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Everything posted by Roco

  1. My bigest fear the dreaded dead pixel , not sure I could live with that , I have 2 f/s monitors both BenQ , neither has a pixel problem , thankfully , or they would have gone back , have fun with the Flight simulator , I have never run it ,but will do one day when I can find one cheap ,
  2. what an unforunate name for her daughter , good thing she is in America Bristol ,= Bristol ciity =T*ty, like look at the Bristols on that chick , her unmarried daughter is five months pregnant, well it happens , and no big deal , IMHO ,
  3. Thanks Tdawnaz , exactly right ,maybe my English needs some brushing up ?, It is a serious topic , and one close to my heart , if the medical equipment is available , don't loose for the sake of some $$$$ ,or in our case some clicking ,
  4. Hi Tdawnaz & folks , Sorry about that , I jumped in on page 2 , and thought is was Mudmanc's topic , , glad I missed it anyway , so get clicking folks http://www.thebreastcancersite.com/clickToGive/home.faces
  5. you are wellcome Tdawnaz , I said I wouldn't make a joke of it , and I wont , thats what killed my Mom , well the lack of a scan did , I have made a short cut .so what is one click a day compared to the thousands we make daily ? Now one for the Guys , I can't believe anyone would make a joke of this subject ,and bless TMN nobody has, all cancers are now reaching epidemic proportions , including Testicular cancer, and that hurts in the nuts , so if you have any concerns get them checked out , I did recently during a routine medical , it don't hurt just a quick scan , , Hell, OK I cant resist the funny but true bit , I had a young female doctor giving them a gentle squeeze , Oooh it was well worth the worry of the scan , although I was the colour of a tomato at the time , , but I did rally back and asked if I could be checked again next week , she just looked at me and said nothing but I got her drift , BTW thanks guys for the tab hint , will do ,
  6. , nothing to add from me , not even a joke , so it must be serious ,and it is
  7. Hi, Adrian Wainer , you have my deepest respect , you have studded this topic well, and I agree with most of youreducated posts , indeed spot on on Churchill , it was just a means to a end , the UK didn't want Russia , but they were needed at that time , and strange enough we need them again now , ( they supply most of the UK's gas ,) my point is , if Von Braun was a war criminal , by connection so am I , I played ( a very minor ) part in missile development just for the money , as most people in that industry are doing today , Von Braun was under much greater pressure than I ever was , LOL I might be biased , my G/f is a basted ,part Russian/ German , and as old as me , she cried tears all day at 9/11 and said "not again " , as a orphan she has seen far more pain than than I ever will know , for me this vid sums up the past ,I just hope we have moved on and learnt some maybe we didn't start the fire , but we all owe it to the world to be the fireman .IMHO
  8. Hi Adrian Wainer , sorry for the delay in repling , It's that 8 hour time shift thing , I wiil try and catch up on your 2 posts , BTW great link , thanks, "He was arrested for off-the-cuff remarks he made at some party that brought into question his loyalty to the F
  9. HI Adrian Wainer , Hitlers support was around 70% before the war started, with his early victories it rose to about 90% right to the end He has been judged the worlds greatest orator , (but not truth teller BTW ) although towards the end of the war , a number of loyal Germans tried to assassinate him , mainly from the military , the population in general did not loose faith in him , and struggled on to the end , as far a von Braun , it is on record he was jailed twice , the second time he was rescued by the head of the secrete weapons research dept . all manufacturing plants had two people in charge one the standard boss if you will , the second was a Nazi SS overseer , whose remit was to maintain moral and discipline , indeed no doubt those that survived played down there part in the war , the Russian problem ?,"the subhumans" as Hitler called then was his downfall, and he was his own agent of that , having brokered a deal with the Russians , for them not to oppose his expansion eastwards , but to share in the joint profits , and indeed between the two they squeezed the life out of Poland , causing France and England to step into the war ,( far too late IMHO,) Russia then made it's move into the oil fields further East , the very target Hitler was next planing to attack , although Russia offered all the