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Everything posted by j3grizz

  1. Ok, what are some easy ways to get started? Do you list the houses with the Gvt.? Would I need to talk with a tax professional? I have a very qualified accountant @ my Church. How much capital do you think I would need to get started? What type of loans are the best for the rentals. I will think of some more later. lol
  2. Are you overclocking this system? If so have you upgraded your fan? If not did you install another fan? Did you check to see if your fan indeed was running when you had to hit F1 to continue? It could easily be shutting it down from being overheated. Check these and let us know.
  3. Yep, I wouldn't dare say that it isn't up to the parents. It definately is!! I just wish that we could get something done to discourage companies from playing the nonsense on tv, and taking the crap that is already on off. I can watch Andy Griffith all day and let any kid watch as well and they love it. It doesn't have the sex, drugs, cussing, etc... and it is a great program that people have been watching and loving for years. They can make shows without all of the nonsense and negativity it's just that society as a whole just lets it happen. We just block it out. Well let me get off the soap box and do some surfin.
  4. Yes it is a very good idea to have good credit. The people that have the bad credit and get hooked into the blue hippo nonsense are usually down and out from making too many bad decisions already. People like that have a history of making bad decisions. I know many people like that. You have to try to help them cause they usually have very low esteem. I know this sounds corny to some but if you will take notice you will see. This is just another bad decision to add to their looooong list!
  5. Yea, people let things slide so much now that we can't even watch T.V. without all of the cussing and nudity. I know some people like it but kids shouldn't be subjected to it! It is a shame what society has come to!
  6. If you have tried this and it is still installed do you still have the tweaks applied or did you revert back to the way it was. If you reverted back then you may not have given it enough time. It takes a few days for it to really work well. It would make it easier to help you if you would find out for sure whick package you are subscribed to. If you are on the 5Mbps download package then you should be able to do a lot better. Let us know.
  7. They have enough money to finish that building and 100 more if they want too. Check out their stock, it hasn't moved.
  8. HAPPY EASTER EVERYONE!!!! I hope you all remember that on this day Christ Jesus our Lord rose from the dead, defeated death, and has provided everyone of us with with the FREE gift of eternal life, if we just receive him and believe in him. He certainly was crucified on the cross @ Calvary but arose 3 days later on this wonderful day we call Easter. God bless us all!!
  9. Yea, it is pathetic to see how people act in different situations. People that he probably would have given it to if they would have asked. The one I describe will not pickup 134A. In order to use it you would have to charge just a little into the circuit in question (a trace gas) and then search for the leak with the Hal. leak detector. After finding the leak you would have to recover the gas and pull a vacuum before re charging. Preferably a weighed in charge!! You could also evacuate the system and charge it with nitrogen like Van said and put a little 22 in (trace gas) that way also to increase the pressure in the system. This will blow a better stream of gas out of the leak making it easier for ya to find. Just make sure not to exceed the manufacturers design pressure for the particular system you are working on. Or KaaaBaaaaaaaaM!! Seriously though, I have seen it done and the guy was fortunate that he didn't get hurt.
  10. Yea, this is a great site!!
  11. I will agree with VanBuren here. It will not make any difference if you insulate it. Also it does make it look better. I will say that the if you can, you need to put a decorative wall of some sort up to keep rocks and flying objects from accidentally penetrating the line set or coils on your unit. I have seen this happen many, many times. And if your thermostat wire is coming out there it would be beneficial to you to put something around it as well to keep from cutting it with a weed eater. Hope this helps ya out!
  12. Hi Van, I will give the Infiction D-tec a try.
  13. I still reccomend getting the coil cleaner. What happens is the dust and dirt gets compacted in the fins. When this happens you lose the ability to efficiently pull the air across the coil. That means that the system has to work harder to remove the heat from the coil. Which in the end could cause you to pay a little haighr wlectic bill! The coil cleaner foams up and pushes the dirt and dust out of the fins to be rinsed off. The water hose just gets what is on the outside. Try this and see if it can help you out. It will also shine your coils up too. fixed quote...
