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Everything posted by starship_troopers

  1. :grin: Happy easter!!!! and for everyone that went out to eat for lunch today....i probably did your and the people next to you's dishes LOL...today was killer for work.
  2. honestly the power supply would probably be around 250 to 350 watts, thats not much really, especially to upgrade with a new cpu and graphics card. i'd check for prebuilt or a barebones system. and RTB, my old dell had 1.5gb of ram and a fresh install and still took like 5 mins to boot, not sure why, cause i had even replaced the harddrive. of course it was a 1.8ghz celeron but that cant be the sole reason. anyhow i got tired of it and built a new system. and it was in the long run cheaper than upgrading.
  3. that seems slow for broadband. what advertised package do you have and which IP?
  4. OH man, i knew i shouldnt have beleived shug when he said the floor was just cleaned....
  5. http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/using/helpandsupport/learnmore/ballew_commandline.mspx http://www.tnd.com/camosun/elex130/dostutor1.html also there is a help option in the command prompt that describes what each function does.
  6. sorry to disappoint you mudman, but i'd eat the popcorn, better make it a candy corn trail
  7. Yup. but at the same time macs probably dont crash as much :haha:
  8. im still getting a windows based laptop but my next one after that will most likely be a macbook pro
  9. keep in mind im a windows user, but i'd say that macs are far better than PC's...
  10. tommie, most macs on newegg are the same prices as windows laptops just as a fun thing to compare, since price isnt really an issue, whats the best bang for your buck laptop on newegg that you can find (anyone). without paying a huge price for things noone will use. i will use the laptop for movie watching, surfing, gaming, anything and everything i use my desktop for
  11. did you try checking to see if it recognized in the bios, or even if the cable was securely on?
  12. just add on here what it is and if you fixed it by the time someone else reads up on it
  13. definately and even though i've always been a windows user, i 110% agree with your post and honestly thats one problem i have using a mac, i just need to take time to sit down and learn shortcuts and how the gui functions, it wont be long after that that i may be a mac user instead. as far as the no right clicking thing....that cracks me up when people complain about it, even i know these people just arent trying to use the system...they think its just windows with a different theme :2funny:
  14. :2funny: :2funny: mudmanc4, this macbook review is just for you he is complaining that there is no right click button on the touch pad also....
  15. i'm looking into a mac actually, i just havent quite gotten used to the interface of a mac. but hey compared to vista im willing to learn what i dont already know :2funny: but still. im not really sure if a mac is good for me...maybe though.....hahaha i'll use hackintosh website to put os X on a pc... JUST KIDDING. that wouldnt be worth it. might get a macbook, not sure...i have the tab open for them on newegg...but reading reviews still and comparing prices/specs/usage
  16. yeah im not buying dell after reading that, especially since that was my first computer brand cause i always heard their name so i had figured ....why not....but NO. lol and i never have owned an HP but after dealing with them....NOPE. thats why i learned to build my own. :haha:
  17. thanks for the heads up but i also found this in the article "(Ultimately, Nvidia released a new version of the GPU that didn't cause overheating.)" edit but this part is hilarious "However, instead of issuing a recall
  18. ok it has been decided that im getting the one in my OP. cant wait for it to get here...im ordering it on may 15th. with overnight shipping
  19. "Pinky, you've left the lens cap of your mind on again." - The Brain
  20. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834152095 ok this one just has a smaller clock speed...but 200 bucks cheaper...still to me anyways, seems super fast for stuff and is able to play cod 5 and stuff even crysis all on high settings, so if i am on a trip i know i will be entertained for a while lol only major difference is that it doesnt have blu ray, but no biggie really, im not gonna buy blu ray movies just for a laptop so oh well edit of course, that model is a 6 cell batter, and the first link has a 9 cell...so thats quite a difference. idk
  21. never thought of that. i guess it works huh. yeah i have dvi to vga adapters and all that kinda stuff but not one usb to ps2.....
  22. glad you got it working. i remember having a computer (with the keyboard plugged in) say that there was no keyboard present and i had to hit F1 to continue...
  23. also an agp card? i'd go with pci express. they are also cheap and very powerful
  24. :2funny: no im not rich, im just able to for once spend a bunch
  25. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834152099 this is what im hoping to get soon, as i am just waiting to add it to my order of a digital camera (Thanks coknuck for the link to that camera, its awesome) any suggestions on a newegg located laptop thats better bang for the buck?
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