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Everything posted by starship_troopers

  1. wow...i thought the game was tomorrow...OMG im a slacker ...wonder whats gonna happen though...
  2. lol i guess high def. isnt as cool all the time. :P ok thanks coknuck
  3. so i was within the allowed size and file types... here is a test photo i guess i'll upload here
  4. :2funny: sorry coknuck i must have been looking at a resized one i did. either way isnt the limit at like 5mb for uploading attachments? i didnt think it was too much...maybe though. idk. either way i uploaded the photos somewhere and still got them on the site.
  5. nope. just attaching and hitting post. and writing what the photos are in text. it works fine until it get done uploading. then i have to close firefox or the whole browser gets laggy. i went ahead and posted in the thread i wanted with photobucket links... but do you think its because the 10megapixel resolution of 3648x2736 ...i know they arent too big because they were only like 1.3megabytes each.
  6. every time i try to upload 2 jpeg photos into the photography section the screen goes to a blank webpage and says "done" in the status bar. i've tried posting twice but it still wont work any ideas why?
  7. i might add that there is a HQ (high quality) function on top of the 1280x720 video...yes high def video at that resolution at 30frames per second
  8. i know sarcasm when i see it. but i have to comment on that...the royals used to be AMAZING as a team...but since they got rid of alot of good players and have had alot of changes made in and around the team...well...the results speak for themselves...but they arent doing that bad this season. so i have some hope for them making it fairly far this season. and i didnt catch the game but i watched the highlights of the indians game..and i couldnt stop laughing and being proud of the indians. the yankees manager said exactly what he should have also. something like "we thought our pitching was going to be a strength this season... it has been at times, but at times it also hasnt" ...note: that isnt a direct quote im just paraphrasing what he said.
  9. im sorry bro. it was an off day when i wrote that...anyway that 12megapixel model in the link above was out...so instead i got the 10megapixel model with a touchscreen http://www.kodak.com/eknec/PageQuerier.jhtml?pq-path=12425&pq-locale=en_US&_requestid=6126 and actually its very nice. the touch screen isnt anywhere near as clumsy as i thought it would be, and with the flick of a finger you can slide through pictures in review mode, change modes with easy all without taking your eyes off the screen. ...anyway. i also was across the house within range of taking a normal picture of the tv and it actually has enough detail to see the individual pixels on the tv screen. its amazing what technology is now. i can even go into a room, use smart mode on the camera, place a newspaper infront of the camera and it automatically changes to text mode. and speaking of modes it has 3 pages of them to choose from, not including the sub options and video modes...on top of that this thing can charge via usb cable (which its doing now). the video mode is 30fps with audio, works great. tons more awesome stuff about it also. but i want to clarify what i meant by the review mode....ok on an IPHONE you have the flick scrolling where you can scroll through many pages until it slows down and stops depending on how much "force" you put into moving your finger across the screen...or whatever...most people know what i mean ....anyway....thats how this camera's review mode is when cycling though photos. you can even add and customize tags, crop photos, edit them, etc. on the camera. even setup email accounts on your camera, hook it up and hit the email button on the camera itsself to send the photo straight to your email program so you can send it. tons more info on it, but im still playing with it right now so i cant type much more but the one con i have with it so far is that there isnt a battery meter on the camera....seriously people...only time you know its goin to die is when it says low battery in a popup message....but even after that message i was taking photos for like an hour....before i had put it to charge...that was just the charge it still had from when it was tested and packaged.
  10. As my digital camera was stolen recently (it was a 6.1megapixel kodak easyshare C653) i was looking to get a new digital camera since i didnt get a chance to order one last week. so here are the 2 im looking at which one do you think is the best. now obviously one is 12megapixel and one is 10megapixel, and one is a touchscreen and one isnt. one has a tons of features, one is a little more simple. BUT the reason i am comparing these two is because one has a lithium Ion battery which is a great selling point for me. so here are the specs and you can tell me which you'd buy to help me weigh this decision. http://www.walmart.com/catalog/loadClickToCompare.do?catNavId=3959&catNavId=3959&ic=12_0&ref=125875.137971+500000.500590+500500.4294295798+501457.501458&tab_value=45_Store&selected_items=8828147|9123468
  11. yeh well my favorite team in baseball is whoever beats the yankees....but seriously, for years i've been a big redsox fan....and yes even before they won the world series.
  12. if you are an administrator, in xp anyway, you can go into my computer, local disk C:, documents and settings and look at all of their documents and files. and im pretty sure you can use, move, edit, etc. what you want edit/ or if you dont want to log off you can go to start menu, log off, switch users, that way yours will still be logged in but you can also log into another account
  13. just means they look up to ya
  14. :2funny: great minds think alike
  15. my favorite part is the rick roll'd part
  16. i keep hounding cox and other isp's around my area to expand to me so i can get it...cable one doesnt even offer decent prices...im at like 40 a month for 3mbps....
  17. this was so funny i just came back to listen again....im easily amused....ooohhh shiny object brb :2funny:
  18. honestly im not sure bout that, but the best i can get here is 3mbps for 40 bucks, so i'd jump on it... but the question is, do you need the speed?
  19. :2funny: im showing that to my friends. thats hilarious
  20. my bad ,chanute, ks
  21. i updated mine.
  22. i can answer that It still runs Mac OS but it can dual boot with a windows OS which may be nice for those people who have stuff that they dont want to/cant use on a mac.
  23. try this. i got it from This page it says
  24. nice specs on the new pro's. and yeh i know it can run windows, but im stickin with the MSI for the time being.
  25. on the messenger it only saves my info sometimes, and other times it wont even let me log in. on hotmail it saves everything for me until i delete the cookies
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