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Everything posted by starship_troopers

  1. HA coknuck they sell usb powered nerf rockets....its for cubicle warfare in the office...i found them on thinkgeek.com a while back
  2. yeah you could change your information to add onto my username! you know, im only using a ps3 so maybe i should bring in all of my old computers, plus this dual core im on and run them all 24/7....except the electric bill would suck
  3. can you post a speed test result, your ISP, your package you are paying for? it helps a little. we will get ya more help that way
  4. i am currently, just from overnight folding on my ps3, which only gets stopped when i go to play a game...but overnight and until this moment (and continuing) i am rank 71 on testmy's team stats. and we've went up from 594 rank to 591 since the stats updated last we need more people folding..... my goal (although it wont happen anytime soon) is to catch up to mudman's score.
  5. ok it was a router firewall issue that ws the problem. anyway with that solved, i just put my ps3 on wireless connection, started folding at home under my username of starship_troopers, and im letting it run. i'll check back tomorrow on it.
  6. ahh thats cool man. im just jumping back and forth between 3 sites. so sometimes i have to read the whole conversations over again. jeezzzz my mind is older than i am i guess.
  7. lol it was on a different site. and im not going to.
  8. lol yeah, i'll do it in the morning. but i was told to do a firmware update...but static ip is easier
  9. thanks mudman, i got it working and it did like 3 WU's total since i've had it running, but i had to cut the wifi off for a while because it was having problems....now i just need to figure out why my ps3 will get a 100% signal after setup for wifi, everything is correct, but it wont optain an IP address from my router.
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  11. ok im going to start folding at home on my ps3. that should help the team and my scores. so...how do i go about setting up a username (which would be RyanS. ) ? and do i need a passkey for the ps3 version of folding?
  12. honestly, i'd have to say this being serious and everything....buy a mac. not trying to flame or anything, but a windows based pc isnt made for a mac. and if you support mac when you who it by making a purchase? just my 2 cents.
  13. you put OS X on a PC? did you use hackintosh or what man??
  14. i remember calling microsoft when i didnt have an internet connection at the time and had to activate windows xp. well...they tried telling me to reformat every 30 days or pay for a net connection. on top of saying that the number provided on the activation page wasnt for activating windows....so i hung up took the tower to a neighbors house and activated it from their connection but this was a while back
  15. i prefer windows 7 to all window OS's except xp pro sp3...just because its got alot more fixes and its widely used still. and still fast...but when windows 7 gets going, i'm making a switch and completely bypassing vista
  16. http://www.magicaljellybean.com/keyfinder/ maybe that will help??
  17. im on my ps3 now. my psn is tcepsusredruma
  18. definately, cherry pepsi is my favorite soda. yeah, at my walmart though, (which is the only store around here that sells anything electronic basically) there are no usb microphones in the store, just the 3.5mm pink jacks. i'll be on the look out for a usb one though, i bet they have better reception and clarity. cool, when i make a psn i'll try to make it crimsonshadow if that doesnt work it'll be digyourgrave ...if that doesnt work im going my original name which is tcepsusredruma or tcepsuseht. i'll post back when i have a name officially though. also itll all be hooked up on the 22nd or 23rd ....along with the new ufc game. and maybe gta 4 ...what games do you play online and i'll pick them up im definately getting fight night round 4 when its out.
  19. so...when did it stop working and did you install anything or remove any programs or change anything before this started happening? have you tried rolling back your drivers? maybe uninstall the driver completely then reboot and let windows find and install the driver manually, then if it doesnt work try updating it again. hell if it still doesnt read at all try a new cable. mine recently did this (i have a LiteOn brand) and for some reason it never worked with driver fixes but when i put in a new IDE ribbon cable its working fine...not sure what happened.
  20. lol nice. yeah i had layers of cords and receipts...then manuals to games...cds such as nero suite, power dvd, call of duty world at war...and im like...ok....so the only thing i can say is keep computer areas clean, because out of all of this i lost my nero key...it was free anyway, but hey...now i gotta google for a key next time i format and want to reinstall nero... edit/ oh yeah...i also found my wristwatch i thought i lost, and a pack of hersheys miniature goodbars and krackel candy bars....i dont like them so i dont even know how they got here
  21. man i just cleaned my whole room where the ps3 is going to be at....idk why but at least im organized now...
  22. yeah it was due to countless cherry pepsi's and nights and days of research, along with some trips to walmart. omg....all in all it should end up just fine...if not im just going to beat my head against a wall the next thing im getting is a bluetooth headset for it...okk well im not...but im going to start using one...easy enough to configure all the other stuff...inital setup with a monitor was just crazy to think about...but trying over and over again works eventually
  23. im here spamming again...any way i can clean this thread up? anyway....after all this time noticing that i said i had a game adapter and needed a new conversion process for the audio...the answer is so simple it went a full week without me noticing...im such an idiot all i gotta do is use everything i have....the speakers, the av cord on the ps3 (although the ps3 isnt mine...im claiming it hahahaha) and the game adapter....holy freakin crap it works in theory...now to test it....ok so waht i am going to do is use an hdmi to dvi cable for 720p resolution on my hdcp compliant monitor....easy enough...then set the audio to go out through av components which the game adapter will route to my speakers...giving at least 2 channel audio...even though im praying for surround sound....audio is audio.... this in theory should work just fine....
  24. sorry guys for spamming. if a mod could edit these together or something that may help. but sorry for the spamming. ok so on the back of the ps3 is a AV multi out....so could i use that and just use the red and white cables and put them into a converter that changes it to 3.5mm headphone jack and plug that into my headphone jack on my speakers? at the same time i will be using the hdmi out on the ps3 and changing the hdmi to dvi to use my monitor as a display. this should work right? isnt it true that i can choose to have video hdmi to dvi and choose the audio to still be the AV multi out which will be converted and plugged into a headphone jack? hell i dont know, i just want sound.
  25. ok...done more research..sorry this is me almost spamming, but i figure if someone knows about this i may as well update with stuff i've found out. ok...well...as i've done more research it has concluded (i think) to a point that i need a AV analog to digital audio converter....can anyone confirm this? and so i think with the adapter that came with my speakers i can put the green black and orange speaker plugs into one side of the adapter and then get the red and white audio cables and plug them into the other side of this adapter...then plug the red and white cables into a converter it should let me have optical audio right? this is what i think i need at this point http://site.ambery.com/webgraph/AU-AD-InOut.jpg then plug an optical audio cable into this and the ps3...i should get some sound at least, correct? where's pitbull when i have a ps3 question? LOL
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