oil Hitler needed , he went off on one of his major rants , and within a month or so changed all his plans to invade England , then turned on Russia, so in reality 42-43 was the end of Germany , his quotes about the Allies British , beaten but won't except it Russians , it takes 100 to equal 1 German USA ,( He did not understand America , like most Europeans of that time ) we will deal with them later , I am not worried about them it will take then at least 10years to get on a war footing , France , they are tired of wars , and have no spirit left I am curious about your remark " As for Germany itself, the reaction of Germany in the aftermath of 9/11 really showed up that when push comes to shove, not a lot had changed. " I would appreciate it if you could expand this a bit more , just curious , and not looking for a argument on that , I was not aware they had and different view than the rest of Europe ? Indeed Best regards Roco.........UK
  10. would like to help but I am busy trying to find Fiber Optic talking of aplications anyone on Msm live ? just been trying a application called " A-patch 130rc, to remove the pesky adds , it works for me !!!! http://www.mydigitallife.info/2006/06/23/remove-ads-from-windows-live-messenger-with-a-patch-and-customize-messenger-options-and-visualisation/comment-page-1/
  11. LOL I went off the deep end there , but I have been obsessed by rocketry since I was about 8 years old , built my own 2 stage rocket with a war head by age 10 , but like Germany I had financial constraint's now looking back that can only have been the savior of the local neighbourhood , BTW , I did work in that industry for a while , but after comming Face to what was left of a Face , that had been on the receiving end , I decided to go off and seek work in a more humane field,
  12. LOL it's a film , but in a strange way they did get to the moon in real life , Wernher von Braun and some of his team went to America at the close of the war , and lead the team to Americas landing on the moon , although Wernher von Braun was a war time German Rocket scientist he was arrested several times by the Nazis and at one stage was to face the firing squad , for his anti Nazi belief's , his only intrest was in Rockets , and he hated the war time use of them , in his autobiography , he stated the V2 rocket was incapable of reaching the moon , and none left the earth's orbit BTW, others of his German team went to Russia , and they put the first man into space , " at At the end of the third Reich collapse, there was a dash across Europe to recover V-2 missiles and components. The Soviets captured Peenem
  13. Hi Sequoia , I didn't actually "enjoy it " it I found it very disturbing that in this hi tech age ,Humans are still engaging our Prehistoric intelligence , the Brit national anthem ? , I haven't hear it played live for over 20 years , my grandchildren wouldn't know the words , not sure I do now either , normally if it is played, it starts a stampede to the exit , Governments ? I guess you get what you vote for ?, in the UK the government isn't the sole power , and not having a written constitution makes a difference maybe "The British Constitution comes from a variety of sources. The main ones are: Statutes such as the Magna Carta of 1215 and the Act of Settlement of 1701. Laws and Customs of Parliament; political conventions Case law; constitutional matters decided in a court of law Amendments to Britain
  14. Thanks for the links and info Sequoia , I did know the 5-6 nations, the Tuscarora arrived later from the south , I need to study more ,I guess , but back on topic "patrotism ", nothing wrong in loving your country , IMNO, maybe the Brits are not so strong on that , we have a different outlook I guess , for us wherever the Queen (bee ?) settles is good enough for us ,and if the hive gets too crowded we spread our wings and move on,hence the spread of the English language ?. personally , I ain't bothered what part of the world I live in , as long as the living is easy , and I guess thats the way the worlds migrants see it , BTW, more English are leaving the UK , than Migrants are comming in, top destinations Spain and Florida USA for retirement ,but the reverse is also true in that nobody from outside the UK would think of retiring to the UK, edit to add ,Sequoia the second youtube has a powerfull message , thanks for that , it stoped me in my tracks , the first vid , I had some trouble with the download , but now OK , just so sad , and not that long ago ,
  15. I hope I never have to choose , Btw, at my age you can drop the "pretty" old English saying " who looks at the mantlepiece while stocking the fire , ?
