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Everything posted by starship_troopers

  1. yup i've done it before but not with 2 windows versions and linux. so im just making sure on here and doing some research. dont wanna screw up lol.
  2. lol same here. i know what i want to do, i just dont know which boot loader is going to load up so i can triple boot.
  3. true. but windows 7 uses the MBR. linux would use a swap file or whatever its called so i dont know the order to do the installs because if i do it wrong i risk only one or 2 of the 3 being recognized. im not sure which boot loader to use either. the windows or the linux swap
  4. i was just worried about how the partitioning should go. because its easy to do them to dual boot. but i've never tri booted before...and with linux you gotta do a little bit more than just a normal partition and install.
  5. i should say, this is just a way for me to know, i am doing it on my HDD but...i am buying a 1TB hard drive i just need to do it first so i dont have to keep formatting my new drive when it gets here to get it right. so ....need help so i can do it here first.
  6. Ok, so I have windows 7 Rc that im going to reinstall, and xp pro (which im on) and mandriva 2009, whats the best way to triple boot these on one harddrive? edit/ ok so should i partition my hard drive and install windows 7 first so i have a dual boot of xp pro and windows 7, then install mandriva, or which order i guess.
  7. definately. i prefer KDE4 i used to install with gnome...but now i just prefer kde...who knows maybe next time i'll end up back with gnome...
  8. i actually like text installs better. just seems more complicated (its not really that bad though) but it makes me feel like a powerful nerd :2funny:
  9. So, I'm downloading mandriva linux to dual boot it on my desktop with xp pro. i prefer KDE 4. but just curious to see what you guys prefer. if you dont know what kde and gnome are then here is a short little story on how they came about. and a little info on them http://itmanagement.earthweb.com/article.php/3671906
  10. tommie, i'd have known where he lives/sleeps, but shug beat me to it. now looking at the photos of their evening together i am mad cause they didnt invite me to the BBQ
  11. sometimes it takes a while, but the easiest way to do it faster (most of the time) is like tommie said, clear cache, log out and everything then log in again.
  12. try using firefox. and post up the exact error you get, we'll see what the problem is for you
  13. i just realized my ps3 has been off all day instead of being on folding...so i will use this quote to describe my situation "Okay, who put a "stop payment" on my reality check?"
  14. yeah i even recruited another guy to move stuff off my desk...i found a time card from work WTF
  15. ok...well...on the screenshot it says i have them as individual monitors. just they work in sync so i can drag windows/icons stuff across. and view on both...
  16. ok, if its possible how can i set up different wallpapers on my screens? here is a screenshot of my settings.
  17. starship_troopers

    2 questions

    yeah true...and you (administrator) can set everything to private files and stuff but you can always go into their accounts and check anything you'd like. even open programs.
  18. yeah i just need to find a place for my speakers, you'll notice i have 5.1 but nowhere to put them now i didnt calculate that problem when i mapped this thing out. but yeah, now i can use my ps3 for 720p high definition on that lcd monitor (22 inch widescreen from acer) and still use the 17 inch crt for internet... now i still need extra speakers...at the moment i take these speakers from the computer and use them for the ps3...but then again i'd rather just have an extra set..but i dont want 2 sets of 5.1 LOL i might steal the 2 channel speakers from the emachines sitting across the room.....noone ever uses that ancient machine anyways...it wont even play miniclip.com games on it edit/ BUT its not bad for a poor man who wanted dual monitors....
  19. As I had no place to put an extra monitor...i decided hey why not....i'll just go ahead and set this up. so now since i use my lcd as a ps3 screen i can have dual monitors as well as a single when i play ps3. ....yes i was bored....
  20. starship_troopers

    2 questions

    you can manually turn auto complete off i think. i'll check out some other options for you
  21. oh...hmm well hes still sane compared to me
  22. maybe it was shug? he seems sane to me
  23. starship_troopers

    2 questions

    here is a software that i know of. here is the description here is the link to the software http://www.freedownloadscenter.com/Utilities/File_Cleanup_Utilities/Internet_Trace_Destroyer.html
  24. starship_troopers

    2 questions

    sorry didnt mean to sound like a flame. lol i was just upset at my computer. sorry. lemme read the rest of the posts and see if i can help
  25. starship_troopers

    2 questions

    pgu, sorry the page didnt load the whole topic....i only saw like 2 posts....my bad..
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