2 a month for the best Turkish sultanas to feed them , got any of your special corn seeds going spare ? , blackbirds normaly live for 2 years or so ,I have grandady of the flock , at about 4 years old , he overwinters in my out house , I hand reared him since he was the last offspring of the brood,and was down and abandoned in my garden and each spring he gets out and strutts his stuff, ( lol bit like me I guess ) back on topic , I have sorted out a few HP puters , they seem to select good matching parts , and indeed I am impressed with there quality, but it seems to come at a high price ,
  17. good question StingRayZ , what OS are you running ? , I use ASR in windows XP .pro ,and do a ASR (auto system recovery ) to a second hard drive once a month, it works well , but leaves me a possible month adrift , never done a incremental back up , so a good topic , and I wiil be very interested in the replies , this surely must be a #1 for all puter users , bur rarely gets a mention on the forum ?
  18. Me, WTF is OS X , I thought I was a kinda win 3.1 sort of guy?? I loved win M.E. , aparently some guys didn't , Vern , we meet again whats this assembly stuff , I used to do that at Jr.school , being apparently the only one that could read , I read the daily sermon at assembly , does that count ,
  19. sounds good to me Vern , on both counts
  20. my daughter is running a bad streak with cars , every dent was when she wasn't driving (hit and run ) she had a car totaled while it was in a Hypermarket car park , the autobox driver fled the scene , but he was on camera , and paid up , she drives well, hey I taught her to drive , yeah ,I taught her to heel and toe rally style , guess you auto guys don't do that , and do handbrake U turns, she is good , not quite up to Dads standards , but she has never been banned from driving , anyway she is also good on motorcycles , although now she has kids of her own she don't ride anymore , her first bike at 10 y was a 125 cc Yamaha off roader , I wanted her to learn mistakes hurt early in life , she now drives defensively, allways assumes the other guy is a no brain jerk , on the porridge , with my family , I get the dog to sample first .them wait an hour, cold food is better than being permanatly cold hey, daughter sent me this card, why the dog features in it I am not sure , is she trying to tell me something ?
  21. it's not beige , so I ain't interested either , , all my builds are Beige , just love that colour , it don't show the dust like black , OK, so beige is non discript , but a computer is only a tool ? , do I go down to the tool shop to buy a spanner , then specify the colour !!!!!!!!!!!!!! , sigh, maybe one day I will get off single core , socket "A" , but I aint rushing , lol $3,299 USD thats 830 US gallons of petrol , and only 358 gallons in the UK , it's overpriced in my view , and all the components will be made in China anyway , so right AlucardHS , remember one size don't fit all , just build what you need , but leave a little elbow room for future upgrades ,
  22. Bro. you had a party ?????, Hmmmm, everyone is having a party including our Queen , and no, I did not get an invite .........................again , , just wait to she dents her Rolls Royce , BTW , I bet I am panel beating before you are mowing again , ,
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