  16. , I guess we were reinstalling about the same time , and I didn't feel the need for Vista either , my build went ok , apart from a dead video card , but it got exchanged in 2 days , and I kept my old computer , I downgraded it to Machine #2 , LOL , that caused a chain reaction within my family as computers get passed down the chain , I now have 5 spare computers again , the slow'st being a 1.4Ghz ,LOL they will get past on to folk (silver surfers ) that I support, this winter ,
  17. You will have to excuse me there , I was thinking of the The Iroquois Confederacy (also known as the "League of Peace and Power", but then American history was not taught in UK schools , and I can see why it has not happend today , with a native population reduced from approx 20 million to half that number I guess it will never happen , indeed the Vikings were now proved to be the first , and had the first European born in the new world , but they found the natives hostile and only stayed for about 2 years , the UK came late into the new country , we were to busy fighting the Dutch, Portuguese and Spain for control of the seas , and we had greater interest in China and India , mainly for the spices and TEA
  18. with respect Sequoia it's late UK so I Will study your post more fully later, indeed up to the European invasion the Native Americans had no call for a Uni culture , but they finally had to form a convention , to attempt to stop the invaders stealing their land ,it failed and 15 million native Americans disappeared withinh 100 years , they were given the name Indians because the Brits thought they thought they had discovered a short route to the Asian Indian world , correct me if I am wrong , Regards Roco ... UK
  19. Philly , thats the way I see it now , it would have been fun anyway , so for me , a wrong move, anyway I have a collection of computers going back to Win 95 ,and one more would not have made any difference hey ,I hate throwing away old friends ,I guess thats why I have a house full of computer junk , Ianonline I just built me a new puter (after 5 years ) dual core no less , and Sp 3 ,so I am set for another 5 years , SP 3 went ok for me , hope yours went the same ? I guess this build will see me out ,
  20. Bro , I take that as a complement , thanks , I have been told I don't understand the way Americans think , well never having been there it's not surprising ,and I guess most Americans don't understand the way I think , that is just a product of our upbringing , we share the same language , but our histories are so different, neither is right or wrong , imho , but I do have concerns about Americas direction, and your new president , whoever that may be, coz t will affect the world , and will go down in history , to be read by future generations, IMHO, today is ours, but the future belongs to the following generations,
  21. First thing to be sure of is that it is hay fever , " perennial allergic rhinitis." , but I guess you have had that checked out ?, "Do not treat yourself for longer than 3 months without checking with your doctor, so that your doctor can check your treatment is correct. Some products state this in their information leaflet, but it is a sensible precaution for all of them. Danger symptoms to look out for include - wheezing, tight chest and cough - which may be hay fever triggering asthma symptoms ear ache, pain on the face, and discharge from the eyes - which can be infections caused as side-effects of hay fever, in the ear, sinuses and eyes if your symptoms do not improve after five days of using a treatment, then this is time to review the treatment difficulty sleeping, showing that your hay fever is not under control, and needs reviewing Other ways your doctor can help include prescribing medicines which you can not buy from your pharmacy, and other treatments which need specialist advice, such as desentising you to something you are allergic to. Such treatments are normally only used for severe case of hay fever, where the normal products are not enough to keep your symptoms under control. " , Bloody hell , I was looking in the UK for "DRIXORAL " and came across this For reasons that are not yet understood, the number of people suffering from symptoms( in the UK ) is rising dramatically. In 1965, 12% of young people aged 12-14 suffered from hay fever, while currently it is 36% and continuing to grow. Adults in their 40s are developing hay fever, and recent tests on children aged six and seven showed 25 to 30% have hay fever depending on where they live. The Midlands has most sufferers, probably because they live furthest from the sea and pollen concentration is highest. sorry that news ain't much help , DRIXORAL , (Dexbrompheniramine) is on doctors prescription only in the UK,
  22. LOl, today at a Car boot sale ( yard sale ? ) there was a apple mac computer for $25 USD ,O/s unkown , (probably old ) I walked away , I have enough problems with M.S windows , did I do right ? .
  23. Thanks on that Coknuck , much appreciated , I can now blame you for my future posts and sleep easy , , only kidding , lol I have been on the forum for 2 1/2 years , and enjoyed every moment , for me America is the great unknown , but not for one minute have I regretted joining , seen some good folk come and go , and made some good true friends on the way, and thats as far as I go on P A T R I O T I S M
  24. looks good , I found it at http://www.revouninstaller.com/ , but I ain't tried it yet , I was never the one to be first in the Queue , or even second , so I will run it on a spare puter first ,
  25. Sorry for the double post , on this topic , I tried to explain my European view on patriotism , nothing more , I ain't anti American , I ain't a Muslim , I just ain't anything, just a plain old Brit , that does care about America ,
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