  14. Sounds like you have a jam up system! I like Ruud systems. You also have a good SEER rating.
  15. Hi Cholla, Yes I've used them and really like them. I would go with one of them over the electronic ones any day. The one I use is a R-22 propane halide leak detector. I assume you charge the automotive system with a little 22 so that it will pick it up. (A trace gas that is) It has it's own problems but has found many leaks for me. All in all I would say that it is pretty good at finding leaks. Finding the leak really has to do with experience. You have to know where to start and where they generally are. Hope this helps ya!
  16. I would have to say my family!! Looove my wife and kid!!
  17. Yea, I figured that you have probably done some work with refrigeration on cars. I noticed that you and tommie talk about them a lot. I'm not totally against them they just give me too many false-positives. Maybe they will come out with one that isn't too sensitive one day. I do not work on Auto AC if I can get out of it. Tooooooooo much stuff in my way!!!! lol
  18. I don't have a particular name brand that I really like. I can tell you that for the most part they all do a decent job. My advice would be to spend the least amount of money possible. Reason being, they aren't really that expensive and often times you can buy a new one for less than it costs for someone to repair it! Or very close atleast.
  19. I hate to hear that I was right, so did you get the problem under control? I hope so. Yea, they should have known better than to oversize it that much.
  20. I am around $150.00 a month @ 2000 Sq. Ft.
  21. Hi justinlay, I am guessing they found the leak in the coil and tried to repair it. If this is a correct assumption then I can tell you that repairing a coil is a little tricky and could have failed very easily. So if they did try to fix it in my opinion they did you a favor cause most people would have ordered a coil to start with. Which is $$$. I have repaired many coils that are still in use today but the tricky part is the tubing in the coils is very thin. So when you are repairing one you must be very very careful. Most techs don't even attempt it. Now that the coil is replaced you shouldn't have any more problems. As to the units size, I do not like oversizing a unit that much. Depending upon climate, house location, many many variables, you can have some houses that develop mold on the inside that is bad to your health! I am not saying to start tearing out sheetrock but I would inquire as to why they oversized the unit by 2 tons and mention the fact that it can cause mold. Hope this helps you out.
  22. Cholla is right about getting the leak repaired. Although I do not like the electronic leak detectors simply for the fact that I haven't found one that works better than Big Blu which is just (Soap bubbles-just better)
  23. LOL! Ok Stank_Ho, I would pay $120 not to have to see the techs butt crack!! Seriously though, are you using the same company every year? Do they really only take 10 minutes? If so it sounds like you have a very small leak and all they are doing is coming to recharge your system. Have they told you if it is a leak, if they can/can't find it or if they just don't want to try. If you are using the same company try a different one and when the guy is finished inquire as to what the problem is. If it is a leak tell him you want it repaired. With all that said there are some things that you can do to help your system out. Always keep your filter clean!! You can go to a local HVAC store and buy their brand of coil cleaner, it is much better than the coil cleaner picked up at Lowes and Home depot. Follow the mixing directions and put it in a pump sprayer (I prefer the pump sprayer because it has more force but you can use a squirt bottle). All you have to do now is turn the power off and spray the coil down very good, let it sit for about 5 to 10 minutes and spray it off with a water hose. If you have a split system, meaning you have part of the unit in your house there is a coil inside that can be cleaned as well. Do the same thing to it just be sure to keep the water from getting all over the place! A clean coil means that the unit is able to remove heat more efficiently from your house and it will take less time to remove it!!! I hope this gets you closer to getting it fixed right.
  24. Ok, Ok Tommie, we do not deal with much geothermal heating and cooling around here but I do have some friends that have it. There are some people that would disagree (Manufacturers, Some Contractors etc..) but in my opinion the ghp system is not all it is cracked up to be. First off, I will admit that they do use less energy but it isn't the 40 to 60% they claim. We have ran our own tests on some of the units and for the money it takes to get these puppies installed I will stick with my air cooled heat pump! Yes the system is dependable, but only about as dependable as your regular HP. I have to say again though that these findings are only on a few units that I personally was able to test. We are always the last to do anything different in Georgia! lol
  25. I think this would be a great idea. I have caught myself looking for that very thing before. Under Misc. Tools/Tweak Guide they can get most of it though.
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